Week 18th (April 25th-29th)

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On 22th April Almaz Shipbuilding Company launched a new patrol BOAT built for Vietnam. The patrol boat was taken off the floating dock and moored at quay where it would be fitted out.

The displacement of ships of project 10412 is 375t, they able to gain the speed up to 30 knots. Patrol ship’s run is 2.2 thousand miles. The boats are armed with 30mm gun mount АК-306, 7.56-mm gun mount АК-176М, 16 missile launchers Igla-1М and two 14.5 mm scatter guns.
Preliminary hearings of the criminal case initiated after an accident happened to NPS Nerpa in 2008 started by the Pacific Fleet Court Martial. A fire outbreak occurred in Nerpa 2.5 years ago during Yard's sea trials in the Sea of Japan: fire-fighting system of the new submarine operated improperly, and as a result, 20 persons died of poisonous gas. Investigators accused the sub's commanding officer and bilge engineer. Trial lawyers called for trial jury insisting on their complete innocence.
An outbreak occurred in Nerpa in the autumn of 2008 during Yard's sea trials; fire-fighting system operated improperly, and gas entered compartments. As a result, 20 persons died and other 21 were intoxicated and put into the hospital. Investigators accused the sub's commanding officer Dmitry Lavrentiev and bilge engineer Dmitry Grobov. The trial lawyers insist on their complete innocence.

Seafarers’ Union of Russia called for a right for an unconditional refusal from work granting by ship owners to seamen in the zone of an increased danger, where the risk of pirate attack is very high. The call followed after the meeting of the trade union with the participants of operation Atalanta. The ADMIRAL of Spanish DESTROYER LEADER Canarias, Huan Rodrigez, said to the trade union delegates that security assurance of civil ships is not a principal task for the European Coalition. According to his words, the principal tasks are relief cargo logistics and security protection of international transit corridor.

Zvezdochka Shipreparing Centre and Vietnam Navy signed a protocol for supply of spares, instruments and SPTA for the ships of the Vietnam People’s Navy. Alongside with signing the agreement for spare parts supply, negotiations on possible Zvezdochka’s involvement in yard updating in Kamran military base were conducted.

Amphibious ship Mordovia was re-berthed in the Yard for change of a rubber skirt in the air cushion. The technicians would repair the hull, and check the components for normal operation. Performance of works would take almost a month. Renewed air-cushioned ship would show up at IMDS-2011 in St.Petersburg.

Recommendations of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on making amendments to normative legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transportation and the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation required for simplification of checking procedures at offshore posts to cross RF border are forwarded to the appropriate departments, stated Alexandra Ochirova, a member of the Public Council of the Russian Border Services Agency.
As a result of public hearings that took place on 27th of January 2011, the Public Chamber issued proposals to change a series of normative legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as subordinate normative legal acts of the Ministry of Transportation and the Federal Customs Service of the Russian federation in the field of state regulation in Russian offshore posts to cross RF border.
Recommendations are forwarded to the Head of Government, the Minister of Transport, the Chairman of State Duma Safety Committee, the Head of the Federal Customs Service, the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
Participants of the public hearings also recommended:
- for the Public Council of the Russian Border Services Agency in cooperation with Public Chamber of the Russian Federation to collect the information for further delivery to the Presidential Administration concerned with anti-corruption initiatives;
- address to the Government of the Russian Federation for foundation of an inter-industrial group for working out the procedures of offshore post improvement;
- address to the Committee of Transportation of the State Duma of the Russian federation with request to work out the proposal to improve the legislation/bring into compliance with the FAL Convention;
- to forward the materials to work group of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for further elaboration of law enforcement practice;
- for the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation to address to the Regional Public Chambers /regions with sea ports/ with the request to study the problem and forward in-house proposals to the Public Chamber;
- to forward the materials to the Chamber of commerce and Industry for tracing the case;
- for the Public Council of the Russian Border Services Agency on the permanent basis to carry on the research of developing practices and monitor their development.

Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy concluded an agreement on co-operation with JSC Lukoil in the field of training, retraining and advanced training of workers employed at off-shore oil and gas industry facilities as well as in the field of research works execution. Within the framework of the agreement, collaborative actions will be taken in development and implementation of universal standards concerning personnel training and qualification of personnel employed at off-shore continental shelf facilities.
Academy training bases in St.Petersburg, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk as well as sail ship Mir will be used for training, retraining and advanced training of Lukoil employees.

On 28th of April at 2 p.m. a new buoy vessel Lotzmeister-1 is to be launched at Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod Plant. Project BLV01 has been executed for Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosmorport. The project is designed by the Marine Engineering Bureau. A keel-laying ceremony was carried out on the 15th of July in 2010. Length overall – 42 m,overall beam – 10.2 m, amidships depth 3.3 m, draft 2.5 m, deadweight at the draft – 211 m,main engine rated power 405 kW (two engines on the whole). Construction cost is 290 million RUR.
Vessel purpose:
- vessel is intended to work on installation of floating navigation guards at the approach zones and water areas of ports, their service and survey;
- inspection of the sea floor, search for sunken objects, including buoys’ anchors with the help of side-scan SONAR and hydrographic echo sounder;
- participation in operations on oil spills liquidation as an auxiliary transport for delivery of oil spill response equipment, and as a vessel for the installation of slick bars beyond the spill area. The vessel’s operation directly in the spill area is not foreseen.

In 2011 United Shipbuilding Corporation and Korean Daewoo Shipbuilding Marine Engineering will provide 2.5 billion RUR for construction of Yard Zvezda-DSME, stated USC’s head, Roman Trotzenko.
It has been spent 600 million RUR so far, in 2011 it will be provided 2.5 billion RUR, Korea’s share comprises – 20 %.
By now USC has failed to agree on loan agreement conditions with the Bank for Foreign Economic Activity, an object of the dispute being the rate. However the first the Bank for Foreign Economic Activity loan tranche may be obtained in June-July if the dispute is settled.
Earlier Mr. Trotzenko stated that USC is going to obtain 1 billion rubbles from the Bank for Foreign Economic Activity for construction of the Yard in 2011, while the total cost of construction is estimated as 20 billion RUR.
According to the Corporation, the Yard is planned to be completed at the end of 2012 with intermediate objects to be put into operation 2011. The Yard LAYING was carried out in November 2009.

A joint welding team from JSC Center of Ship Repair Yard Zvezdochka, head branch of Ship Repair Plant Nerpa, and Reinertsen LLC in short time performed preparation works for sea towing of self-elevating floating drilling rig Kolskaya to Sakhalin.
Mortech Arkhangelsk LLC was responsible for preparation works for long-term sea passage of rig Kolskaya. The specialists of Head Affiliate Ship Repair Yard Nerpa and Reinertsen LLC had to fix rig Kolskaya on board of transport carrier Transshelf, which is the property of Dockwise LTD within 3 days limit.
To perform such works high-qualified welders having skills confirmed by international certificates were required. A joint team of 22 welders from Nerpa and Russian company Reinertsen completed works on welding support structures so as to fix the rig on board of transport carrier in 60 hours. In order to meet the deadline the welders were working in shifts of 12 hours. More than 400 kg of welding electrodes were used during welding operations.
According to the quality control results, over 400 m of weld joints have no weak points. Rig Kolskaya is safely secured on board of Dockwise and is ready to set off for a long-term sea trip.
The first joint project of Head Affiliate Ship Repair Yard Nerpa and Reinertsen LLC has proved to be successful thus serves as a foundation for future profitable cooperation in execution of oil and gas projects.

In Sochi a criminal case was initiated against a ship owner who made a deliberately false report about the capture of his vessel. Transport prosecutor's office legitimized the order of line police department on institution of criminal proceedings against Zinchenko A.P. according to Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deliberately false report of act of terrorism).
In the course of examination it was ascertained that on the 3d of March the owner of the Triton motor vessel by means of radio communication on VHF channel 14 reported that his vessel is captured and asked for help. An operational investigative group of line police department of Internal Affairs Linear Directorate in Sochi immediately set out to the scene, but the information did not proved. A preliminary investigation based on this incident is carried out in order to substantiate all facts. Control over the investigation is taken by the Transport Prosecutor’s Office of Sochi.

In 2011 Sevmash shipbuilders are going to deliver at once 3 submarines of a new generation to the Russian Federation Navy. The fleet is to get lead strategic nuclear submarine Yury Dolgoruky of project 955 Borei, first production-type submarine of this class Alexandr Nevsky and promising multipurpose submarine Severodvinsk of project 885 Yasen.
Different from Severodvinsk and Alexandr Nevsky submarines, Yury Dolgoruky has completed over 10 sea trials where its seagoing qualities, flexibility and speed performance have been tested. Trials of submarine weapon systems and ship’s equipment and systems have been conducted as well.
Yury Dolgoruky submarine was laid down in the Sevmash slipways in 1996, launched in April 2007. In 2010 the submarine completed sea acceptance trials at the enterprise. The strategic nuclear submarine will be armed with new Bulava missile, which currently undergoes sea trials as well. Bulava was launched from Yury Dolgoruky submarine of project 914U Typhoon 14 times. Bulava launches will be continued in 2011 from the board of a main launch submarine.
In December 2010 Sevmash launched Alexandr Nevsky submarine - the first production-type submarine of project 955 Borei. Submarine cost is around 23 billion RUR. Vladimir Monomakh submarine, which is currently under construction at the yard, is another submarine of this class.
Submarines of Borei class are designed by CDB ME “Rubin”. Each submarine is able to carry more than 16 Bulava ballistic missiles. Additionally, the submarine is furnished with an emerging rescue chamber designed for the whole crew. Borei is approximately 170 m long, 13.5 m in diameter, rated depth 450 m, a crew of approx. 107, among them 55 are the officers. The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation intends to construct eight submarines of Borei class as minimum.
Multipurpose submarine Sevedodvinsk of fourth generation (project 885 Yasen) was developed in sea bureau of engineering Malakhit. Construction started at Sevmash in 1993. Severodvinsk submarine was launched on 15th June 2010.
For the first time torpedo-launching systems have been fitted behind the compartment of the central station not in the submarine fore end, which enabled to fit the sonar in the fore end of the submarine. Armament is represented by eight vertical missile launchers. Submarine weapon system consists of general-purpose deep-sea homing torpedoes and mines and supersonic cruise missiles. Perspective navigation and communication systems are installed in the SUBMARINE, it is also equipped with totally new nuclear power installation. Total displacement is 11,800 tonnes, hull length is 120 metres. Yasen submerged speed is more than 30 knots. Submarine crew is 85.

On April 26th Khabarovskiy Shipbuilding Yard, which is the part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, has started the construction of two ice-rated azimuth tugs as per project 2310 for Rosneft. The designer is Damen Yard. Construction of one of the azimuth tugs is covered as an option. According to the terms of the contract, high-tech azimuth tugs will be delivered to the ship owner in 2012.

JSC Yard Zaliv has completed the construction of the first vessel’s hull which is currently built for Norwegian Holding Ulstein. By the end of April there have been constructed 15 sections with total weight of 1,100 tones.

The enterprise has signed the contract with Ulstein for construction of two outfitted hulls for supply vessels of PX121 project and two outfitted hulls for the vessel of seismographic shelf survey ofSX134 project. The first vessel delivery is scheduled for the middle of May 2011; on the whole, the completion of works over four projects on Zaliv Yard is planned by the end of 2011.

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