Week 18 (April 30— May 4)

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The tugboat RB-42 built by Leningrad Shipyard Pella has been commissioned into the Baltic Fleet. The ensign-hoisting ceremony took place in Baltiysk.

The Project 90600 azimuth tugboat RB-42 is capable of participating in salvage operations for bringing vessels afloat, fire fighting, oil spill responses, etc. Length: 25.4 m; draft: 3.8 m; speed: 12 knots; hook pulling power: up to 35 tons.
Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod Shipyard has launched the Project A160 inshore diving boat ‘Vodolaz Maleev’ built under the Federal Target Program Development of Russian Transport System (2010-2015). The boat is designed for supporting underwater engineering operations at a depth of up to 60 meters with a sea state of max 4. Russian River Register Class: КМ Ice2 R3 – RSN АUT3 SDS<60 diving ship. Length overall: 27.4 m. Light draft: 83 tons. Power: 2 X 441 kW. Speed: max 15 knots. Cruising range: 200 miles. Project A160 inshore diving boats are entirely fitted out with up-to-date diving equipment.

Zelenodolsk Shipyard has held a ceremony of laying down the fourth Project 21980 anti-terror boat ‘Grachyonok’ designed by Vympel Design Bureau. The primary purpose of Grachyonok-class boats is to fight against terrorist forces and means in water areas of the Russian naval bases.

‘Captain Shumilov’ and ‘Captain Canatov’ – Project RSD44 dry cargo ships with a river DWT of appr. 5540 tons, ‘Volga’ Max Class – have been accepted for operation by Volga Shipping Company. These ships were built by Okskaya Shipyard in record-breaking time. The project was developed by the Marine Engineering Bureau. Russian River Register Class: O-PR 2,0 (Ice 20) A.

Krasnoe Sormovo Shipyard has completed trials of the lead tanker built to a new concept with an increased block coefficient ‘VF Tanker – 1’. The tanker reached a speed of 11.7 knots on measured mile at the 2100 kW shaft power, 3.2 m forward draft and 3.3 m aft draft. This project designed by the Marine Engineering Bureau is characterized by an enhanced river function, increased river deadweight and hull strength. The customer of this tanker series is V. F. Tanker Shipping Company.

As part of the investigation into the sinking of the passenger vessel ‘Bulgaria’, criminal cases have been initiated against Svetlana Inyakina, General Director of ArgoRechTour Ltd., and Yakov Ivashov, Senior Expert of Kama Branch of the Russian River Register Federal State Institution.
According to the investigating authorities, Inyakina operated the vessel having engineering malfunctions, granted work permits to untrained personnel, failed to introduce labor safety instruction procedures, practical training at work places and knowledge tests of labor safety requirements, thus infringing the above rules and requirements. Ivashov, in his turn, intentionally entered knowingly false information about the acceptable technical condition of the diesel-electric vessel ‘Bulgaria’ into formal documents of the Register. The investigation of this criminal case is underway.

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