/ shipbuilding news

Weekly News. Week 46 (11 to 15 November)

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The first barge of 4 300 tons for shipping Severstal cargo was launched. The shipbuilder is P.TransCo. P.TransCo Company signed agreements with shipyards for construction of sixteen vessels: six tugs will be built by Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard and ten barges, by Krasnoye Sormovo Plant. The next barge will be launched as early as at the end of November. The construction of tugs and tows will be completed upon opening of the navigation period in 2014. They will be used mainly for shipping export metal products to St. Petersburg. 
Severnaya Verf (Northern Shipyard) launched two ships for the Russian Navy, the third serial frigate of type 22350 Soviet Navy Admiral Isakov and the first serial medium scout ship of type 18280 Ivan Khurs. This event was dedicated to the remarkable date of the company – the 101st anniversary since its foundation.
Specifications of the frigate:
- Displacement: about 4 500 t;
- Overall length: over 130 m;
- Overall breadth: over 16 m;
- Cruising range: over 4 000 miles;
- Unlimited seakeeping performance;
- Own helicopter;
Specifications of the medium scout ship:
- Displacement: about 4 000 t;
- Length: 95 m;
- Beam: 16 m;
- Cruising range: min. 8 000 miles;
- Crew capacity: about 120 in number.

If the Russian Navy guarantees ordering the third and the fourth ships, France will hand over Russia the technologies for Mistral Landing Platform Dock (LPD), including for SENIT-9 combat management system. "The contract signed for the first two helicopter carriers stipulates this condition concerning the hand-over of all the ship technologies wanted by Russia if the third and the fourth Mistral ships are ordered," specified the source of the French military-industrial complex.

The Russian Navy will get ships built of off-the-shelf modules. The first war ship of modular design is expected in 2018, as said the Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Victor Chirkov at the conference devoted to the prospects of military shipbuilding till 2050. "While implementing the long-term shipbuilding programme, new ships for the Russian Navy should be of modular design. This is our requirement as a customer. This method will reduce not only design period, but the production cost as well. Thus, the Russian Navy can have the first ship of modular design by 2018 to 2020, as said Mr. Chirkov.

Sevmash completed sea acceptance trials of the ocean megayacht. In the course of these trials, they tested operation of engine, rudder gear and other ship's mechanisms as well as held manoeuvrable and high-speed trials. Then, the ships will be handed over to the customer and delivered to Italy. The yacht has successfully passed her trials and fulfilled the required programme. All the equipment operates in the standard mode. On completing her trials, the yacht will sail to Arkhangelsk to be loaded on board the vessel, which will transport her to Italy. Italian specialists will finish the interior.

At the Interpolitex 2013 exhibition Euroyachting, Rybinsk, introduced the modernised Leader 10 boat with outboard motors and high-speed BK-10 assault boat designed for operations in inshore areas, personnel transportation, landing of the landing craft on unequipped coast, fire support of the landing craft, fight against piracy and terrorism, medical evacuation, and response to ship in distress.
- Full displacement: 6 t;
- LOA: 10.20 m;
- Beam: 3.54 m;
- Overall depth: 3.70 m;
- Midship depth: 1.25 m;
- Draught: 0.63 m;
- Speed, max.: 40 kt;
- Cruising range: 200 miles;
- Fuel: 700 L;
- Crew/passenger capacity: 2 / 4 in number.

The government commission for checking foreign investment approved the sale of 20 per cent of  Yamal LNG to the Chinese company CNPC, as said the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemyev summing up the meeting. On 5 September 2013, NOVATEK2 and CNPC signed the sale agreement under which CNCP buys a 20 percent share in the Yamal LNG project. The deal is expected to be completed by 1 December after obtaining all necessary approvals. Then the structure of the Yamal LNG shareholders will be the following: NOVATEK (60 per cent), Total (20 per cent), CNPC (20 per cent).

On 11 November, Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region stopped the monitoring procedure in respect of Baltic Shipyard and introduced the external control procedure for a year and a half. As reported by the representative of the intermittent head of the shipyard, during the supervision procedure, since last January till the present time, the schedule of Baltic Shipyard creditors includes 30 claims for 6 577 billion roubles. Over this period, the financial condition has not improved, and the shipyard major assets have been transferred to Baltic Shipyard for executing strategic orders.

Over ten months of 2013, cargo turnover of the Russian seaports has increased by 3.7 per cent as compared against the same period of 2012 and made up 488.7 million tons. The volume of dry cargo transshipment is the same as last year, i.e. 211.4 million tons, including:
- Coal: 84.8 million tons (14.9 per cent more);
- Container cargo: 36.9 million tons (4.0 per cent more);
- Mineral fertilizers: 10.6 million tons (19.5 per cent more);
- Ore: 6.3 million tons (3.7 per cent more).
The volume of ferrous metal transshipment decreased to 18.3 million tons (17.5 per cent less), grains, to 13.4 million tons (37.2 per cent less), timber cargoes, to 3.7 million tons (27.5 per cent less). The volume of bulk cargo transshipment is 277.3 million tons (6.6 per cent more), including crude oil: 173.0 million tons (5.3 per cent more). The volume of export cargo transshipment is 381.7 million tons (2.5 per cent more than the same period last year).
The volume of import cargo transshipment is 38.5 million tons (3.0 per cent more). The volume of transit cargo transshipment is 38.8 million tons (9.1 per cent more). The volume of coastal cargo transshipment is 29.7 million tons (14.5 per cent more). 

After the Russian-Korean top-level negotiations, the consortium of Rosneft, Gazprombank, Sovkomflot and Daewoo Ship Building & Marine Engineering, Korea signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in establishing a shipbuilding centre in Russia.  

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