Weekly News Review. Published: 15 September 2017

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Nordik Engineering plans to construct two vessels for investments
According to messages of TASS, "Dalryba" has signed the agreement with design bureau "Nordik Engineering" on creation of the project of the crab-boat. On the project the company plans to build two crab-boats with investment quotas ("a keel quota"), the Kommersant newspaper reports with reference to the technical director of "Dalryby" Vladimir Budko.
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Shipbuilding from Russian composite materials is planned to be arranged in Primorye

Composite Shipbuilding company plans to arrange mass production of civil courts from composite materials in Primorsky Krai. Vessels will build completely of the Russian materials, the chairman of the board of the company Dmitry Voloshenko has reported on Wednesday.

"The shipyard of the Nobel brothers" finished construction of a barge for the Lensk river shipping company

As the press service of the enterprise reports, on shipyard of the Nobel brothers in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region the festive event was held devoted to completion of construction of the oil barge of the ROB07 project constructed for needs of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The 1st Deputy Prime Minister of Yakutia Alexey Kolodeznikov, the CEO of JSC LORP Sergey Larionov, the deputy head of the city district of the city of Rybinsk Alexey Ryabchenkov, the acting head of the Yaroslavl site of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Russian maritime register of shipping Valery Mikhaylovich Krasavin, the CEO and staff of LLC Shipyard of Brothers Nobel, other officials have participated in an action.

Keel laying ceremony of a fishery trawler will take place in plant Pella

The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Arkady Dvorkovich, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture – the head of Federal Agency for Fishery Ilya Shestakov, the deputy head of Rosrybolovstvo Pyotr Savchuk, the head of Northwest Territorial Department of Rosrybolovstvo Denis Belyaev will take part in the Ceremony.


Transportation of goods by water transport in the Russian Federation by 2030 can reach 242,2 million tons

Transportation of goods by the water transport in the Russian Federation by 2030 according to the innovative scenario can reach 242,2 million tons. It is said in upgraded version of the strategy of development of the inland Russian Federation water transport (the document is published on the website of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation).

LLS "George the Victorious" returned from a campaign to the Arctic

The city of Severomorsk after successful accomplishment of the tasks of a distant campaign by the Seas Arctic Ocean and the trans-species tactical doctrine on defense of an important industrial facility on the Taimyr Peninsula arrived the large landing ship "George the Victorious" under command of the captain to the principal basis of the Northern Fleet (NF) 2 ranks of Andrey Zharkov.

The authorities of China stopped navigation in Hainan Strait because of the typhoon "Doksuri"

Referring to information agency TASS, on September 14 the Chinese authorities imposed a temporary ban on navigation in Hainan Strait (separates the island of the same name from the southern Province of Guangdong - a comment of TASS) in connection with approximation of the typhoon "Doksuri". On Thursday the Xinhua agency reported about it.

New pilot collection rates in seaports Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Korsakov, Moskalvo, Nevelsk, Poronaysk, Kholmsk and Shakhtyorsk are approved

The order of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosmorport on the statement of new rates of pilot collection in seaports Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Korsakov, Moskalvo, Nevelsk, Poronaysk, Kholmsk and Shakhtyorsk becomes effective since September 20, 2017.

The US Navies atomic submarine returned to the harbor under a piracy flag - TV

According to messages of TASS, the nuclear submarine "Jimmy Carter" returned after accomplishment of a secret operation to the Washington harbor, having hoisted the colors of the United States and a piracy flag. The unusual fact the Fox News TV channel reported about it on Thursday.


The new purchase mode of foreign technique will increase orders to the Russian shipbuilders by $2-2,5 billion

The Russian shipbuilders can receive additional orders for 2-2,5 billion dollars a year thanks to introduction of the new mode of purchase of aircraft and marine facilities providing coordination with the government commission on import substitution orders over certain amounts. TASS the president of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Alexey Rakhmanov reported about it.

COSCO Shipyard Company will be engaged in construction of buoyant dock in the port of Piraeus

The administration of the port of Piraeus declared completion of the tender for the right of signing of the contract for installation of buoyant ship-repair dock in port: the contract was concluded with COSCO Shipyard Company, Port Technology reports.

ITF held a working meeting of heads of sections of federation

On September 12, within the International week of navigation, in London the working meeting of chairmen of sections of the International federation of transport working (ITF Chairs Meeting) took place. The strategic plan of operation of ITF for the period from 2019 to 2023 and also the organization of the 44th Congress ITF which will pass in Singapore on October 12-20, 2018 became one of the main questions which are carried out for discussion. The chairman of the Russian Labor Union of Seamen (RLUS) Yury Sukhorukov participated in an action.

The first vessel with coal from the USA arrived to Odessa

The first vessel with steam coal, scarce in Ukraine, arrived last night to the Odessa seaport "Youzhny". In the environment the press service of the state enterprise "Sea trade port "Youzhny" reported about it.


Pacific fleet trawlers had combat training

According to the plan of combat training of fleet in the polygons located in the water area of Avacha Bay, trawlers of connection of the ships of a protection of the water region fulfilled actions for anti-mine support of deployment of atomic underwater cruisers of the Pacific fleet from the stationing site and on transition by the sea, in application conditions the conditional opponent of mine weapon.

Military equipment of the USA arrived in the Polish Gdansk within rotation of the operation Atlantic Resolve

The American tanks, armored personnel carriers and other military equipment I arrived in the port of the Polish seaside city of Gdansk within rotation of the armored brigade of the USA torn in the republic within the operation Atlantic Resolve ("Atlantic resolve"). Informed on arrival of the military equipment in the environment "Radio Gdansk".

The ships of PLAC Naval Forces went to Vladivostok for an involvement in the Russian-Chinese martial exercises

The ships of Naval Forces of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLAC) on Wednesday went to Vladivostok to take part in the second phase of the Russian-Chinese exercises "Sea interaction - 2017 ″. The Xinhua agency reports about it.

Ryazan and Kuzbass submarines of the Pacific fleet met in an underwater duel

According to the plan of combat training of fleet crews of the atomic guided underwater missile cruiser of strategic assignment Ryazan and the multiple objective nuclear submarine "Kuzbass" in deep-water sea ranges of the Pacific fleet carried out torpedo firing practice in a duel situation.


Goods turnover of East port in Nakhodka is planned to be doubled by 2019

Goods turnover of East Port in the city of Nakhodka of Primorsky Krai shall be doubled due to construction of the new carbon terminal. As the managing director of JSC East Port Anatoly Lazarev reported in the environment, the project investment cost will make about 37 billion rubles.

Goods turnover of seaports of Russia for January-August, 2017 made 517,25 million tons

Goods turnover of seaports of Russia for January-August, 2017 made 517,25 million tons (+10,4% in comparison with the same period of last year), including the volume of transfer of dry loads was 239,90 million tons (+9,9%), bulk loads 277,36 (+10,8%).

A new port can appear in Sakhalin - Vedomosti newspaper

A staticized feasibility study (FS) on the construction project of the railway line connecting Japan Russia and the European Union countries will consider construction of the railway line Selikhin-Nysh with transition of Nevelskoy Strait and new deep-water seaport on Sakhalin, the Vedomosti newspaper with reference to the representative of Institute of economy and development of transport (IEDT) reports.

The ports Konteynerooborot of Finland grew by 4,7% for the current year

The ports Konteynerooborot of Finland following the results of January-July, 2017 I increased by 4,7% of rather same period of last year, to 940,65 thousand TEU. This information contains in the report of the transport agency of Finland.

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