/ shipbuilding news

Week 45th (6th-9th of November)

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Oka Shipyard has commissioned the fourth serial tanker of “Volgo-Don max” class, RST27 project with sea/river deadweight 7.030/5.428 tons “VFTanker – 14”. The project is designed by the Marine Engineering Bureau. Trial speed was 11.7 knots. Totally, fifteen tankers of RST27 project shall be built at the shipyard.
Dry cargo vessel “Inzhener Veshnyakov” has joined the fleet of Northern Shipping Company, the vessel has been put under supervision of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Taking into account a reinforced ice class, the vessel will be extensively used to deliver cargo to the Arctic Basin and along the Northern Sea Route. Length - 130 m, breadth – 19.3 m, and deadweight – 7.049 t.

Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant has celebrated its 99 years, November, 6th, 1913 is considered to be the Date of Nevsky Shipbuilding-Shiprepair Plant’s birth, when Shlisselburg ship-repair workshops constructed under the decree of tsar were opened.
In 2003 new shareholders of “North Western Shipping Company” took course to renovation. Over US$ 15 mln. were invested in modernization of the production.

A target program to train personnel for shipbuilding industry will start at JSC “Admiralty Shipyards”. Two groups of students aged 20 to 30 years were formed by the following professions: assembly workers of hulls of metal ships and gas and arc welders. The studies will be carried out in two stages: theoretical - based on shipbuilding vocational school No. 25 and practical – in berth-assembly shops of the shipyard. The training is planned for three months, for which the enterprise will pay a scholarship in the amount of up to 20 thousand rubles to students of industrial training.

The tugboat of ice-breaking class “Aisberg” built in 1979 according to project 1.427 of Central Design Bureau “Neptun” has arrived to Moscow Shipyard to be completely repaired. Specifications: length – 20.12 m, breadth –
7.4 m, power – 314.8 kW, speed - 19 knots, dand raft -1.5 m.

Indian submarine “Sindurakshak” having been repaired and modernized at “Zvezdochka” has put to sea to implement the program of factory sea trials.

The ninth tanker of “V.F. Tanker-9” series has came from Red Sormovo to the Customer. For the shipyard – it is the tenth tanker built in 2012. River deadweight – 5.378 tons, length – 140.85 m, breadth – 16.86 m, and hull height –
6 m. Capacity of cargo tanks – 7.828 m3, speed – 10 knots.

The first shipbuilding special economic zone focused on shipbuilding will appear in Astrakhan, according to the news portal of Astrakhan. The President of USC Andrew Dyachkov and the Governor of the Astrakhan Region Alexander Zhilkin have signed a cooperation agreement. Shipyard “Lotos”, as well as “Golovnaya Shipyard” and Shipyard named after the IIIrd International will become the sites.

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