/ shipbuilding news

Week 32nd (6th-10th of August)

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Russia will create a number of sites for deploying combat ships of the Navy and the Border Service in the Arctic along the Northern Sea Route. Proposals for additional measures of tax and tariff regulation to enhance a business activity in the Arctic region of Russia were also sent to the Government. Now developing issues provided protection of the national interests of the Russian Federation, as well as measures of the State support for domestic institutions carrying out an activity in sea and river areas is being completed.
A solemn ceremony of laying down the keel of the second multipurpose buoyage vessel of BLV02 project took part at “Nizhny Novgorod Shipyard”. The Customer is FPI “RechVodPut” of the Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The vessel BLV02 is designed by the Marine Engineering Bureau. Overall length - about 47.00 m; draft (designed /maximum) – 2.0/2.5 m; speed – 10.8 knots; endurance - 15 days. Class of Russian River Register: М-СП 3.5 (ice 40) А.

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