Weekly News. Week 15 (7 to 11 April)

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Ozernaya Verf (Lake Shipyard) laid a keel of the 15MJ high-speed powerboat. The multipurpose high-speed powerboat can be used as a diving, staff, patrol, supervision, environmental or service crew boat in the offshore area, mouths of big rivers and shallow water on the inland waterways of Russian Federation as well as for rowing and fishing. Cruising range at cruising speed and full fuel supply is 300 nautical miles.
The construction contract for three more small missile ships Buyan-M of type 21631 is signed. The customer is the Russian Ministry of Defence. The contractor is Gorky Zelenodolsk Shipbuilding Plant. Considering the new contract a total of twelve ships of this type are ordered. The three new ships are expected to be delivered to the Black Sea Fleet.
- Length: 74.1 m
- Beam: 11 m
- Midship depth: 6.57 m
- Draught: 2.6 m
- Displacement: 949 t
- Speed: max. 25 knots
- Cruising range: 2500 miles
- Endurance: min. 10 days

Eastern-Siberian river shipping company started constructing a ferry that will operate at the MRC–Olkhon and will increase its capacity up to 30 percent. The cost of the project is about 252 million roubles. Now over 50 million roubles have been spent for purchasing metal items and motors among other things. The ferry is under construction at Usolye repair and operational site of the Eastern-Siberian River Shipping Company. According to Sergei Rak, the head of Usolye repair and operational site, now they completed laying out the structural sizes to the actual size at the moulding loft, making samples of the hull parts and of assembly jig (for 5 blocks of the ferry hull). The blockout is being welded. And soon they will start welding two more blockouts.

Sergei Yastrebov held a meeting with Igor Shekhelev, director general of VP FINSUDPROM management company. They discussed the state contract between Yaroslavl Shipyard and the Russian Ministry of Defence. According to the contract signed on 24 March, production and delivery should be made by Yaroslavl Shipyard under the state defence order for two seagoing tugs to be built for the Russian Navy. Shipbuilders should deliver one tug to the customer in 2016 and the other one in 2017.

Astrakhan Shipbuilding Production Association launched the Mercury jack-up drilling rig. It is the second jack-up drilling rig of this type built by Caspian Energy Group. The first jack-up drilling rig Neptun was built in November 2013.
Mercury specifications:
- Weight: 6200 t;
- Dimensions: 70х75 m;
- Depth: 7.9 m;
- Height of supports: 145 m
- Displacement at full load: about 11 000 t
- Drilling to a depth over 9 km

By 2015 Rosmorport fleet will receive three diesel-electric icebreakers of Type 21900М built by Vyborg Shipyard. Vladivostok, the first one, should be launched on 29 April and delivered to the customer a year later. Construction of the two icebreakers of Type 21900М will be completed in August and December 2015, respectively. The ships are built by Vyborg Shipyard in cooperation with Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, Finland, specialised in ice-class shipbuilding.

On 10 April Yaroslavl Shipyard launched the landing craft of Type 21820. This is the second of the three serial landing crafts of this type being built by Yaroslavl Shipyard under the state contract with the Ministry of Defence. The landing crafts of Type 21820 feature specifications that are second to none in the world. They are designed for high-speed sea transportation and landing on unequipped coast of the landing craft, wheeled and tracked vehicles. The air cavity of the bottom, powerful diesel-motors M507A-2D and water jets ensure high speed of the craft. The designer is R. Alexeev Hydrofoil Craft Central Design Bureau, Nizhny Novgorod.

Losing the relations with the Ukrainian customers resulted in no orders for the shipbuilding and shiprepair yards of Crimea and Sevastopol. The issue was placed for discussion by Konstantin Kartoshkin, director of Sevastopol maritime plant, at the session of the Expert Council concerning the USC development strategy up to 2030.
"We would like to know if our company can be a contractor for Russia. Currently we have only eight shiprepair orders. This is enough for two months. But what are we supposed to do next: discharge our employees?" said Mr. Kartoshkin. Aleksei Rakhmanov, deputy minister for industry and commerce, stated that Crimean shipbuilding has a wild range of resources for fulfilling the tasks set for shipbuilding. "I think that all the available assets will be used to the maximum extent," assured the deputy minister.

The fisheries and aquatic biological resources department of Primorsky Krai is preparing a fishing fleet renewal project. This issue will be considered at the next meeting of Primorsky fishery council. There are 453 ships at the fishing fleet (68 of large-capacity, 154 of medium-capacity, 98 of low-capacity and 133 of small size) as of 1 April. The average age of ships (excluding small ones) is 29 years.

The third serial corvette Stoiky is completing its sea acceptance trials at the Baltic Sea. The trials were conducted in cooperation with air division of the Baltic fleet. The aircrafts performed flights over the corvette to check its radar, air defence and communications systems. In the near future, in cooperation with the naval aviation division, the crew will hold the series of trials to check the Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopter landing on the deck. Special responsibility laid with the personnel of missile and gunnery unit. They together with manufacturer representatives checked ship's weapons systems, in particular, gun mounts А-190 and AK-630M, as well as the main missile system of the ship – a formidable striking force – Uran antiship missile system.  

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