Week 7 (February, 13th-17th)

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Baltic Shipyard “Yantar” started mooring trials of “Seliger” vessel being built by an order of the Main Department of Deepwater Researches of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. Currently works on preparing the vessel for location of the crew are being finished.
Two objects to develop a field named after В.Filanovsky – an accommodation block platform and a riser block platform were laid at “Red Barrikady” shipyard. The beginning of marine operations connected with oil production is planned for 2015, reported in the materials of the shipyard.

On the 10th of February Palmali group of companies accepted for operation the fifth tanker “Mugan” of RST22M project, deadweight of which is about 7,100 tons built at Beshiktash Shipyard. The project was designed by Maritime Engineering Bureau (Odessa).

Russia needs to found a powerful design institute developing equipment for offshore fields, said the Deputy Director General of Sevmash shipyard Valery Borodin, delivering a report on building an ice resistant platform for “Prirazlomnaya” field at a scientific council in the Kurchatov Institute.

Until the end of February USC will buy 79% shares of “Vyborg Shipyard”. Experts estimated the enterprise at 2.2 bln. RUR. “A principle agreement on buying the shares has been reached,” says a representative of USC Alexey Kravchenko. “It is possible that the contract will be concluded this week”.

The Board of Shareholders of PJSC Kherson Shipyard appointed the President of PJSC “Nikolayevsky Shipyard “Okean” Vasily Fedin as the Director General of the enterprise, for three years. The Antimonopoly Committee of the Ukraine permitted Mr. Fedin to hold two posts.

Sections of supporting blocks of an ice-resistant fixed platform (IRFP-1) – one of the main objects of infrastructure of the field named after V. Filanovsky being developed by OC “LUKOIL” in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea laid at "Lotos" Shipyard. Supporting bases of the platform will be built on the site of "Lotos" Shipyard, and the top structure – at Astrakhan Shipbuilding Production Association. Total contract costs about 14 bln. RUR.

Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy and Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology signed an agreement on cooperation involving an exchange of education programs, information about scientific researches in the field of marine transport and mutual visiting educational institutions by representatives.
A delegation of the Korean colleagues visited a sailing-ship of the “Mir” academy, Marine Education Training Center, got acquainted with life and living conditions of students of the Marine College.

The Moscow Arbitration Court allowed a claim of the Bank of Russia on levy of execution upon shares of JSC "Severnaya Verf" Shipyard pledged for loans given by MezhPromBank. The judge explained that an expert report “contains data and documents classified “Secret”. In connection with this the case was also classified “Secret”.

JSC "Amur Shipyard" laid down guard corvette "Gromky" of 20380 project, serial number of which is 2102. Construction of guard corvette “Gromky” – a multipurpose frigate designed for fighting with surface vessels, submarines, providing air defence, and also artillery support of landing and actions of amphibious assault landing – is a new frontier in development of the shipyard.

“Red Sormovo” shipyard launched a lead tanker-product carrier of RST27 project “VF tanker-1”. The customer of the vessels is LLC “Volga-Balt-Tanker”. Russian River Register class is KM Ice1 R2 AUT1-ICS OMBO VCS ECO-S Oil tanker (ESP). The engineering design was made by Volga-Caspian Design Bureau. Its sea draft is 4.2 meters and deadweight is 6,980 tons. Overall length is 140.85 m, capacity is 7,828 m3, and speed is up to 10.0 knots. Crew is 12 persons.

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