Nuclear-powered icebreaker “Russia” has reached the drifting station “North Pole-39” (NP-39) having covered 3456 kilometers within a week. When the last meteorological report is transmitted from the station, and the flag is retreated, the NP-39 will be officially considered as closed. “Russia” will go in search for a new ice raft for the station NP-40.
Shipping company “V.F. Tanker” has taken into operation the seventh tanker of Project RST27 “V.F. Tanker-7”, with a sea/river DWT about 7022/5420 tons. The manufacturer is Krasnoye Sormovo Shipyard. Project RST27 has been designed by the Marine Engineering Bureau. The ship, which has a record block coefficient 0.93, showed a measured line speed of 11.7 knots at 2100 kW shaft power (0.875 of the main propulsion units) and 3.2 meters bow draft, and 3.3 meters stern draft. The class of the Marine Register of Shipping of the RF – KM Ice1 R2 AUT1-ICS OMBO VCS ECO-S Oil tanker (ESP).
The laying of the fourth Border Patrol Boat, Project 22460, factory No. 504 “Izumrud” (“Emerald”) and at the same time, the flag hoisting ceremony on the third boat Project 22460, factory No. 503 “Zhemchug” (“Pearl”) have taken place at the “Almaz” Shipbuilding Company. The boat has been designed by the Northern Design Bureau and is intended for the state border and territorial sea protection, as well as antiterrorism and maritime banditry protection. The displacement of the ship is 630 tons, travel speed is 30 knots, cruising range is 3500 miles, sea endurance is 30 days, length is 62.5 meters.
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