Week 46th (October 7th – November 11th)

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The President signed the Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Related to the Implementation of State Support Measures for Shipbuilding and Navigation”, which defined a legal mechanism creating conditions for bringing of vessels under the flag of the Russian Federation and into the International Ship Register, as well as stimulating ship owners to build vessels at Russian shipyards.
“Sevmash” will build the first in Russia floating transit “jump-up base” for helicopters of oil workers, which are developing the Prirazlomnoye field on the shelf of the Pechora sea. The shipyard together with Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering is developing a project of the platform at half way from Murmansk to “Prirazlomnaya” oil platform, where it will be possible to rest and wait out in bad weather.

During the roundtable discussion in Novosibirsk State Academy for Water Transport, the President of “Association of Shipping Companies” Alex Klyavin said that it is necessary to think about the cargo base to include mostly vessels under the Russian flag. The law on support measures of Russian Shipbuilding and Navigation signed by the President of Russia day before was a prerequisite for the statement.

On the 17th of November, 2011, the State Duma will review the draft law on the Northern Sea Route, which introduces the Administration of the Northern Sea Route and establishes the Navigation Regulations on it. Since the 1st of January, 2013 “particular work on the place of development of the Stockman field will begin”, Russia intends to develop Yamal peninsula, in particular, to build a port.

Astrakhan Shipyard is building a rescue and salvage ship of 22870 project designed to supplement the Caspian Fleet of the Russian Navy. The designer is JSC DB “Vympel”. The deadweight is about 1,200 t, length – 57.0 m, and speed - about 14 knots.

The President of OC “LUKOIL” and the President of the Unified Shipbuilding Corporation signed a contract on construction of ice-resistant fixed platform (IRFP-1) for the field named after V. Filanovsky in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea. Works on the development of detail documentation, construction and commissioning of IRFP-1 will be prepared by Caspian Energy Group.

The solemn launching ceremony of small size hydrographic survey vessel “Valery Faleev” of B19910 project took place at JSC “Vostochnaya Shipyard” in Vladivostok. The new vessel is designed for the Pacific Fleet. Deadweight – 1,000 t. Length – 56.4 m. Full speed – 12.5 knots. Endurance – 2,000 mile.

Completion Presentation Certificate of Self-Elevating Floating Drilling Rig “Arcticheskaya” was solemnly signed between JSC “Center of Shipbuilding “Zvezdochka” and JSC "Gazprom". The drilling rig is ready to be transferred to the port of Murmansk, where commissioning works will be carried out. Project 15402M (designer – CDB “Korall”) is able to drill up to 12 holes at a drilling depth 6,500 meters. Length – 88 meters. It includes an accommodation module designed for 90 persons, helicopter platform, and two cranes.

A draft decree of the Russian Government “On Licensing Certain Activities in Maritime and Inland Waterway Transport” was published on the site of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Russia transferred to Vietnam last two escort boats of 10412 project (an export version of the project 10410 “Svetlyak”). The ships were built by Almaz shipbuilding company (St. Peterburg). Length is 39.5 meters, deadweight is 90 tons, speed is up to 30 knots, endurance 2.2 thousand miles, 30-mm gun mount AK-630, 76.2-mm gun mount AK-176M, 16 rocket launchers
of Igla-1M and 2 machine guns 14.5 mm.

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