Weekly News Review. Published: 28 October 2017

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Shipbuilding plant Severnaya Verf (part of JSC USC) continues fitting-out works on a head corvette of the project 20385. Technical availability of the corvette reached 65%.
As the press service of the enterprise reports, now on "Gremyaschii" wiring of means of arms and special equipment comes to the end. Сladding of cabins continues, the sewage systems, all-ship hydraulics, air conditioning are mounted. Preinsulating saturation under flooring and mounting of electric equipment is executed.

Read other news in our weekly review

Admiralty Shipyards will construct six trawlers

According to message of TASS with reference to the Kommersant newspaper, St. Petersburg Admiralty Shipyards (part of USC) will construct for the Russian fishing company (RFC) six trawlers-processors with investment quotas on the Norwegian ST-192 project.

At "Krasnoye Sormovo Plant" chemical carrier Balt Flot 18 was launched

As the press service of Sea engineering bureau reports, on October 23 at Krasnoye Sormovo plant the chemical carrier Balt Flot 18 was launched with a deadweight of 7,900 tons class "Max. Volga-Don" of RST27M project (construction number 02026).  

SC "Zvezda" may receive 5,9 billion rubles of subsidies in 2018-2022.

As TASS reports, the government in 2018-2022 can give subsidies in the amount of 5,9 billion rubles to the ship-building Zvezda complex. Such information follows from the explanatory note to the draft of an approval of rules of provision of subsidies published on the federal portal of drafts of regulations.

Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding delivers 60,000 DWT type bulk carrier “Venezia”

Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (MES) completed and delivered a 60,000 dwt type bulk carrier “Venezia” on 25th October, 2017 to Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Limited, Hellenic Republic. This is the 26th ship of our “neo60BC”, the third Eco-Ship line up of our “neo series”.

Blagoveshchensk shipbuilders assembled hull of Alexander Rogotsky survey vessel

As reports issuing of "AMUR", at Blagoveshchensk shipbuilding plant completely finished assembly of the casing of the small survey vessel "Alexander Rogotsky". The order of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defence became the biggest project which implements the Amur enterprise with more than secular history.


The rating of stevedoring assets of the largest holdings of the Russian Federation on goods turnover in January-September, 2017

Cargo turnover of sea terminals of JSC Transneft which share is about 17,5% of cumulative cargo turnover of Russian ports following the results of January-September, 2017 made 101,59 million tons (+1,3% by January-September, 2016).

The historical fund of Far East Shipping Company is 55 years old

The historical fund of Far East Shipping Company (DVMP, the head company of the Transport FESCO group) celebrates on October 23 55 years from the moment of the establishment as museum of navy of DVMP.

In the USA with assistance of Sovcomflot took place annual Russian-American "Dialogue Fort Ross"

In San Francisco the VI annual Russian-American forum "Dialogue Fort Ross" which took place with support and participation of the Sovcomflot, Transneft and Chevron companies came to the end. This event is continuation of the joint program of three companies for preservation of a unique monument of the Russian history and culture in the USA – the Fort Ross, previously Russian fortress in the territory of the State of California.


Yanmar company won contract for delivery of the main engine and two diesel generators on the KANDAVA fishing vessel

The new main YANMAR 6HYM-WET engine 500 hp, 1950 rpm complete with corresponding a reverse reducer and accessories will be set on the fishing trawler BALTIKA "KANDAVA" of the project 1328 instead of the existing 300 hp outdated engine for the purpose of increase in efficiency and reliability.

The authorities of Nizhny Novgorod Region intend to create a special ship-building economic zone

A special economic zone for the enterprises of shipbuilding needs to be created in Nizhny Novgorod Region, the acting governor Gleb Nikitin on Monday at a ceremony of descent to water of the next tanker chemical carrier of the RST-27M project at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in Nizhny Novgorod said.

The Finnish company Raiha Hydraulics opens Russian representation office

Raiha Hydraulics is a part of family holding Hollming; Raiha projects hydraulic systems, services and updates the equipment for ship-building, metallurgical, pulp-and-paper, chemical and oil industry, and works with all types of hydraulic motors, pumps and cylinders.

The Zelenodolsk SP of Gorky participates in the Dortransekspo exhibition

As the press service of the enterprise reports, the plant participates in the 16th specialized exhibition "Dortransekspo" which is taking place during the period from October 25 to October 27, 2017 in Kazan (exhibition center "The Kazan fair").

On the seaport water area Murmansk drill with LLC Kolsky oil terminal is staged

On October 24, 2017 on the seaport water area Murmansk drill on working off of interaction of own forces and means and the raised forces and funds for elimination of the maximum estimated volume of oil spill in case of damage of two adjacent tanks of the tanker on the water area of Murmansk  port of LLC Kolsky oil terminal is staged.


Marines of the Pacific fleet and Naval Forces of India during the first joint exercise "INDRA-2017" passed an obstacle course

Marines of the Pacific fleet and Naval Forces of India within the bilateral joint exercise "INDRA-2017" have held a competition of groups on anti-terrorist activity on the Ermine ground near Vladivostok.

The fighting ships of the Baltic Fleet successfully passed English Channel

Corvettes of the Baltic Fleet "Boykii" and "Soobrazitelnyi", being in a distant campaign, finished passing of the passages Strait of Dover and English Channel and left to the Atlantic Ocean, the official representative of the fleet Roman Martov reported on Monday to TASS.

Big landing ship Azov comes back from the Mediterranean Sea to Sevastopol

The crew of the big landing ship of the Black Sea Fleet Azov has finished performance of tasks in the Mediterranean Sea and comes back to Sevastopol. The official representative of the fleet Vyacheslav Trukhachev has reported about it to journalists on Wednesday.

On Kamchatka crews of anti-submarine aircraft have worked search of the submarine of the conditional opponent

On the peninsula of Kamchatka crews of planes of anti-submarine aircraft of troops and forces in the Northeast together with underwater forces of the Pacific fleet have worked search and tracking the submarine of the conditional opponent.


Dmitry Medvedev signed resolution on approval of rules of non-discriminatory access to services of natural monopolies in ports

The prime minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed the resolution on the approval of rules of non-discriminatory access to services of natural monopolies in ports. The document of October 20 is published on Tuesday on the website of the government.

The science and technology park of the Tuapse Sea Trade Port now has scaffold truck

The scaffold truck Mantsinen K200 (ES) arrived to JSC Tuapse Sea Trade Port (part of UCL Holding) complete with two grabs of 6 CBM, as it was published on the website of Association of sea trade ports.

The port of Guangzhou published construction plans of two new terminals

The new grain terminal in the territory of the port of Guangzhou will be constructed around Sinsha port, the terminal on transfer of rolling loads - near Nansh, Splash 24/7 reports with reference to announcement of management company of port.

The Indonesian port operator Pelindo II increased profit in the III quarter of 2017 by 8,4%

The profit of the Indonesian state port corporation PT Pelindo II following the results of the third quarter of the current year made 1,55 trillion Indonesian rupees (112,3 million US dollars) that is 8,4% more in comparison with the same period of last year, The Jakarta Post with reference to announcement of the head of corporation Elvyn G. Massasya says.

"Туапсинский морской торговый порт", АО Туапсе
+7 (86167) 71-0-30
"Адмиралтейские верфи", АО Санкт-Петербург
+7 (812) 313-81-83
"Красное Сормово", ПАО Нижний Новгород
+7 (831) 229-61-27, +7 (831) 229-61-05
"Благовещенский судостроительно-судоремонтный завод", АО Благовещенск
"Совкомфлот", ПАО Санкт-Петербург
8 (812) 385-94-10
"Петербургский нефтяной терминал", ЗАО Санкт-Петербург
+7 (812) 329-29-99, +7 (812) 329-29-77
"Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding", Ltd Токио
"Raiha Hydraulics", OY Каарина
+358 20 486 4100

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