/ shipbuilding news

Week 23 (3 to 7 June)

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Тhe company has financed and leased three ships: Pavel Yudin, Alexander Shemaghin and Yuly Makarenkov. Tankers were built at the Nobel Brothers Shipyard in Rybinsk of Yaroslav Region.
- LOA: 140 m
- Beam: 16.6 m
- Depth: 5.5 m
- Operating speed: 10.5 kt
- Capacity of 6 cargo tankers and 2 slop tanks: 6 990 cub. m

The Polar Onyx maintenance vessel of type SX 121 for repairing offshore structures was undocked at the Zaliv Shipyard. The vessel was built for Ulstein Hull AS, Norway. Over the last six years of cooperation, 14 vessels have been built and now are used in oil and gas industry. Now the vessel is placed on the outfitting quay of Zaliv Shipyard. Later it will be towed to Norway to complete the construction.
- LOA: 83.40 m
- Beam: 18.0 m
- Depth: 8.0 m

Baltic Shipyard will get the advanced production equipment for automatic flat section welding for metal vessels (Source: Trans-Port). Baltic Shipyard purchased the most advanced production line in Russia to modernise the production process for ice-breakers of up to 100 MW. New equipment will cost 365 million roubles, 230 million roubles of which will be financed under the federal target programme and the rest amount by Baltic Shipyard. The equipment has passed the testing at the Manufacturer. Now it is being disassembled and prepared for transportation to Baltic Shipyard.

Department 5 of Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute under the Federal Target Programme "Development of Civil Maritime Engineering 2009-2016" developed conceptional design of multi-purpose cable ship with an advanced integrated control system for underwater laying of communication cable lines and other underwater operations (Source: press office of the Institute).
- LOA: 133.5 m
- Beam: 21 m
- Draught: 6 m
- Displacement: 10 274 t
Vessel class: sea, unrestricted navigation area, Arc 5 ice class. The ship features two-compartment floodability. Automatic system and dynamic positioning system are both of class 2.

The Sirius pilot boat of type PI-22 was launched on 1 June. The latest solutions providing high seakeeping and operating quality in ice conditions were applied by Pella Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant when designing the boat.
In July the boat will take part in IMDS-2013 where it will be handed over to the customer – Rosmorport.
- LOA: 22.0 m
- Beam, overall: 5.9 m
- Draught: 1.8 m
- Speed: 20 kt
- Class notation: KM (*) Ice 2 R2-RSN Aut3 HSC (classed by the Russian Maritime Registry
of Shipping)
- Main engines: 2х970 kW, Caterpillar С32.

The high-speed vessel of type А-145 designed for Yamal-Nenets autonomous district to be used at heavy river routes is being tested now near Surgut. All in all, there will be two such vessels. One vessel passed the northern test. The vessels are named the Ram Vyakhirev and the Victor Chernomyrdin (Source: Nakanune.ru). The high-speed vessel of type А-145 can accommodate 150 passengers with luggage. It is designed for speed of 40 kt and can be operated for a distance up to 200 miles in littoral sea zone. Main engines power is 2х1440 kW. Seakeeping performance ensures safe moving at sea disturbance up to 4 points.

The Baltic Sea Festival considered to be the largest Boat Show in Russia was held in St. Petersburg. From 31 May to 2 June a hundred of new domestic and foreign boats were presented in the water area of Krestovsky yacht club. Russian brands were presented by Master Boat of Admiralty Shipyards, Ushakov Shipyard, Real Boats form Kaliningrad and also Winboat, TehSudProm, Fishroad, SPEV. Yacht agencies Jonacour Marine, Nord Star Yachting and Hard Top Marine brought such leaders of the world market as Princess, Aquador, Targa, Azimut and Hansa. Visitors could use the test drive to test the performance of the boats. Besides boats, sailboats were also in great favour among the visitors.

The Navy equips its ships with special furniture. The furniture is made of incombustible material to decrease fire hazard. ISS experts developed and tested a number of basalt insulation assemblies used instead of insulation assemblies of past generation. New incombustible panels made of natural vermiculite material were used by designers for internal premises. Special incombustible poured flooring was used for the projects since the fire is always on the deck.
ISS designers propose to use special rubber coating with 30 years service life intended to provide safety of equipment and ship's systems in case of fire hazard.

Arctic issue is the priority task for public policy in Russia. This was stated by Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of Russia, in the interview given to NRK TV company, Norway. The prime minister also said that the strategy of Arctic development was adopted up to 2020 and now is considered to be the programme. The economical and humanitarian concept supporting smaller indigenous peoples inhabiting the region was adopted in 2009.

River passenger transport of Yakutia is planned to be renewed. Now passenger fleet of Yakutia consists of vessels built in 60s-80s of the past century. Their service life was expired long ago. Service life of high-speed vessels Raketa, Meteor and Zarya built in 1975-1989 has also been exceeded (Source: press office of Government in Yakutia for IA REGNUM). Annually, more than 300 thousand of passengers in Yakutia use water transport. More than 70 settlements and 15 municipal units were included into the funded transportation scheme.

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