/ shipbuilding news

Weekly News Week 6 (4 to 8 February)

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As scheduled, the Alexander Nevsky strategic nuclear submarine is to be transferred to the Russian Navy in August or September this year after the state trials and the test launching of the Bulava missile. State trials of the submarine were started in December last year, but due to weather conditions (the White Sea froze) a forced break was made to resume the trials in the second quarter of 2013. By now, the submarine has passed 30 per cent of state trials.

The crew of the Captain Metsayk icebreaker belonging to Rosmorport has found a man in the broken ice being breast-deep in water in the area of 3045 km of the Volga river. The incident was reported to the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre in Astrakhan and the rescue group of the Orient-4 motor ship was assigned to save the man.

The government of Angara Territory intends to terminate the agreement with the Irkutsk regional branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture for the free use of the Angara Icebreaker being a historical and shipbuilding monument of regional significance.

Today, the president of the Accounts chamber Sergei Stepashin and the president of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Andrei Dyachkov signed the agreement in the hall of the Committee of the Chamber of Accounts of the Russian Federation. The parties will cooperate in solving the issues of intended and effective expenditure of federal budget funds assigned for keeping and development of the scientific and industrial potential of the shipbuilding industry. Under the terms and conditions of the agreement, the parties will exchange information; provide expert advice and consulting; create joint working and consulting teams, commissions; hold joint conferences, seminars, round table meetings.

The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) made the Approval in Principal of the technical documentation for LNG gas tanker, which will form the basis of gas supply fleet being designed for the needs of Gasprom Group. The approved vessel type (code name "Gaz-Ice") outperforms the number of characteristics of four ultramodern LNG carriers of series Veliky Novgorod, which are currently being built in South Korea for Gasprom Marketing and Trading (GMiT) and Shell under the supervision of RS and Lloyd's Register.

This year, Zvyozdochka Shiprepair Centre, Severodvinsk is about to hand over the Smolensk nuclear submarine K-410 of the Northern Fleet (Type 949A) after the repair to recover the fitness of the submarine for operation is complete. The missile submarine was weighed up and placed in the dock in December 2011. The most of hull operations at the building berth are already finished. The repair of submarine continued afloat after it was launched last year in August. After the completion of repair the service life of the nuclear submarine will be extended by three years and a half.

From 29 to 31 January 2013, Arkhangelsk branch performed the first and unique in its history icebreaker assistance in the ice conditions of the White Sea for the Sindurakshak diesel-electric submarine of the Indian Navy after the modernisation at the shipyard in Severodvinsk was complete. The assistance was performed by the Dixon and Captain Chadaev ice-breakers of Arkhangelsk branch going from Severodvinsk through the ice of the White Sea to the open water. Then, the naval submarine under its own power sailed to the port to the permanent base.

Rosneft oil company will pay 5.36 billion roubles for licenses for twelve offshore sites, as stated by Rosnedra (Federal Agency for Subsoil Use). The order for issuing license for Rosneft for the areas in the Barents, Kara, Chukchi and Laptev Seas was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on 31 January.

The dredging fleet of the Azov Basin of Rosmorport got two more vessels in January 2013. They are: Urengoi hopper dredger, which had previously been in operation of the Azov-Black Sea basin branch, and Ligatne mud boat purchased by the company on the basis of the public request for proposals from the Marine Transport Alliance, St. Petersburg.

The Akademik Treshnikov research and survey vessel came from Uruguay and anchored near the Bellingshausen Arctic station in Wednesday, as reported by Ria Novosti referring to Alexander Razgulyaev, the deputy chief of the fleet of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute.

Moscow Shipbuilding and Shiprepair Yard held the ceremony for:
  • Laying the keel of the Katran rescue and crew boat of Type 21770 (serial No. 094). The boat is designed by Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau by request of Admiralty Shipyards for the Navy of the Russian Federation
  • Laying of the keel of the buoyage vessel of Type 3052 (serial No. 271) for the needs of the Volga-Baltic State Basin Authority for Waterways and Shipping, St. Petersburg. A series of seven modern buoyage vessels of Type 3052 will be built under the State Contract for the vessel construction within the program "Service Fleet Renovation" (construction of buoyage vessel of Russian River Registry class "*O-pr 2.0 (Ice 20), which means "lake-going, lakeside, capable of moving in ice 20 cm thick and at wave height 2.0 m").
  • Laying the keel of the buoyage vessel of Type 3050.1. (serial No. 240) for the needs of the Azov-Don State Basin Authority for Waterways and Shipping (Rostov-on-Don).   

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