Week 4 (February 17-21)

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1. Rosmorport takes over FSUE Azov Directorate for Marine Communications by February 2011

FSUE Rosmorport’s reorganization procedure on taking over FSUE Azov Directorate for Marine Communications (Azovmorput) will be completed in February 2011, PortNews reports with reference to the Press Service of Rosmorport. The annual economic effect for Rosmorport from the takeover of Azovmorput is initially estimated at not less than RUR 75 mln.

A decision to affiliate Azovmorput to Rosmorport was taken by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in July 2010 with a view to maintain and develop the potential output of maritime carriers. The takeover of Azovmorput has become especially urgent due to the expansion of Rosmorport’s activities to the Azov-Don Canal and the sea ports of Azov and Rostov-on-Don, Rosmorport’s message emphasizes.

The transfer of Azovmorput’s assets to Rosmorport’s structures will optimize management of dredging operations and maintenance of federal property (63 items) in ports of the Azov and Black Sea basin, abate their costs, as well as considerably reduce the company’s expenses for navigational aids. These operations are directly related to navigation safety in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

According to Rosmorport’s managers, all employees of FSUE Azovmorput have been already transferred to FSUE Rosmorport in accordance wtih the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. Kamchatka lawmakers suggest USD 10,000 insurance for fishermen
Irina Orlova, Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy, Environmental Safety and Protection of Civil Rights of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka region, Chairman of the Regional Fishermen Union, informed that the Committee will prepare an initiative for the RF State Duma concerning an amendment to the Federal law on commercial navigation. This amendment deals with insurance of crew members. Today, the minimum isurance amount for crew members on operating vessels is not stipulated by law.
This initiative suggests a minimum insurance amount equivalent to USD 10,000. However, other approaches may be suggested when the the amendment is worked out. For example, a certain amount of minimum salaries may be established as the minimum level. Also, the Committee Chairman reported that the Committee will develop and introduce their amendment to the Law “Awards, bonuses and educational grants in the Kamchatka region” to the Session of the Regional Parliament in 2011. This amendment will cover the implementation of honorary degrees for employees in the fishing industry.

3. Baltic fleet to receive two corvettes within two years
The Baltic fleet will receive two corvettes of the Project 20380 - Soobrazitelny and Boiky within two years, Vice Admiral and Baltic Fleet Commander Victor Chirkov said.
It is expected that the Soobrazitelny corvette will commence harbor trials in February 2011 and its acceptance and commissioning should occur before the end of the year. In March, the Northern Shipyard will launch the Boiky corvette, which construction is underway. This ship should join the fleet next year.
The corvette was designed by Almaz Central Marine Design Buerau JSC, leading engineering company in the Russian shipbuilding sector. The Project 20380 ship is designed for operations in the near maritime area to counter enemy surface ships and submarines, as well as to provide gunfire support of seaborne troops during amphibious landing operations. Ships of this class use Stealth technology.
The corvette has the following specification: displacement: nearly 2.000 DWT; total length: 105 m; max speed: 27 knots. Thge range (at 14 knots) is 4.000 nautical miles.

4. Rosatomflot offers a nuclear-powered incebreaker to be based in the east of the Northern Sea Route
Rosatomflot has offered the Russian Ministry of Transport to locate one of the incebreakers in the eastern area of the Northern Sea Route to simplify rescue operations in the Sea of Okhotsk, Andrey Smirnov, Rosatomflot’s Deputy General Director for Operations, said.
He noticed that this offer had been prepared and sent to the Ministry of Transport for its consideration much earlier than the known resonant events.
On December 31, 2010, distress signals were received from the Sodruzhestvo fish processing vessel, Bereg Nadezhdy refrigerator vessel, Professor Kizewetter research vessel, and Mys Elizavety trawler trapped in ice in the Sea of Okhotsk; later, the Anton Gurin vessel got stuck in ice.
Several days ago, the Admiral Makarov diesel-powered icebreaker rescued the ice-trapped Mys Elizavety and Professor Kizewetter vessels; then, the icebreaker convoyed the Bereg Nadezhdy refrigerator vessel to a safe area. Afterwards, the icebreakers came back to the Sodruzhestvo fish processing vessel and started convoying it, though they failed to make more than 1.5 miles due to broken towing ropes. At present, the rescuers keep on rescuing the Sodruzhestvo fish processing vessel and the Bereg Nadezhdy refrigerator vessel.

5. Krasnoyarsk Shipyard starts construction of a fueler under Nornickel’s order
On January 20, Krasnoyarsk Shipyard JSC commenced construction of a fueler, 1100 DWT, under the order of MMC Norilsk Nickel JSC. This marine vessel designed to operate in ice conditions will provide bunkering of vessels in the Dudinka Sea Port.
The vessel specifications are: length: 72 m; width: 12.5 m; draft: 2.8 m. The contract value is nearly RUR 400 mln. The estimated period of the vessel’s delivery is 2 years. Also, the program for renewal of harbor fleet of the Transpolar Transport Branch provides construction of two tugs: sea tug – by Leningrad Shipyard Pella JSC and river tug - by Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod Plant JSC. Their construction will start next year.

6. Russia decides to take the Ukranian missile cruiser for free
Moscow has no intention to purchase the incomplete Ukraina missile cruiser worth USD 1 billion. Russia has finally made a decision on the purchase of the Ukraina missile cruiser. Thus, according to a high-ranking official of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Moscow has already decided to get the incomplete missile cruiser free of charge.
Construction of the Ukraina missile cruiser started in 1984. In 1996, its completion was interrupted due to lack of funding. Afterwards, ukranians made attempts to resume the construction, but they finally refused from it in 2001. The Ukraina missile cruiser is 95 percent ready. However, maintenance of this incomplete ship requires USD 1 million annually.
Negotiations for selling this incomplete missile-guided cruiser to Russia have been conducted for several years. These were negotiations held in a closed format. At present, everything has been figured out and the Ukranian party has been notified of the decision. Russia will take the Ukraina missile cruiser only for free and even not at a price of metal scrap. And only when this condition is accepted, Russia will consider possibilities for participation of Ukrainian companies in the completion of this ship.

7. Baltiysky Zavod commences construction of fuel oil barges
On January 18, Baltiysky Zavod JSC started arc cutting of metal for four non-propelled fuel oil barges. A fuel oil barge construction contract  was signed by Baltiysky Zavod JSC and Kontur Ltd. in November 2010. The customer’s representative and personnel of Baltiysky Zavod were present at the contract signing procedure.
Currently, the hull shop, where metal is cut, is one of the most up-to-date workshops of that kind. It is combined with a covered steel warehouse and fitted out with state-of-the-art automated equipment. Thus, efficiency of hull works increases three times compared to conventional cutting methods; working conditions improve; and harmful environmental effects reduce.
Metal arc cutting is the first important step in the commencement of barge construction. Just a reminder that these barges are designed to transport oil products having a steam flash point of 60 °C or higher, including those that require heating. The navigation area for non-propelled cargo vessels includes inland waterways and sea areas, where thicknesses of broken ice do not exceed 20 cm. Over 40 tankers have been built by the company since 1959.

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