On 20 June 2014, the largest Veleschinsky dock accepted two icebreakers belonging to Rosmorport (Russian Sea Port). The icebreakers had moored to the southern wall of Kronstadt Shipyard in the middle of May. The icebreakers will be staying in the docks of Kronstadt for about two months. Along with the dock and hull repair, on board the Yuri Lisyansky icebreaker they will clean the fuel and potable water tanks.
On 14 June, they launched the Captain Belyaev, first of the three working boats of ice class (Type ST23W1) built for Rosmorport (Russian Sea Port). On 08 July 2014, the boat will leave the shipyard for sea acceptance trials and delivery.
The other day, the Tiksi two-hull sea-river tanker of Type RST06 (2 690 t deadweight), designed for the delivery of goods to the Northern Territories, namely to the Yakutia communities of the Arctic coast, has approached the port of Rostov-on-Don. The Tiksi (former Palflot-1, Type R77 Lenaneft) was modernized by the TRANS-Service Maritime Agency, Sevastopol, multipurpose marine company, dealing with commercial, technical and ISM fleet management, ferrying, repair and modernization of ships, as well as survey services and investigation of accidents at sea. Modernization and repair were carried out by the TRANS-Service Maritime Agency from February to June 2014. The tanker crew consists of sailors from Sevastopol and Nakhodka. The tanker was accepted for operation on 15 June 2014.
Black Sea Shipyard has modernized and repaired the ALMUNTAZAH oil tanker, as reported the press service of the enterprise. The work was carried out according to the contract concluded with Arida Trade LLP (UK). To increase tonnage, capacity and strength of the hull, the company fully modernized it by manufacturing and installing metal frames for inner sides and the second bottom as well as standard guard railing and heating system for the cargo tanks and ship. In addition, they dismantled and restored the propeller-rudder system, repaired the bottom-board equipment as well as cleaned and painted the hull and cargo and ballast tanks.
Krasnoye Sormovo Plant is going to deliver the tanker of Type RST27 (serial No. 13). The tanker will be delivered by Krasnoye Sormovo Plant to Alfa Leasing Company. The consignee is Kurgannefteprodukt Company (Kurgan oil company). Tankers of this type are self-propelled vessels of Volgo-Don Max class. They are intended for mixed (river-sea) transportation of crude oil and oil products in bulk, including petrol, without restriction by flash temperature, to provide shipping at 60°C. Cargo of two grades can be transported simultaneously. The RST27 tankers were designed by Marine Engineering Bureau, Odessa, and classed by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping as KM Ice1 R2 AUT1-ICS OMBO VCS ECO-S Oil tanker (ESP). The draft design is being prepared by Volgo-Caspian Design Bureau, Nizhny Novgorod.
The newest Denis Davydov landing boat of Type 21820 built by Yaroslavl Shipyard for the Baltic Fleet starts her sea acceptance trials. On completing the sea acceptance trials and state trials, the Denis Davydov will be included in the Baltic Fleet and will start to perform the purpose tasks.
Rosneft and ExxonMobil as part of Exxon Neftegas Limited Consortium completed the delivery of the unique Berkut sea drilling platform of Type Sakhalin-1 having the largest superstructure (as compared with other world's platforms) to the Arkutun-Dagi field on the north-eastern shelf of Sakhalin island. In the coming days they will complete the installation works. Being towed, the superstructure came over 2600 km from the Korean shipyard without a single incident.
Admiralty Shipyard launched the Rostov-on-Don large diesel-electric submarine. It is the second serial submarine of Type 636.6 built by Admiralty Shipyard for the Russian Navy. She was laid in November 2011. Type 636 is the third-generation diesel-electric submarine being a modified model of Type 877 and 877 EKM submarines, the high performances of which are known all over the world. They are classified by NATO as Kilo-class. The best features of these base submarines go perfectly with the new designs of Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering. Admiralty Shipyard is the undisputed leader in building submarines of this class, who has been successfully delivering them for export since 1983.
On 26 June 2014, from the building berth of Baltic Shipyard, they towed the aft of the Landing Platform Dock (LPD) of Mistral class. For almost three weeks, the Sevastopol hull will be towed to Saint-Nazaire, France, where it will be docked with the LPD bow. The whole helicopter carrier will be launched in October 2014. After that, the ship will sail back to Russia, and being equipped in compliance with the requirements of the Russian Navy, she will be delivered to the Navy in autumn 2015.
The Alexander Obukhov lead mine countermeasures vessel of the new generation (Type 12700) was to have been launched in St. Petersburg today.
Displacement: 890 t
Length: 61 m
Beam: 10 m
Speed at full displacement: 16.5 kn
Crew capacity: 44 in number
For minesweeping the vessel can use various types of mine sweeps as well as remotely controlled and autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles.
Disposal of the Costa Concordia passenger liner which had sunken near Giglio island, Italia, in 2012, is to have been finished by mid-August. In the near future, the Costa Concordia is to be towed for dismantling to one of the Italian ports, probably to the port of Genoa.
In winter 2014 to 2015, the famous Kruzenshtern sailing craft will be sent for scheduled factory repair, which will cost about 30 million rubles, as reports the public procurement website. Subject to the factory repair, which is to be held from 6 October 2014 to 2 February 2015, will be the hull, sailing rigs, main engines and radio part of the training sailing ship. In addition, they will renew the Kruzenshtern interior.
For the first time in navigation 2014, seven cruise vessels with more than twelve thousand passengers arrived at the berths of the Passenger Port of St. Petersburg “Marine Facade”. The total tonnage of the arrived ships has exceeded 450 thousand tons, and the total length is more than 1.5 km.
In the Black Sea port village of Supsa in western Georgia, they commissioned the Marine Operations Management, whose construction had been financed by the US Government. The opening ceremony was held by the Minister of Internal Affairs Alexander Chikaidze and US Ambassador to Georgia Richard Norland. As reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, the opened Management in Supsa is equipped with technologies and infrastructure for unified management, control, communication, surveillance of the sea. It is a single authority for coordination of marine operations.
At the Caspian Sea test grounds they held joint exercises with the surface action groups of the Caspian Fleet and aviation of the Southern Military District on missile and bomb attacks of unguided rockets at sea goal, i.e. the aggressor's convoy of ships. The exercises involved twelve warships, boats and support vessels as well as four Su-25 SM aircrafts. In total, they fulfilled about twenty different battle and naval exercises and tasks.
Atomflot held international exercises of the Arktika-2014. The exercises were attended by the representatives of the nuclear industry, EMERCOM, mass media, Murmansk Administration, scientific organizations, Federal Biomedical Agency and the international observers. The goal was to test the coordination of operations in radiation accidents.
The Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU) on Port State Control Committee published the White, Grey and Black List (WGB) based on the port state control (PSC) report for 2013. The list will come into force on 1 July 2014. The WGB List is based on the level of compliance with international navigation safety requirements of the flag states. So, this time it includes 75 flag states. The White List includes 46 states with high quality navigation safety management. The Grey List includes 19 countries with the satisfactory level of compliance. The Black List includes ten countries with a high-risk navigation safety.
From 13 to 20 June the Port State Control inspectors inspected 656 ships in inland waterways. They have detected 2092 violations of the mandatory requirements and 573 serious violations of the mandatory requirements resulted in temporary detention of ships.
In the Kaliningrad Region they completed joint exercises of the Baltic Fleet, airborne brigade and Air Force of Russia. The exercises included hundreds of missions. The fleet ships and vessels spent at sea over 100 days and performed in cooperation with the naval aviation more than 20 missile, air defence and artillery firings, more than 10 deep bombings and mine installations as well as a number of antisubmarine tasks.
Foreign Colleagues
The other day, the Tiksi two-hull sea-river tanker of Type RST06 (2 690 t deadweight), designed for the delivery of goods to the Northern Territories, namely to the Yakutia communities of the Arctic coast, has approached the port of Rostov-on-Don. The Tiksi (former Palflot-1, Type R77 Lenaneft) was modernized by the TRANS-Service Maritime Agency, Sevastopol, multipurpose marine company, dealing with commercial, technical and ISM fleet management, ferrying, repair and modernization of ships, as well as survey services and investigation of accidents at sea. Modernization and repair were carried out by the TRANS-Service Maritime Agency from February to June 2014. The tanker crew consists of sailors from Sevastopol and Nakhodka. The tanker was accepted for operation on 15 June 2014.
Black Sea Shipyard has modernized and repaired the ALMUNTAZAH oil tanker, as reported the press service of the enterprise. The work was carried out according to the contract concluded with Arida Trade LLP (UK). To increase tonnage, capacity and strength of the hull, the company fully modernized it by manufacturing and installing metal frames for inner sides and the second bottom as well as standard guard railing and heating system for the cargo tanks and ship. In addition, they dismantled and restored the propeller-rudder system, repaired the bottom-board equipment as well as cleaned and painted the hull and cargo and ballast tanks.
Krasnoye Sormovo Plant is going to deliver the tanker of Type RST27 (serial No. 13). The tanker will be delivered by Krasnoye Sormovo Plant to Alfa Leasing Company. The consignee is Kurgannefteprodukt Company (Kurgan oil company). Tankers of this type are self-propelled vessels of Volgo-Don Max class. They are intended for mixed (river-sea) transportation of crude oil and oil products in bulk, including petrol, without restriction by flash temperature, to provide shipping at 60°C. Cargo of two grades can be transported simultaneously. The RST27 tankers were designed by Marine Engineering Bureau, Odessa, and classed by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping as KM Ice1 R2 AUT1-ICS OMBO VCS ECO-S Oil tanker (ESP). The draft design is being prepared by Volgo-Caspian Design Bureau, Nizhny Novgorod.
The newest Denis Davydov landing boat of Type 21820 built by Yaroslavl Shipyard for the Baltic Fleet starts her sea acceptance trials. On completing the sea acceptance trials and state trials, the Denis Davydov will be included in the Baltic Fleet and will start to perform the purpose tasks.
Rosneft and ExxonMobil as part of Exxon Neftegas Limited Consortium completed the delivery of the unique Berkut sea drilling platform of Type Sakhalin-1 having the largest superstructure (as compared with other world's platforms) to the Arkutun-Dagi field on the north-eastern shelf of Sakhalin island. In the coming days they will complete the installation works. Being towed, the superstructure came over 2600 km from the Korean shipyard without a single incident.
Admiralty Shipyard launched the Rostov-on-Don large diesel-electric submarine. It is the second serial submarine of Type 636.6 built by Admiralty Shipyard for the Russian Navy. She was laid in November 2011. Type 636 is the third-generation diesel-electric submarine being a modified model of Type 877 and 877 EKM submarines, the high performances of which are known all over the world. They are classified by NATO as Kilo-class. The best features of these base submarines go perfectly with the new designs of Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering. Admiralty Shipyard is the undisputed leader in building submarines of this class, who has been successfully delivering them for export since 1983.
On 26 June 2014, from the building berth of Baltic Shipyard, they towed the aft of the Landing Platform Dock (LPD) of Mistral class. For almost three weeks, the Sevastopol hull will be towed to Saint-Nazaire, France, where it will be docked with the LPD bow. The whole helicopter carrier will be launched in October 2014. After that, the ship will sail back to Russia, and being equipped in compliance with the requirements of the Russian Navy, she will be delivered to the Navy in autumn 2015.
The Alexander Obukhov lead mine countermeasures vessel of the new generation (Type 12700) was to have been launched in St. Petersburg today.
Displacement: 890 t
Length: 61 m
Beam: 10 m
Speed at full displacement: 16.5 kn
Crew capacity: 44 in number
For minesweeping the vessel can use various types of mine sweeps as well as remotely controlled and autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles.
Disposal of the Costa Concordia passenger liner which had sunken near Giglio island, Italia, in 2012, is to have been finished by mid-August. In the near future, the Costa Concordia is to be towed for dismantling to one of the Italian ports, probably to the port of Genoa.
In winter 2014 to 2015, the famous Kruzenshtern sailing craft will be sent for scheduled factory repair, which will cost about 30 million rubles, as reports the public procurement website. Subject to the factory repair, which is to be held from 6 October 2014 to 2 February 2015, will be the hull, sailing rigs, main engines and radio part of the training sailing ship. In addition, they will renew the Kruzenshtern interior.
For the first time in navigation 2014, seven cruise vessels with more than twelve thousand passengers arrived at the berths of the Passenger Port of St. Petersburg “Marine Facade”. The total tonnage of the arrived ships has exceeded 450 thousand tons, and the total length is more than 1.5 km.
In the Black Sea port village of Supsa in western Georgia, they commissioned the Marine Operations Management, whose construction had been financed by the US Government. The opening ceremony was held by the Minister of Internal Affairs Alexander Chikaidze and US Ambassador to Georgia Richard Norland. As reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, the opened Management in Supsa is equipped with technologies and infrastructure for unified management, control, communication, surveillance of the sea. It is a single authority for coordination of marine operations.
At the Caspian Sea test grounds they held joint exercises with the surface action groups of the Caspian Fleet and aviation of the Southern Military District on missile and bomb attacks of unguided rockets at sea goal, i.e. the aggressor's convoy of ships. The exercises involved twelve warships, boats and support vessels as well as four Su-25 SM aircrafts. In total, they fulfilled about twenty different battle and naval exercises and tasks.
Atomflot held international exercises of the Arktika-2014. The exercises were attended by the representatives of the nuclear industry, EMERCOM, mass media, Murmansk Administration, scientific organizations, Federal Biomedical Agency and the international observers. The goal was to test the coordination of operations in radiation accidents.
The Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU) on Port State Control Committee published the White, Grey and Black List (WGB) based on the port state control (PSC) report for 2013. The list will come into force on 1 July 2014. The WGB List is based on the level of compliance with international navigation safety requirements of the flag states. So, this time it includes 75 flag states. The White List includes 46 states with high quality navigation safety management. The Grey List includes 19 countries with the satisfactory level of compliance. The Black List includes ten countries with a high-risk navigation safety.
From 13 to 20 June the Port State Control inspectors inspected 656 ships in inland waterways. They have detected 2092 violations of the mandatory requirements and 573 serious violations of the mandatory requirements resulted in temporary detention of ships.
In the Kaliningrad Region they completed joint exercises of the Baltic Fleet, airborne brigade and Air Force of Russia. The exercises included hundreds of missions. The fleet ships and vessels spent at sea over 100 days and performed in cooperation with the naval aviation more than 20 missile, air defence and artillery firings, more than 10 deep bombings and mine installations as well as a number of antisubmarine tasks.
Incidents and Accidents
Near the coast of the Mugla province in the Mediterranean Sea, Turkey, a dry-cargo ship transporting construction materials, has sunk. They report that the sunken ship belonged to Turkey. The preliminary cause of the accident is overloading. It is reported that the ship's crew, whose number is not known, has been rescued.
On 23 June 2014 at around 09:15 by the local time the Johanna Maria - SCH 118 fishing vessel being in the port of Scheveningen (near the Hague, Netherlands) took fire. The fire resulted in two injured people, who were taken to the hospital. One of the victims has been poisoned by carbon monoxide, and the other has got burns. The fire broke out during the grinding works on board the trawler. To extinguish the fire, they sent for fire brigades assisted by the boats of the KNRM charity fund. Also, a fire boat from Rotterdam reached the spot.
On 21 June, when approaching the Alexander Matrosov ship (owned by PassazhirRechtrans (Passanger river transport)), the boat with six people on board turned over in the Yenisei River near the village of Goroshikha. The crew managed to save four people, one person was raised on board with no traces of life and one person went missing.
On 23 June 2014 at around 09:15 by the local time the Johanna Maria - SCH 118 fishing vessel being in the port of Scheveningen (near the Hague, Netherlands) took fire. The fire resulted in two injured people, who were taken to the hospital. One of the victims has been poisoned by carbon monoxide, and the other has got burns. The fire broke out during the grinding works on board the trawler. To extinguish the fire, they sent for fire brigades assisted by the boats of the KNRM charity fund. Also, a fire boat from Rotterdam reached the spot.
On 21 June, when approaching the Alexander Matrosov ship (owned by PassazhirRechtrans (Passanger river transport)), the boat with six people on board turned over in the Yenisei River near the village of Goroshikha. The crew managed to save four people, one person was raised on board with no traces of life and one person went missing.
Foreign Colleagues
Just a few days ago the Yong Gangtuo No. 31 tug boat of Type 7200HP ASD was delivered to the Customer. Making her first passage, the boat built by Zhenjiang Shipyard, China, successfully reached Ning Bo Port Co., Ltd.
PIRIOU shipyard, Vietnam, delivered the Kacey 53-m fast supply and intervention vessel (FSIV). The Customer is SUISSE OUTREMER AG, Switzerland. It is the first of the three vessels ordered by SUISSE OUTREMER AG to deliver them to MARITIME ABC Company for commercial operation.
The Board of Directors of COSCO Corporation, Singapore, reported that COSCO Zhoushan had delivered to the European Customer two bulk carriers. They are: the PUERTO ROSARIO (IMO: 9656084, the Singapore flag) and PORTO LEONE (IMO: 9656096, the Singapore flag) with deadweight of 64 000 t. The delivery documents were signed by COSCO Zhoushan and European Customer, whose name is not reported.
Doosan Engine confirmed the delivery of the ME-GI world's first hybrid low-speed engine to National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO), San Diego, US. The new engine can operate on liquefied natural gas (LNG) and/or diesel fuel. The hybrid engine is designed for installation on the first of the two container ships of 3 100 TEU built by the order of the US Marine Transport Company.
German shipowner Conti Reederei ordered Jiangsu Hantong to build eight more dry-cargo ships with deadweight of 63 800 t under the contract signed in this March. According to the contract, the shipowner will get the first four dry-cargo ships in the second half of 2015 and additional eight vessels from November 2015 to June 2016.
Nordic American Offshore Ltd. (NAO) and VARD signed the intention agreement to get two new Platform Supply Vessels (PSV) of Type VARD 1 08. New vessels will be built in western Norway by VARD Aukra. The vessels are designed for severe weather conditions of the North Sea. On completing the construction, which is scheduled for the 2nd and 3rd quarters, respectively, the NAO fleet will get ten ships more.
On 23 June 2014 at 10:30 am by the local time, Fincantieri shipbuilding company, Marghera (outside of Venice), Italy, launched the Viking Star cruise liner ordered by Viking Ocean Cruises. Launching will take two days. After that the ship will be delivered to the adjacent dock to be equipped.
BOURBON Group of Companies announced the commissioning of the Bourbon Evolution 806, the sixth of the first serial ships designed for examination, technical maintenance and repair of underwater facilities (IMR2) used in offshore oil industry. It is the five hundredth ship included in the BOURBON fleet.
Deep Sea Supply Company signed the purchase agreement for ten Platform Supply Vessels (PSV) with a total value of 366 million dollars. According to the broker, the market value is about 419 million dollars. The rest five ships acquired are under construction: one ship of Type STX 05-L CD is being built by Cochin shipyard, India; four ships of Type Ulstein PX 105 are being built by Sinopacific shipyard, China. The ships are to be completed from the 3rd to the 4th quarter of this year.
Keppel Shipyard Ltd shipbuilding company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd, and Golar Hilli Corporation, subsidiary of Golar LNG, signed a conditional conversion contract. The subject matter of the contract is converting the Hilli LNG tanker of Moss class into the Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel (FLNGV), the operation, which has no equal in the world.
Ugland Shipping and Imabari shipyard, Japan, signed the construction contract for two dry-cargo ships of 63 000 t. The construction is to be completed in 2017. New ships will be the largest dry-cargo ships in the fleet of the company. At present, Ugland Shipping has ordered six dry-cargo ships, four of which were ordered jointly with Mitsubishi Corporation.
"Amur Shipbuilding Plant is not a bankrupt any more. It can start functioning at full capacity," said the Governor Vyacheslav Shport at the yesterday's extended meeting of the government of the Khabarovsk territory. At the moment, Amur Shipbuilding Plant has the orders for two corvettes with several more ships from the Ministry of Defence plus civil orders. Based on the bankruptcy case materials, on 24 June the Arbitration Court of the Khabaravosk territory approved the amicable agreement on the bankruptcy case of Amur Shipbuilding Plant concluded between Amur Shipbuilding Plant represented by external manager Vladimir Pulyaevsky and scheduled creditors.
PIRIOU shipyard, Vietnam, delivered the Kacey 53-m fast supply and intervention vessel (FSIV). The Customer is SUISSE OUTREMER AG, Switzerland. It is the first of the three vessels ordered by SUISSE OUTREMER AG to deliver them to MARITIME ABC Company for commercial operation.
The Board of Directors of COSCO Corporation, Singapore, reported that COSCO Zhoushan had delivered to the European Customer two bulk carriers. They are: the PUERTO ROSARIO (IMO: 9656084, the Singapore flag) and PORTO LEONE (IMO: 9656096, the Singapore flag) with deadweight of 64 000 t. The delivery documents were signed by COSCO Zhoushan and European Customer, whose name is not reported.
Doosan Engine confirmed the delivery of the ME-GI world's first hybrid low-speed engine to National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO), San Diego, US. The new engine can operate on liquefied natural gas (LNG) and/or diesel fuel. The hybrid engine is designed for installation on the first of the two container ships of 3 100 TEU built by the order of the US Marine Transport Company.
German shipowner Conti Reederei ordered Jiangsu Hantong to build eight more dry-cargo ships with deadweight of 63 800 t under the contract signed in this March. According to the contract, the shipowner will get the first four dry-cargo ships in the second half of 2015 and additional eight vessels from November 2015 to June 2016.
Nordic American Offshore Ltd. (NAO) and VARD signed the intention agreement to get two new Platform Supply Vessels (PSV) of Type VARD 1 08. New vessels will be built in western Norway by VARD Aukra. The vessels are designed for severe weather conditions of the North Sea. On completing the construction, which is scheduled for the 2nd and 3rd quarters, respectively, the NAO fleet will get ten ships more.
On 23 June 2014 at 10:30 am by the local time, Fincantieri shipbuilding company, Marghera (outside of Venice), Italy, launched the Viking Star cruise liner ordered by Viking Ocean Cruises. Launching will take two days. After that the ship will be delivered to the adjacent dock to be equipped.
BOURBON Group of Companies announced the commissioning of the Bourbon Evolution 806, the sixth of the first serial ships designed for examination, technical maintenance and repair of underwater facilities (IMR2) used in offshore oil industry. It is the five hundredth ship included in the BOURBON fleet.
Deep Sea Supply Company signed the purchase agreement for ten Platform Supply Vessels (PSV) with a total value of 366 million dollars. According to the broker, the market value is about 419 million dollars. The rest five ships acquired are under construction: one ship of Type STX 05-L CD is being built by Cochin shipyard, India; four ships of Type Ulstein PX 105 are being built by Sinopacific shipyard, China. The ships are to be completed from the 3rd to the 4th quarter of this year.
Keppel Shipyard Ltd shipbuilding company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd, and Golar Hilli Corporation, subsidiary of Golar LNG, signed a conditional conversion contract. The subject matter of the contract is converting the Hilli LNG tanker of Moss class into the Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel (FLNGV), the operation, which has no equal in the world.
Ugland Shipping and Imabari shipyard, Japan, signed the construction contract for two dry-cargo ships of 63 000 t. The construction is to be completed in 2017. New ships will be the largest dry-cargo ships in the fleet of the company. At present, Ugland Shipping has ordered six dry-cargo ships, four of which were ordered jointly with Mitsubishi Corporation.
"Amur Shipbuilding Plant is not a bankrupt any more. It can start functioning at full capacity," said the Governor Vyacheslav Shport at the yesterday's extended meeting of the government of the Khabarovsk territory. At the moment, Amur Shipbuilding Plant has the orders for two corvettes with several more ships from the Ministry of Defence plus civil orders. Based on the bankruptcy case materials, on 24 June the Arbitration Court of the Khabaravosk territory approved the amicable agreement on the bankruptcy case of Amur Shipbuilding Plant concluded between Amur Shipbuilding Plant represented by external manager Vladimir Pulyaevsky and scheduled creditors.