/ shipbuilding news

Week 29th (16th – 20th July)

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A criminal case in relation to the former Head of Recycling Department of FSUE “Far Eastern Factory “Zvezda” on the misapplication of funds is brought to the court. The former Head of Recycling Department Alexander Kiselyev is accused that he was concluded the contracts for recycling supervision, control for execution of which was imposed on him, with Tekhportal LLC and Amant LLC. Actually works were not performed, but based on the signed work acceptance certificates, over 5 mln. RUR were transferred on the settlement accounts of the specified companies and cashed out.
Dry-cargo vessel “Staropolye” of project 2-95A/R has been returned into operation after modernization at Hydrodinamic Yard (Tuzla, Turkey). The vessel was modernized by the project of Marine Engineering Bureau. The vessel is assigned with class КМ L4 R2-RSN (L4 at d <= 3.856 m) of the Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping. Volume of cargo holds is increased from 4,720 m3 to 5,677 m3.

The Caspian fleet is strengthened by missile ship “Dagestan”. This is the first ship of the Russian Navy equipped with universal guided missile system “Kalibr-NK” being a new development of native military-industrial complex. The whole set of state trials and ship acceptance into the Caspian fleet is planned to be performed by the end of the summer.

At the Moscow Shipbuilding and Shiprepair Plant the forth multipurpose powerboat of project МРВ14 built by the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” has been launched.
The power boat will be used to transport pilots, crews and committees to marine vessels, to inspect conditions of waterways, participate in rescue operations and solve other problems.

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