/ shipbuilding news

Week 36 (3rd-7th September)

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Bailiffs have arrested funds of Khabarovsk Shipyard received under the Federal Target Program (FTP) to upgrade the enterprise and perform the state defense order for 2012.

The Marine Training and Exercise Center of Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy got Certificates of Conformity about compliance with RF Ministry of Transport requirements under the order of the RF Ministry of Transport No. 32 dated February 10th, 2010 and Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards for Training, Certification and Watch Standing for the preparation of crew members of vessels.

Three nuclear icebreakers with capacity of 60 MW could cost 51.8 bln. RUR for the federal budget of the Russian Federation in 2012-2015. In August 2012 FSUE “Atomflot” and LLC “Baltisky Zavod Sudostroyenie” signed a contract to build the first icebreaker. It was reported that it cost is 37 bln. RUR.

In the Novorossiysk Naval Base of the Black Sea Fleet a ceremony of the Russian Navy flag raising held at anti-sabotage motor boat of series “Grachonok” designer – JSC DB “Vympel” built at Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky.

Krylov Central Research Institute experts prepared a design of the drilling ship for the Arctic shelf and conducted researches and analytical studies of the model under an order of the Trade Ministry of the Russian Federation within the frameworks of the Federal Program “Development of Civil Marine Engineering for 2009-2016”. The drilling ship with displacement over 75 thous. tons is purposed for exploration drilling and equipped with technical means of surveys of the seabed. Length – 255 meters, width – 38 meters, depth – 10.5 m. Maximum drilling depth – 500 meters with possible well depth – up to 7 km.

Police motor boat “Grozny” of series 13M – the ninth ship built under an order of the RF Interior Ministry was set afloat at “Laky Verf”.

JSC “Ship-Repair Center “Zvezdochka” will become the sole contractor to restore the technical readiness of nuclear submarine ”Yekaterinburg” damaged by the fire at the dock SRZ-82 in December last year. “Yekaterinburg” repair began six months before the planned date.

JSC “Western Center of Shipbuilding” sent JSC “Baltisky Zavod” (93.46 % shares of which are controlled by USC departments) a mandatory offer for acquisition of its securities at a price of 230.88 RUR per a share. Following the results of the year, the successor of the shipyard, BZS, not burdened with debts, expects to show a net profit against a loss of “Baltisky Zavod” in 2011. in the amount of 574 mln. RUR.

The adviser of the RF President, I.E. Levitin, joined the Marine Board. FSUE “Rosmorport” has kept its representatives in the Marine Board since December 2005. At present A.V. Lavrischev (the Director General of “Rosmorport”) represents the company’s interests in the Marine Board to the Government of the Russian Federation.

Oil tanker “Bavly” was set afloat at JSC “Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky”.
It is the 2nd vessel in the series of tankers being built at the plant (project RST25) designed by the Marine Engineering Bureau (Odessa).

The fifth motor boat of MRV14 serial No. 405 “Aquamarine” was set afloat at Moscow Shipbuilding and Ship-Repairing Plant for FSUE “Rosmorport”. The vessel will be used in Astrakhan for delivery of pilots, crews and commissions onto ships, survey of navigable waterways, participation in rescue operations and other tasks.

Shipyard “Zaliv” set afloat the ship’s hull for maintenance of drilling platforms built by an order of Norwegian company “Ulstein Hull AS”. Hull length is 83.4 meters, width – 18 meters, height – 8 meters, hull launching weight – 1,832 tons.

JSC “United Shipbuilding Corporation” during the bidding acquired 75.82 % of shares of JSC “Shipyard “Severnaya Verf” for 12.45 bln. RUR. USC became the owner of 96.78 % of shares of “Severnaya Verf”, while USC directly owns 75.82 % of the shares and “Western Shipbuilding Center” (the affiliate of the corporation) owns 20.96 % of shares.

Small gunnery ship “Makhachkala” (the third in the series of “Buyan”) has successfully completed the first phase of sea trials. When the ship leaves the harbour, ship performance and quality, main propulsion plant, ship systems and devices are tested.
Small gunnery ship “Makhachkala” designed by FSUE “Zelenodolsk Design Bureau” (Republic of Tatarstan). JSC “Shipbuilding Company "Almaz"”(St. Petersburg) builds the series of the ships.

According to the requirements of Federal Law No. 131-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” dated July 28th, 2012 that has come into effect state port supervision on inland waterways of the Russian Federation started. To perform the activities state port supervision inspections are created in all the authorities of inland waterway basins with state port supervision inspectors employed and their training held.

“Marlin” motor boat of project МРВ14 has been handed over to the Customer at Moscow Shipbuilding and Ship-Repairing Plant – the third of six motor boats for FSUE “Rosmorport”.

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