Week 34th (August 15th – 19th)

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The keel of the third dry cargo ship of RSD-49 project of “river-sea” type with deadweight of about 7000 ton was laid at Nevsky Shipyard. The customer is JSC “North-West Fleet”. The project was designed by CJSC “Maritime Engineering Bureau-Design-SPb”. Length -139.95 m, cargo capacity of the holds - about 10,900 m3.
JSC Zelenodolsk Plant Named after Gorky put afloat a speed motor ship of a new generation of А145 project designed by LLC “Agat Design Bureau” to transport passengers along coastal sea ways along the lines with length up to 200 miles. Its capacity is up to 150 persons with luggage. Speed - minimum 40 knots. Material of the hull - corrosion-resistant aluminum-magnesium alloy of AMG 1561 grade.

Tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin” put afloat on the 14th of July returned from sea trials to the shipyard “Red Sormovo”. The ship of 19614 project is being built for “VF Tanker”. Deadweight - 5530 ton, length - 141 m, depth – 6.1 m, draft – 3.73/3.60 m, and volume of cargo tanks – 6,720 m3.

Dry cargo ship “Kapitan Kadomtsev” of RSD 44 project designed for Volga Shipping Company was put afloat at Oka Shipyard. The first three motor ships of the series are already operating along inland waterways.

Five Caspian bordering countries — Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, RF and Turkmenistan – approved two additional protocols to the Tehranian Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea. New acts contain commitments to strengthen regional responses to oil spills and provide marine pollution monitoring.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation completed the signing of supplements to the agreements with foreign classification societies, Bureau Veritas and Germanischer Lloyd, with delegation of authorities on survey of vessels for compliance with the requirements of Annex VI to the MARPOL Convention -1973/1978, IAPP, EIAPP, to the Marine Register of Shipping.

Based on the results of the General Prosecutor’s Office check the counselor of the Head of Rosmorrechflot was fired. As a result of manipulations made by him a number of shipbuilding enterprises of water transport was indebted to him. Money groundlessly paid in the amount of 13.5 mln. RUR was returned to the port authorities.

Leningrad Shipyard “Pella” won the Tender of Freeport of Riga to supply a new tug. The port of Riga will buy a new tug with icebreaking abilities for 6.35 mln. Euros (4.46 million lats). The Russian enterprise shall deliver the tug within four months from the date of the contract signing.

Vyborg Shipyard completed the building of two drilling platforms “Prirazlomnaya” and “Arkticheskaya” for “Gazprom”. For four years of building they went up by 2.2 %, however the Shtokman field development was also postponed at least up to 2017.

Hearings in the matter of the Head of Regional Department of Roshydromet, Anatoly Semenov, on exceeding official authority start in Murmansk Regional Court. According to the investigators the damage inflicted to the State exceeds 48 mln. RUR. For the last 14 years Mr. Semenov has illegally given research vessel “Professor Molchanov” in rent to different organizations.

Sosnovsky Shipyard completed sea trials of two supply vessels for Kamchatka of DCV47 project. Name of the ships – “Sosnovka — 1” and “Sosnovka — 2”. Shipping Register Class: KM (*) Ice 2 [1] R1 AUT3 OMBO. Customer - the Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport of the Russian Federation.

The newest nuclear submarine of the fourth generation “Severodvinsk” is being prepared for sea trials in the White Sea. In 18 years after the keel-laying at “Sevmash” the lead ship of “Yasen” series is being prepared to put to sea.

Baltic Shipyard signed an agreement of intent with British company James Fisher and Sons (JFS) to develop and implement a project on transport of spent nuclear fuel. Three special vessels for transport of nuclear waste (+ 3 in option) will be built “ready-to-operate” at the shipyard.

Inshore diving boat “Vodolaz Zyulyaev” of А160 project built within the framework of the State Order was put afloat at JSC “Nizhny Novgorod Motor Vessel Factory”. In total ten similar vessels will be built for the needs of FSI “Gosmorspassluzhba of Russia”. The project was designed by JSC “Nizhny Novgorod Motor Vessel Factory” together with LLC “Agat Design Bureau”.

The seventh tanker for company “VF Tanker” of 19614 project was put afloat at “Red Sormovo”, the vessel was called “Mekhanik Sazonov”. Deadweight – 5,530 ton, length - 141 m, volume of the cargo tanks – 6,720 m3. Class: KM * Ice1 R2-RSN AUT3 VCS Oil tanker.

Flag-raising ceremony at big factory freezer trawler “General Troshev” of ocean class took place in Nikolaev. The vessel was built by an order of JSC “Preobrazhenskay Base of Trawl Fleet” and equipped with a power plant of 7,000 h.p. and the newest fish processing equipment.

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