/ shipbuilding news

Week 34 (19 to 23 August)

0 750 5 мин
- LOA: about 17 m
- BOA: about 4.0 m
- Height, fixed: about 3.5 m
- Draught: about 0.9
- Crew: 2 in number
- Special crew: 22 in number
- Speed: about 50 knots
- Total power: 2 000 h.p.

Igor Sechin, the Head of Rosneft oil company, during his visit to the Zvezda Shipyard in the town of Bolshoy Kamen (Primorye) proposed to create a consortium of investors. The necessity in this measure arose because the company delayed the construction of gas carriers. According to Igor Sechin, the implementation of the programme on producing new production facilities is behind of schedule in the Far East. And equipment cannot be provided to Rosneft until new shipyards are built. According to the head of Rosneft, creating a consortium of investors can help. Among other investors Rosneft is to be a customer. One more investor is to be Gazprombank.

The total budget volume of investments to build two multipurpose serial nuclear icebreakers for the period of 2014 to 2020 in the prices of the corresponding years will be 86 105.43 million roubles. The estimated construction cost of the first serial multipurpose icebreaker is 42 002.81 million roubles. The estimated construction cost of the second multipurpose serial icebreaker is 44 102.62 million roubles, as reports the press office of the Russian Government. The corresponding decree was signed on 19 August 2013. The document was developed by the Rosatom State Corporation.

After the successful completion of sea acceptance trials, the State Commission accepted the RB-402 (serial No. 621) and RB-403 (serial No. 622) tugs of Type 16609. Now, the vessels are being prepared for transportation to the basing site, Pacific Fleet, as reports the press office of Pella Leningrad Shipyard.
- LOA: 28.5 m
- Speed: about 12 kt
- Drawbar force: 47 t
- Class: KM Arc4 R2 Аut1 FF3 WS Tug (classified by the Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping)
- Propulsion system: US 205 steerable rudder propeller unit by Rolls-Royce, shrouded fixed blade propeller
- Power: 2х1 500 kW, 1 600 rpm, Cat 3512B
Deck equipment:
- Bow anchor-tug-hawser winch Fluidmecanica, with pulling force 10 t and restraining brake force 1383 kN
- Towing hook: SWL 47 t with quick impact device

They finished the Kara-Summer 2013 expedition organised by Rosneft oil company together with the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. On board the Akademik Fedorov research vessel of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, the expedition participants carried out a large-scale research of hydrological and meteorological conditions of the Kara Sea, monitored the outlet glaciers of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, as well as made a comprehensive analysis of ice conditions, determined the parameters of drifting icebergs and their morphometric characteristics.

The Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, Denis Manturov, visited St. Petersburg. First of all, Mr. Manturov came to Krylov State Research Centre. During the visit, Denis Manturov got acquainted with the activity of laboratories and departments of the Institute. Also, he saw the research test benches for electromagnetic compatibility, noise, physical fields, environmental monitoring as well as a new ice pool to be commissioned in November 2013. The new pool features increased experimental capabilities and is designed based on the accumulated experience in modeling.

The Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping established an expert group to render new services in the field of technical documents for seagoing vessels in operation.
According to the press office of the Register, the group will develop and review documents related to:
- Determining the sizes of hull structures as per the Register Rules
- Checking the vessel compliance with the Register Rules
- Surveying the hull structures as per the Unified Requirements of International Association of Classification Societies (Z10.1, Z10.2, Z10.3, Z10.4, Z10.5, IMO resolution ИМО 744(18) with amendments
- Assessing the ship stability as per the Register Rules in the course of classification

Inshore waters of Kamchatka will be cleared of scrap metal. Three multipurpose vessels from Primorye are already at place ready to start the task. One of the vessels also will deliver cargoes to remote areas, as reports Kam24. Two offshore barges, the Denis Vetchinov and the Anatoly Karyakin, are based on landing ships. They were constructed two years ago, specially for works on preparation for the Asian-Pacific Economic Summit in the Primorsky Krai. Thanks to the special structure, vessels can stop not only on the berth, but also in the unequipped shore. These vessels are of ice class and can operate year-round in sea areas.

As per the commissioning permit of 28 June 2013 (No. RU 23301000-44) given by the Administration of the resort city of Anapa, Vityazevo berth near the same-name village at Anapa was put into operation. It is built by Azov and Black Sea Basin Branch of Rosmorport.
The berth is designed for the Vessels of the following specifications:
- Displacement: 320 t
- Length: 35 m
- Beam: 13 m
- Draught: 2.5 m
- Passenger capacity: 230 in number

Defence order for shipbuilding in the Far East was increased by 50 per cent this year. This was reported by Viktor Ishaev, the Minister of Far East Development is the Plenipotentiary of the Russian President in the Far East Federal District. Also, Mr. Ishaev noted that the increase in the defence order for shipbuilding occurred almost throughout the whole district. Primorsky Krai, for example, increased the defence order almost twice. However, the order in Khabarovsk Territory was reduced by 18 per cent. The plenipotentiary specified that today, twenty-three shipbuilders work in the Far East. Sixteen of them are in the Primorsky Krai, five in the Khabarovsk Territory, one in the Kamchatka Territory and one in the Amur Region.

On 19 August, the second Spasatel Kavdeikin multipurpose rescue vessel of Type MPSV07 (power 4MW) was handed over to the customer. According to the state contract, the acceptance certificate was signed in Murmansk, as reports the press office of Nevsky Shipyard. Vessels of Type MPSV are large and significant vessels for the country. They were built under the Federal Target Programme "Development of Transport Infrastructure of Russia for 2010 to 2015". They are of unrestricted navigation area including the Northern Sea Route.

The IMO Safety Committee approved the Guidelines for development of the Approved Continuous Examination Programme (ACEP) used for containers by circular CSC.1/Circ.143. The Guidelines were developed together with the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. The document shall improve much the safety of container shipping.

Russia proposed to supply ten diesel-electric submarines to Indonesia. On 19 August, Mahfudz Siddiq, the head of Indonesia’s parliamentary commission for foreign affairs, said that the Russian proposal was "interesting, but requires thorough analysis before to be accepted". 

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