Week 22nd (May 23rd -27th)

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The State Duma of the Russian Federation approved the draft law “On Changes to be Introduced into the Inland Water Transport Code” in the first reading. The draft law establishes that navigation along inland waterways is carried out according to the rules of navigation along inland waterways of ships under the flags of foreign states, in the sport and cultural goals determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
JSC “Volga Shipping Company” accepted the lead bulk-carrier of RSD44 project “Kapitan Ruzmankin” for operation. The ship was built by Oka Shipyard. The project was developed by Marine Engineering Bureau. River deadweight of the ship is about 5543 t, length – 138.9 m. The Russian River Register class - + O-PR 2.0 (ice 20) A.

The delegation of “Shtokman Development AG” (ShDAG) will visit Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and St. Petersburg, where it will document its cooperation with State Marine Academy named after Adm. S. O. Makarov. The ceremony of signing the Framework Agreement will take place within the framework of a grand meeting of the Scientific Council of the Academy dedicated to 135-year of one of the oldest institutions of Russia.

JSC “Yaroslav Shipyard” launched the third sea diving ship of SDS08 project “Uglich”. The project designer is “Marine Engineering Bureau”. The ship was built for FSI “Gosmorspassluzhba of Russia”.

The fourth tanker for the company “V.F. Tanker” was launched at Red Sormovo Shipyard. The ship was named “Mekhanik Paramonov”. The tanker of “river-sea” class with deadweight of 5530 t, length - 141 m, class: KM * Ice1 R2-RSN AUT3 VCS Oil tanker. Currently the tanker of 19614 project is the largest of Russian ships for river navigation.

The launch of the frigate “Trikand” of 11356 project being built for India took place at BALTIC SHIPYARD “Yantar”. The project was developed by FSUE “Severnoe Design Bureau”. The ship is designed to conduct operations in ocean and sea areas on its own and being included into naval forces as an escort ship.

The Presidents of Russia and France agreed to sign the contract on purchase of four helicopter ships of “Mistral” type by Russia. Two helicopter ships will be built in France and two - in Russia. “Mistral” with deadweight of 21 thou. tons and maximum length of the body 210 m, is able to attain speed more than 18 knots.

Corvette “Soobrazitelniy” of 20380 project went into the sea trials from “Severnaya Verf” shipbuilding plant. The project was developed by CSDB “Almaz”. Deadweight is about 2 thou. t, total length – 105 m, maximum speed – 27 knots. Endurance – 4 thou. marine miles.

After successful trials the second ship from the series of “Gepard-3.9” project built by Zelenodolsk Plant named after Gorky was sent to the Customer to Vietnam. The ship designer is JSC “Zelenodolsk Design Bureau”.

The launch of the fourth from ten bulk-carriers of RSD44 project designed for Volga Shipping Company took place at Oka Shipyard. The ship was named “Kapitan Gudovich”.
Freight-carrying capacity of the ships of RSD44 project is 5.5 thou. t.

Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) approved the request of JSC “USC” to increase a fraction in JSC “Severnaya Verf” and JSC “Baltic Shipyard”. USC will increase a fraction in JSC “Severnaya Verf” up to 96.78% of common shares due to buying 75.82% of common shares of the company. In addition, USC was instructed about possible restriction on the market of production of sea vessels and ships in the Russian Federation with deadweight up to 12,000 t.

The ceremony of transfer of specialized passenger port “Morskoy Fasad” into the ownership of St. Petersburg occurred. The port is able to accept cruisers and ferries with length up to 311 m and maximum draft up to 9 m. Length of approach cannels is 10 km, depth of the channels and water area according to the project - 11 m. Length of the quay wall - 2108 m. The project capacity will be 704 thou. passengers and 130 ship entries per year.

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