Week 33rd (August 8th - 12th)

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Oka Shipyard sent the fourth bulk-carrier of RSD 44 project being built for “Volga Shipping Company” for sea trials. RSD 44 project for transport of bulk, general cargoes and containers will gradually replace ships of “Volgo-Don” series. 
USC will get working control over the group of “Kaspiyskay Energiya” buying a block of 40 % shares. In addition to the regular orders of Lukoil (drilling platforms), the Corporation will also get a considerable division of enterprises to create the South Shipbuilding Center. The group includes Center of Marine Technologies “Shelf” (DB “Coral”, “Vympel”, “Astramarin”, and “Kaspy”), shipyards “Lotos”, “Astrakhansky Korabel” and Shipyard named after the IIIrd International.

The second escort ship of “Gepard-3.9” type built by “Zelenodolsk Plant Named after Gorky” came to Vietnam, to naval base Kamran.
Taking into account the Customers’ requests, additional works on improvement of the inner interior of the ship were made. The ship was recognized as a model ship of 2011.

Cherepovetsky passenger port is closed. During the prosecutor's check it was found out that a land site, where the quay is located, and water area of Sheksna are being illegally used by the enterprise. The day before the Court satisfied the stated claims of environmental prosecutor's office. According to the documents, the area is being used by other company until 2018. Cherepovetsky port is not going to give back the land and planning to build a river boat station on the place of the quay.

The Head of the State Sea and River Supervision of Federal Agency for Transport Supervision of Russia, Vladimir Popov, voluntarily resigned “in connection with the known events” — after the accident with motor ship “Bulgaria”. Pyotr Ermolaev was appointed as the Acting Head of the State Sea and River Supervision.

JSC “Shipbuilding Plant “Lotos” and JSC “Moscow River Shipping Company” signed the contract on construction of two tankers of RST 25 project with the cost of 1 bln. and 80 mln. RUR. In the future, the tankers will be leased to “Moscow River Shipping Company” by “Gaztechleasing”.

A group of experts of OAO “Gazprom” visited the branch of the shipyard JSC “Center of Shipbuilding “Zvezdochka” to inspect an offshore ice-resistant fixed platform “Prirazlomnaya”. It is pointed out that building of the platform is almost completed. Accidental oil spill response system is being completed with the missing parts and checked.

The State Commission accepted the third in the series sea diving ship of SDS08 project “Uglich” for operation. The ship was built for FSI “Gosmorspassluzhba”. Detail engineering design SDS08 was designed by Marine Engineering Bureau, detail and process documentation – by DB “Petrobalt”.

JSC “USC” is planning to abolish regional centers of shipbuilding and ship repair in 2011-2012. It is planned to abolish the North and West centers by the end of 2011, the Far Eastern one – in the 1st quarter of 2012. It was also decided not to create the South center. It is believed that such management structure delays decision making in the corporation because of excessive bureaucratic procedures.

“Blagoveshchensky Shipyard” put afloat two new seiners for coastal fishing designed for the Customers from Kamchatka. In total for this year the shipyard got an order for eight seiners.

“Yaroslavsky Shipyard” laid down the fourth in the series sea diving ship of SDS08 project for FSI “Gosmorspassluzhba”. Detail engineering design SDS08 was designed by Marine Engineering Bureau, working detail and process documentation – by DB “Petrobalt”.

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