Week 48th (October 21st – November 25th)

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The solemn ceremony of laying down non-nuclear-powered submarine B-237 “Rostov-on-Don” took place in the shop of JSC “Admiralty Shipyards”. Project 06363 was designed by Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering. The Customer is the Russian Navy. The submarine of 636 project is notable for silent running, availability of modern navigation and communication systems, as well as powerful missile-torpedo armament.
JSC “Red Barricades Shipyard” signed a contract with OC “LUKOIL” on construction of two objects for the field named after V. Filanovsky in the Caspian sea — a riser block and an accommodation unit. The contract is worth over 4 bln. RUR.

Dmitry Medvedev signed the Federal Law “On Ratification of the Contract between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland on the Lease of the Republic of Finland the Russian part of the Saimaa Canal and Adjacent Territory and on the Implementation of the Navigation through the Saimaa channel”. According to the contract Finland leases the Russian part of the Saimaa channel and Maly Vysotsky island.

The ninth dry cargo ship of RSD 44project for Volga Shipping Company was launched at Oka Shipyard. The vessel was named “Kapitan Shumilov”. Capacity is 5.5 thousand tons. The vessel is maximally automated and equipped with modern screw-steering columns.

The Moscow Arbitration Court denied the request of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to replace the Director General of JSC “Baltic Shipyard” and to permit the Shipyard to make a transaction on construction of the vessel for LLC “Gazflot”. It is prohibited to make a transaction without a prior approval from the Board of Directors.

The ceremony of laying down the third crude oil tanker of 2734 project took place at JSC “Baltic Shipyard”. The Customer is LLC “Kontur”. Vessel length is 108 m, deadweight – 6,300 tons.
The series is being built under the supervision of the Russian River Register.

The Russian Professional Union of Sailors adopted a decree, which contains requirements to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation to simplify maximally and reduce duration of confirmation procedure of diplomas and order of extension of their validity. As a trade union consider, confirmation of diplomas shall be held in the form of testing.

Solemn measures dedicated to laying down a patrol vessel of ice class of 22120 project and launching a border guard cruiser of the new generation of 22460 project took place at JSC “Shipbuilding Company “Almaz”. The patrol vessel of ice class of 22120 project is designed to control fishing, it was designed by LLC DB “Petrobalt”. Length is 71 m, deadweight – about 1,023 tons, endurance – 6,000 miles, self-sustaining period – 20 days.
The border guard cruiser of 22460 project was designed by Severnoe DB to protect the state border and territorial sea. Deadweight is 630 tons, speed 30 knots, endurance 3,500 miles, self-sustaining period 30 days, length 62.5 meters.

The first tranche for construction of troop landing vessel dockship of “Mistral” type in Saint-Nazaire by order of Russia was transferred to France to address of company DCNS. Amount of the tranche is not specified. Transfer was performed by “Rosoboronexport” as payment for getting engineering documentation for the vessel. As it was said earlier, stern compartments of troop landing vessel dockship will be assembled at shipyards of the United Shipbuilding Corporation USC in Russia.

A criminal case on the fact of large scale fraud was initiated in respect of the former head of Operation, Capital Construction and Repair department of one of the military units of the Northern Fleet, Half Colonel Sergei Shkatov.
Half Colonel signed more than 35 acceptance certificates of allegedly executed works on complete repair of a soldiers’ canteen. More than 50 million budget funds were illegally transferred to LLC “Spectechkomplect”.

Russian diesel-electric submarines of the project 677 “Lada” will be modernized according to the project revised by CDB “Rubin” in 2013. Diesel-electric submarines of 677 project at length 66.8 meters, deadweight 1.8 thousand tons are capable to gain speed up to 21 knots. Endurance is 45 days. Each submarine is armed with six 533 mm torpedo tubes and ten missile pits for missile-torpedoes.

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