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Weekly News Review. Published: 4 November 2017

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The Admiral Makarov frigate will be given to the fleet until the end of 2017. As TASS with reference to an interview of the Krasnaya Zvezda edition with the commander-in-chief of the Navy admiral Vladimir Korolev reports, the Black Sea Fleet plans to receive the third frigate of the project 11356 "Admiral Makarov" and the small rocket ship "Vyshny Volochek" until the end of the year.

Read other news in our weekly review

The Prince Vladimir submarine will be launched in November

According to TASS with reference to an interview of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper with the commander-in-chief of the Navy of Russia Vladimir Korolev, the first modernized submarine (the fourth of the Boreas series) of the Boreas project 955A - "Prince Vladimir" - will be floated in November this year.

RB-369 tow-boat of the project 16609 has successfully finished a sea part of state tests

The press service of LSZ of Pell has reported that in the nearest future the State selection committee will sign the reception Act. After that the vessel will be given to the State Customer and will be a part of the Northern Fleet of Russia.

On October 27 shipbuilders of the Sokolsky shipyard have floated the boat of communication of the project 1388NZ

The technical project and also complete set of RKD, acceptance and operational documentation is developed by JSC CB Vympel. The boat (serial number 403) is under construction in relation to class KM (*) of Ice2 [1] R2-RSN AUT1 Special purpose ship (special purpose) of the Russian maritime register of shipping (RS) for the Navy of the Russian Federation. Purpose of the boat - delivery of members of command and inspection structure to the ships standing on raid or being in areas of conducting exercises.

Elbrus and Ilya Muromets will be a part of the Northern Fleet until the end of the year

As the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry reports, until the end of the year two latest vessels of the auxiliary fleet - the vessel of logistic support of an ice class of the Elbrus project 23120 and the ice breaker of new generation of the project 21180 "Ilya Muromets" capable to work in ices will be a part of the Northern Fleet.

On November 2 on the Balakovo Shipyard second floating pump station was launched

The Balakovo shipbuilders have floated the floating pump station - completely Russian development capable to irrigate the territory equal to 20 thousand football fields.


Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosmorport prepares for the forthcoming period of icebreaking conductings in the freezing seaports of Russia

On October 27, 2017 in Rosmorrechflot the meeting devoted to preparation for the period of icebreaking pilotages of 2017-2018 in the freezing seaports of Russia took place.

Owners of container carriers will face losses in connection with depreciation of vessels

Adverse conditions in the market of sea container transportations in the last several years strongly struck not operating shipowners whose cost of assets was sharply reduced, and stock quotations fell, Lloyd's List reports with reference to the Alphaliner research .

Because of motor ship repair the sea link between Sakhalin and Kuriles will be closed for 2 months

As TASS with reference to the press service of the government of the Sakhalin region reports, the sea message between Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands will be closed approximately for two months because of a scheduled repair of Igor Farkhutdinov motor ship.

NYK intends to redeem 100% of the shares Yusen Logistics and to develop further by the Asset Light model

NYK suggests to redeem completely from minority shareholders of a stock of the  subsidiary logistic company Yusen Logistics within the strategy of further development as the service company which is not burdened with expensive assets is reported in the presentation of the company for investors.


Photofact: "Alexander Sannikov" on fitting-out quay of Vyborg Shipyard

Vyborg Shipyard has a whole lot of orders: fishing trawlers are under construction in shops, and on fitting-out quay construction of ice breakers Ob of the Arc124 project is being finished, "Andrey Vilkitsky" (construction number 234) and "Alexander Sannikov" (construction number 233) of the Aker Arc130A project.

Novatek has signed the cooperation agreement with China National Petroleum Corporation

The Novatek company has signed the agreement on strategic cooperation with China National Petroleum Corporation. The document is signed following the results of taken place in Beijing to a regular meeting of heads of governments of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China.

The president of OSK and the governor of Kaluga region visited Vega Experimental plant

On November 1 the governor of the Kaluga region Anatoly Artamonov and the president of United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexey Rakhmanov visited Vega Experimental plant in Borovsk region.

The museum of history of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant is 50 years old!

As the press service of the Nizhny Novgorod shipbuilding plant reports, in October, 2017 50 years from the date of foundation of the museum of history of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant were executed. The museum is created in 1967 to the 50 anniversary of the October revolution at the initiative of council of veterans, party committee, committee of Komsomol and administration of the plant.

Rewarding of the employee of the Kaliningrad department of Northwest basin branch

According to the resolution of Central office of the All-Russian voluntary fire society from 10/13/2017 No. 184 for assistance in the organization of voluntary fire protection the chief technologist of service of operation of a railway ferry complex in Baltiysk Klimenko Yury Alekseyevich is awarded with the medal "For Assistance in the Organization of Voluntary Fire Protection".


Surface ships of the Baltic Fleet since the beginning of year have spent over one and a half thousand days to the sea

On October 30 in Russia Day of foundation of the Russian fleet is celebrated. This day in 1696 the Boyar Duma at Peter I's insistance has made the decision on the beginning of construction of the fleet. In Navy this date, according to the order of the commander-in-chief of the Navy, is celebrated as a professional holiday – Day of surface-seaman.

The ships of the Black Sea Fleet have executed rocket firing at the surface purpose

According to the plan of combat training crews of the Resident of Murom anti-submarine corvette and the small rocket Mirage ship as a part of diverse tactical group have executed firing practice from the surface-to-air missile Wasp missile systems at the sea purpose.

On October 31, 1899 the legendary cruiser "Varyag" has been floated

The cruiser "Varyag" – a legend of the Russian Navy. It has been constructed on ship-building shipyard "William Crump and sons" in Philadelphia (USA) by request of the Russian Empire and was launched from Philadelphian docks on October 31, 1899.

At Pacific fleet the formation of crew of a corvette "Gromkii" is completed

As reports department of information support of the Seaside region, on the Pacific fleet the crew of the latest corvette "Gromkii" is created. Only the military personnel serving under the contract is its part. In the nearest future for seamen front muster then the crew of a corvette will go to St. Petersburg for further training at base of the Joint training center of Navy will be taken.

Corvettes of the Baltic Fleet fulfilled search of the submarine and air defense on the doctrine

The group of the ships of the Baltic Fleet as a part of corvettes "Boikii", "Soobrazitelnyi" and tanker "Kola", being in a distant campaign, fulfilled joint tasks of search, detection and destruction of the submarine of the conditional opponent. In particular, crews staged scheduled exercises on search, detection, support of contact and tracking and also counteraction to the submarine of the conditional opponent with application of a complex of anti-submarine arms.


Complex practice is staged at the Astrakhan seaport water area

On October 25, 2017 on the seaport water area Astrakhan the Federal State-Funded Institution "Morspassluzhba Rosmorrechflot" Caspian branch staged complex drill on a subject: "Assistance to the vessel in distress and people, in distress on the water area of the 3rd raid of seaport Astrakhan".

Medvedev ordered to expand Caucasus seaport for the construction of the route "Taurida"

The prime minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed the instruction about extension of the Caucasus seaport in Krasnodar Krai to support construction of the route "Taurida" and development of infrastructure. The document is published on Tuesday on the website of the government.

The Kaliningrad port is joined to Natsrybresurs by the decree of the President of Russia

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin decided to reorganize Federal State Unitary Enterprise "National Fish Resources" by association it with the Kaliningrad sea fish port. The decree of the President of 30.10.2017 No. 521 "About reorganization of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "National Fish Resources" is published on the official web-site.

The Iranian investors in 2017 invested 37 million rubles to upgrade the Astrakhan port

Investors from Iran gave 37 million rubles to upgrade of PJSC Astrakhan Port. These are the first Iranian investments after transmission in 2016 of a controlling stake of port of the Nasim Bakhr Kish company (Iran), TASS the CEO of port Kim Mamikonyan reported.

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