Week 17th (April 18th-22nd)

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On the night of 19th/20th of April a 18 m long yacht Peter I is to be moored at outfitting quay of JSC Baltyisky Zavod where the specialists of the enterprise proceed to its repair.

The following works are to be performed during the repair: new rudder manufacturing, residual hull thickness inspection, paint coating, afterhatch leaking elimination, as well as manufacturing of two anchors, tiller, fuel tanks covers and shaft line Goodrich bearing. The shaft line itself is to be checked for runout. When all repair procedures are completed, the yacht will be launched.

The yacht was constructed in 1992 to take part in “Grand Regatta Columbus '92” in honour of 500th Year Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus. In the course of this voyage in 1992 the yacht crossed the Atlantic Ocean twice. On return, the yacht was re-equipped in a seagoing cruise vessel.

In the summer 2010 the yacht Peter I set off for round-the-world voyage through the Arctic Ocean. The crew of the yacht coped with all difficulties and returned to its native town having set a world record.
Baltic Fuel Company (BFC) LLC has commissioned a new conventional tanker "Captain Ponikarovsky”. The tanker is 5,000DWT, has double bottom/double sides. Overall length - 105.71m, beam overall – 17 m. The tanker will be engaged in transportation of exported petroleum products from the port of St. Petersburg to European ports, and for bunker supplies to ships at the ports of St. Petersburg, Primorsk, Ust-Luga and to the fishing vessels outside Russia.

United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) has gained 25.5 % of ordinary shares of Kriushinsky Ship-Building Yard repurchasing it from the Federal Agency of State Property Management. Formerly, Ismagilov Nail had been elected as the Director General of KrSBRY for a period of 3 years.
The Yard builds ships over 120 m in overall length and releases various welded and demoutable metalworks, high-voltage supports, etc.

Vice Admiral, Nikolay Borisov, has been released by the President, Dmitry Medvedev, from his position as the Head of the Shipbuilding, Weapons and Weapons Operation. Earlier Mr. Borisov, in the name of the Russian Navy conducted negotiations with France for supply of Mistral helicopter carriers.
Mr. Borisov had already sent in resignation at the beginning of March.
His discharge seems to be associated with a protocol that had been signed between France and Russia in person by the Vice Admiral. According to this agreement, the cost of two Mistral helicopters carriers made up 1.15 billion Euro. Logistics costs (131 billion Euro) and training costs (39 billion Euro) were included into the agreement with the result that the agreement value unexpectedly raised by 170 billion Euro. The protocol with a new price was said to be signed by the Vice Admiral without a coordinated approval of Rosoboronexport.
Borisov’s resignation would probably allow starting the negotiations anew. However, the Naval Authorities have no claims against Borisov, as it has been stated earlier by a Navy representative.

Vladimir Putin, the Head of Government of the Russian Federation, has promised to take a close look at the situation concerning the Russian Federal Fisheries Agency’ orders for ship construction.
“If some improper actions are really identified, responsible and guilty executives would be recognized and punished” Putin says while answering the questions of the delegates in the State Duma.
Earlier according to the Accounts Chamber, in 2009 the Russian Federal Fisheries Agency has concluded the government contract for construction of research and reproduction vessels with the intermediate organizations lacking engineering capabilities and appropriate knowledge in ship design and construction. In 2009 the total of four government contracts were concluded with total cost of 1.7 billion RUR.
In most cases works under government contracts were paid without verification based on acceptance acts, notes of costs and invoices rendered by works contractor.

On April 20th, 2010 a keel-laying ceremony for a self-propelled dry-cargo vessel, project RSD49 took place at "Nevsky Yard", LLC. This vessel is the second in a series of 10 river-sea dry-cargo vessels of 7,000 DWT, project RSD49. The project is developed by SJSC Marine Engineering Bureau-Design-SPB in close co-operation with the specialists of the Customer and Yard. The vessels are being constructed in accordance with the Rules and under supervision of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS) and will be classed: КМ Iсе2 R2 AUT1-C.
The vessel of project RSD49 is intended for carrying general and bulk cargoes as well as timber. In addition, the second HOLD of the vessel with length 50 m makes it possible to transport long items of cargo, in particular large-diameter pipes for gas and oil pipelines.
All the vessels of the series will have advanced equipment in the engine room: WARTSILA engines, type 6L20, automatic auxiliary diesel-generators. Automation class will make it possible for one man to operate the vessel from the captain's bridge.
The vessel will have the following principal dimensions and features:
- Length overall 139.95m
- Beam overall 16.7 m
- Draft in river 3.6 m
- Cargo holds, length 25 m + 50 m + 25 m
- Deadweight in river (draft 3.6 m) approx. 4525 t
- Deadweight at sea (draft 4.7 m) approx. 7000 t
- Capacity of cargo holds approx. 10,900m3
The vessels of project RSD49 with their displacement will be the largest dry-cargo vessels to meet the requirements for dimensions of Volga-Don Ship Channel.

Russian shipbuilding industry experiences an increase up to 8 % in 2010, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said during a government report which took place in the State Duma on Wednesday. The stock of orders of JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation has exceeded 100 vessels.
Our task is to establish all processing chain – from research and design and experimental works to component manufacturing and high-volume products release over the territory of the Russian Federation, said the Prime Minister.
Ice-bracers construction, high-tech vessels of various applications and drilling rigs are the priority areas of development, highlighted the Prime Minister.

On April, 16th this year, sea trials of the second similar semi-submersible floating drilling rig “Severnoe Siyanie”, constructed for Gazflot, have been successfully completed. The test program of trials of semi-submersible floating drilling rig was similar to the test program of the first semi-submersible drilling rig, and lasted five days. It has included the control of speed quality of the rig, maneuvering ability, working ability, fitting of all working parts, inspection of unattended maintenance and control of anchor pull in navigation conditions.
Now “Severnoe Siyanie” is in water area of Yard SHI in South Korea, where it has system integration tests. On completion of these tests, the drilling rig will be directed to port Holmsk to be prepared for a drilling season.

The Russian Federation is not interested in purchasing missile cruiser Ukraina owned by the Ukraine, said the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, Anatoliy Serdyukov. According to press relations office of United Russia party, he also added that monetary funds for such purposes are not provided in the Arms Government Programme of the Russian Federation.
Underbuilt missile cruiser Ukraina is on the books of the Ukrainian State Yard Named after 61 Communards. Its maintenance runs for the Ukraine into almost 2 million per year.

Вased on the results of Sakhalin Transport Prosecutor’s Office inspection, the Deputy Captain of Holmsk port is dismissed for exceeding official authority.
It has been ascertained that he signed and turned over to crew members over 50 diplomas and certificates of competency in the period from October 2010 to February 2011 thus violating the Merchant Marine Code. Only the Captain of the Port is invested with the authority to issue such documents.

RF Ministry of Transportation is going to open tenders for construction of two or three ice-brakers, said Deputy Minister of Transportation Victor Olersky during the international conference Transportation Security held within the framework of United Russia party project “St.Petersburg is a Sea Capital of Russia”. According to his words, the number of ice-bracers will depend on the specifications taken into account.
On May15th a tender for construction of the first ice-breaker with the power 25 MW will be opened within the framework of the Federal Target-Oriented Programme. He also mentioned that the other ice-brakers will probably have the power of 16-18 MW.
Yet the programme’s resources are enough only for the half of the order. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is able to allocate money as well – this option is currently bringing into line with the budget.
According to Oldersky’s words, if minimum three or four new vessels are not constructed by 2020, the ports would experience “ice pause”. In particular, Ust-Luga port needs four lead ships.

Sovkomflot is intending to purchase two products carriers “Blue Coral” and “Blue Diamond” of 2008 year built with 51,000DWT tons from bankrupted Korean company Korea Line.
The cost of one carrier would be 33.5 billion dollars, Central Information Agency of Seafarers’ Union of Russia says.
Rapid growth of company’s fleet is distinguished by research associates. Thus, in 2011 alone 2VLCC with 320,000DWT tons (with cost of 100 million dollars for each vessel) has been ordered for construction in China, five products carriers have been purchased as a part of cooperation with ST Shipping 5, 6 vessels have been purchased from PRISCO.

On April 20th,2011 a laying ceremony for a section of lead oil tankers, project RST25 of increased environmental standard took place at Zeenodolsky Yard named after A.M.Gorky. A keel-laying ceremony of a high-speed passenger ship of new generation, project A145 (the second in the series) took place alongside with oil-vessel laying.
The Customer of a series of two river-sea oil-tankers of project RST25 is Nafta Investment. The Project is developed by SJSC Marine Engineering Bureau-Design-SPB. The vessels are being constructed in accordance with the Rules of and under supervision of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS) and will be classed with: M-SP 4,5 (Ice 40) А ECO3. The vessel is to be delivered to the Customer in 2012.

Sea trials of tankers built for SVL and V.F. Tanker LLC are started with first open water at Krasnoe Sormovo Yard. The contract with SVL Company for construction of two oil tankers 7,000DWT tons each was signed in May 2010. The contract signed in July 2010 with V.F. Tanker LLC provides the construction of seven oil tankers of project 19 614.
Tankers for SVLТ of project 19 900 Volgo-Kaspian Design Bureau are designed for transportation of crude oil, gas condensate, oil products (including technological gasoline) with vapour flash point lower than 60°C; tankers are equipped with preheat system. The tankers are designed to carry up to three different cargoes AT ONCE. Deadweight AT SEA (draft 4.60 m) – 7,100 t, in the river (draft 3.60 m) – 4,700 t. Capacity of cargo holds – 12 cargo tanks and 2 slop tanks. Main engine capacity -– 2х1200 kW, speed in service– 10.5 knots. The ship is classed KM*Icel [1] R2 AUT1- ICS OMBO LI VCS Oil Tanker (ESP) by the Russian Marine Registry of Shipping.
The tankers of 19 614 project for V.F. Tanker LLC are the biggest Russian river-sea ships and are designed for transportation of crude oil and oil products. The project for tankers construction has been brought into compliance with the latest revision of the Rules of the Registry and international Safety Conventions. Tankers deadweight - 5530 t, length overall - 141 m, beam overall - 16,9 m, hull height - 6,1 m, draft - 3,73/3,60 m, cargo holds capacity – 6720m3, speed – not less than 10 knots, crew - 14/16, cruising capacity - 15/10 days. Operation area – inland water-ways and sea nonpolar regions in accordance to ship class. Class: КМ * Ice1 R2-RSN AUT3 VCS Oil tanker.

State Joint Stock Holding Company Black Sea Yard is capable of constructing all types of naval ships including corvettes, DESTROYER LEADERS, cruisers and aircraft carriers. The Yard is also interested in orders for repair of in-service vessels for the Ukrainian and Russian Navy.
Works on construction of a series of container carriers for Dutch Damen Yards Bergum and upgrading of big full-freezer TRAWLER SHIP “General Troshev” for the Preobrazhenskaya Base of the Trawling Fleet are currently held at the Yard;
In December 2009 the Ministry of Defence of the Ukraine and State Joint Stock Holding Company Black Sea Yard won a tender issued by a military department and signed a contract for construction of corvett class ships for the Navy in the context of Defence Procurement. According to the contract, four corvettes are to be built in the slipways of Black Sea Yard by 2018. The lead ship is supposed to be delivered to the Customer in 2012.

Several Russian naval groups have been put to the Baltic Sea straight away in order to perform gun practice – a mandatory stage before the full-scale exercises.

Combat training is closely monitored by NATO ships belonging to Sweden and Poland navy and located close to the marginal water border.

On April 21st Yaroslavsky Shipbuilding Plant JSC launched Rostov Veliky, a second sea diving vessel of project SDS08, yard number 202. The ship was ordered by the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport for FSI Russian Marine Emergency Rescue Service.
Rostov Veliky will join the fleet of Novorossiysk department of salvage and underwater engineering works.
Detail project SDS08 has been designed by the Marine Engineering Bureau, design and process documentation – by Petrobalt Design Bureau.
The design is remarkably different from in-service similar ships:
1. The vessel has onboard DIVING equipment for diving and UNDERWATER ENGINEERING WORKS at depths of 100 m and has no analogues on existing vessels operated by Russian Marine Emergency Rescue Service.
2. Also, the vessel is equipped with two marine air-foam fire monitors that will enable the ship to extinguish FIRES on other ships and different vessels.
3. There is a towing WINCH making the vessel a tugboat.
4. The vessel can be used for deployment of containment booms during Oil Spill Response operations.
5. The vessel can effectively operate in rough seas with wave height of up to 3m. However, she can sail and approach the site of rescue operation at wave height up to 7 m.
6. The vessel is powered by 2 high-speed main engines of 442 kW each with the power transferred to an adjustable pitch propeller; to hold the ship above the point of works performance the vessel is equipped with transverse bow propeller with capacity of 120 kW.
7. There is a remotely operated vehicle on board that allow to perform survey of water zones’ sea bottom, underwater sections of hulls and ship propeller-rudder assemblies as well as underwater sections of hydraulic facilities located at depth less than 100 m.
8. To perform uplift of sunken ships, repair of ship’s underbody, repair of hydraulic facilities as well as rescue operations, the ship is equipped with underwater welding equipment with operational depth of 25 m and underwater cutting equipment with operational depth of 100 m. The lifting equipment with operational depth of 100 m allows to lift individual parts of sunken objects with weight up to 2 t.
9. In refloating operations the vessel is capable to dewater flooded compartments of a wreck vessel as well as to blowdown the lifting pontoons.
Thus, a unique combination of the installed equipment and a powerful power unit allow accomplishing the specific tasks in performance of underwater engineering works at depths up to 100 m. Also, two marine air-foam fire monitors with capacity of 180 m3/h enable the ship to extinguish fires on other ships and different vessels; an anchoring-mooring-towing winch with force of 7 t installed at ship’s bow makes the vessel a tugboat. The ship is able to dewater the compartments of a wreck ship and take part in Oil Spill Response operations. These features make up a unique characteristic for a ship with overall length of 38 m.

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