Week 32nd (August 1st - 5th)

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CDB “Stapel” in Rostov-on-Don made, agreed with the River Register and delivered to the Customer a detail engineering design of a river boatage motor boat of R2801-MR project. The ship is designed to operate at shallow depths and can be moored to unimproved port facilities. Main dimensions: length – 14.5 m, amidships depth - 1 m, and loaded draft – 0.5 m, Russian River Register class - + R 1.2. The boatage motor boat is being constructed by Public Company “Nikolaev Shipyard “Okean”.
Russian nuclear submarine “Nerpa” of 971 project will be leased to India until the end of 2011. The submarine is being prepared to acceptance tests. Deadweight of the submarine is 8140/12770 t, maximum speed - 30 knots, maximum depth - 600 m. According to the contract with the cost of $650 mln., Russia is leasing “Nerpa” for 10 years.

The Black Sea Fleet will be supplemented with six diesel-electric submarines of 636 project and six new frigates. Prior to 2020 within the framework of the State Program the Navy must get about 40 new ships of various classes. The State Program will allocate from 3 to 4 trn. rubles to purchase arms and military equipment for different types of Russian troops, up to 20 % of the amount is provided for the needs of the Navy.

Rescue and salvage ship “Spasatel Kavdeykin” with power of 4 MW of MPSV07 project designed by CJSC “Maritime Engineering Bureau – Design– SPb” was put afloat at “Nevsky Shipyard”. The ships are being constructed within the framework of the Subprogram “Marine Transport” of Federal Target Program “Development of Transport System of Russia (2010-2015)” for Federal State Institution “Gosmorspassluzhba of Russia”.

A combat vessel with the hull of fiberglass has been built at “Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant”. Its hull strength equals to the aluminum one, it weighs only seventy tons, not two hundred as the metal one, does not need annual cleaning and painting. By the end of this year an anti-mine trawler of 12-700 project will have been fully completed and put afloat.

Russian Government submitted to the State Duma a draft law on an administrative penalty for captains of ships providing false data about dimensions and tonnage of the ship. If amendments are accepted, the captain of the ship can be fined for one thousand rubles and lose the right to sail a ship for the term from 3 to 6 months.

The criminal case was initiated in respect of the head and engineer of Chemical Laboratory of Engineering Office of the Pacific Fleet. He is accused of attempting to bribe for the commission of unlawful acts (Part 3 of the Art. 30 and Part 3 of the Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The head of the laboratory agreed to fake the results of the examination for 10 thou. RUR and a set of product.
Officers of the Military Counterintelligence Service of the Pacific Fleet prevented the crime.

It is planned to start privatization of USC in 2013-2014 with a block of 12-15 %, maximum 20 %. The day before the Government informed about bringing the government take to USC by 2017 up to the control one (50 % plus one share).

Shipyard “Zaliv” started to work with a supply vessel to support drilling platforms of 832 CD project designed by the Design Bureau of “Havyard International AS” group. It is planned to lay down the ship at the end of August.

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