Week 53 (December 26th – 30th)

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The second vessel of the series of four non-self-propelled oil barges of 2734 project built under an order of the Group of Companies “Baltic Fuel Company” (BFC) has been launched on “Baltisky Zavod”. The vessel will be named as “Maria”. The designer is LLC “Marine Engineering Bureau” in St. Petersburg. Tanker tonnage is 5,000 tons.
Valery Venkov has been elected as the Director General of “Baltisky Zavod” by the Board of Directors. Ex-director Andrei Fomichev resigned on December 22nd.

The Executive Secretary of the Maritime Board under the Russian Government, Vice-Admiral Alexander Balyberdin, reported that changes in the law under which the works on the Russian shelf will be allowed only to domestic offshore platforms regulated by Rostechnadzor will be offered for consideration up to March 1st, 2012. The Ministry of Natural Resources is assigned as a head organization to work out the draft law, since it documents licenses in the Russian Federal Agency on Subsoil Use to develop offshore fields.

The United Shipbuilding Corporation has bought 100% of “Marine and Oil & Gas Projects” for the 3 bln. RUR from Holding Company “SotsInvestGarant”. Thus, after the transaction the United Shipbuilding Corporation will increase its stock in “Red Sormovo” up to 95%. The order book of the shipyard in 2012 is several hundred million dollars. The main customer of the company is “Volga Shipping Company”, - says “Vedomosti”.

An acceptance certificate has been signed at the main base of the Baltic Fleet on the transfer of small gunship “Volgodonsk” of 21630 project to the fleet built by JSC “Shipbuilding Company “Almaz”.

The investigation of the crash of “Bulgaria” motorship has been extended until May 10th, 2012. On Thursday in the Vakhitovsky court an issue was reviewed about arrest extension for two persons involved in the case - the Director General of LLC “ArgoRechTur” and the senior expert of the Kama branch of Russian River Register that were charged according to Part 3 of Article 238 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code.

On December 29th in Roslyakovo village in the floating dock of shipyard SRZ-82 a fire occurred at the wooden scaffolds mounted around strategic nuclear submarine “Ekaterinburg” to be at scheduled dock repairs. Submarine “Ekaterinburg” is one of the major submarines in naval nuclear forces of the Russian Federation that regularly participates in firing exercises with intercontinental ballistic missiles.

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