Week 16th (April 11th-15th)

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The calim of the port of Sevastopol to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation entered the Moscow City Arbitration Court. Consideration of the case was appointed on the 22nd of April. The dispute concerns the land area, square of which is 0.3 ha, on the Pavlovsky Cape of the Yuzhnaya bay. In Soviet times, the territory belonged to the port, there was a port station with a quay for acceptance of BOATS here. After the “Freedom Parade” the area was delivered to the Black Sea fleet of the Russian Federation. Currently the port of Sevastopol has no access to the territory, as the Black Sea Fleet Hospital is from one side, and the arsenal is from another side. The commercial seaport in Sevastopol is planning to build a new quay for acceptance of small vessels and administrative building on it.

One more issue is the Sea Station. Now passenger cruise LINERS entering Sevastopol are taken on the 143th quay. Leaving a vessel, tourists get right to the city centre. However the quay, the length of which is 200 m, is able to accept only one small liner, for larger vessels of international cruise companies the quay length shall be 500 m. Today missed meters of the quays belong to the Black Sea Fleet, small antisubmarine warfare ships are basing there. The COMMERCIAL PORT wants to raise an issue of their transition into another bay of Sevastopol.
The Ministry of Transport of Russia determined the procedure to use global positioning systems GLONASS on river vessels. The rivermen shall install satellite navigators and transcoders by the end of 2013, or year and a half earlier – when passing the classification survey.
According to the order entering into force on the 19th of April, the equipment shall be included in the navigation equipment of passenger river vessels, self-propelled transport vessels of “M” and “O” classes with gross tonnage 300 tons and over, as well as transferring dangerous cargoes.
The legislation obliges to use receivers GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS on most of transport facilities. It is planned to complete full deployment of the satellite equipment by the end of this year.

Shikhov Pavel Vladimirоvich was appointed as the Deputy Director General of the Russian Sea Register of Navigation.
Pavel Vladimirovich worked in Russian Navigation since 1997, grew from an inspection engineer to the Deputy Head of the Technical Surveillance Management Service.
In 2010, Pavel Vladimirovich headed the Shipbuilding Service created in Russian Navigation, the field of which includes holding inspections on the stages of vessel construction, production of materials and products, as well as recognition and check of the enterprises.
Since the 1st of April, 2011 Shikhov Pavel Vladimirovich was appointed as the Deputy Director General of Russian Navigation.

The President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, signed the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation”, adopted by the State Duma on the 25th of March, 2011 and approved by the Federation Council on the 30th of March. The law is aimed at improving the regulation of relations emerging when forming rates on services for using the infrastructure of internal waterways, including river ports, state regulation of pilot service by state and private pilot organisations for internal water transport.

The main innovations concern the issues of establishment of amount of payment, dues, rates for services using the infrastructure of internal waterways and river ports. In addition, rates for services in a river port rendered by the subjects of natural monopolies, and rules of using such rates will be set according to the legislation on natural monopolies, while amount of payment for services, not concerning the sphere of natural monopolies, will be determined on the basis of contracts.

The law introduces a definition of the term “infrastructure of internal waterways”, which means a set of objects providing navigation within internal waterways and including navigable hydraulic engineering structures, LIGHTHOUSES, roads, anchorage areas, places of shelter, navigation equipment, objects of electrical energy industry, networks of communication and communication installations, alarm systems, information complexes and vessels control systems, industrial ships/vessels designed to perform track, navigational and hydrographic, auxiliary works and others connected with the scope of works of internal waterways, and other objects providing their operation.

The transportation of cargoes, passengers and their luggage, towing of vessels and other floating objects, loading and unloading of cargoes, rendering services in river ports, services for using the infrastructure of internal waterways and other services of internal water transport are carried out on a fee basis.

The carriage charge/payment for transportation of cargoes, passengers and their luggage is set by carriers. Payment for towing of vessels and other floating objects is set by towing carriers.

If governmental authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation and /or/ by local authorities provide subsidies to compensate expenses or loss incomings in connection with rendering services on transport of passengers and their luggage on transit, suburban and local routes of passengers transport, amount of carriage charge is determined by carriers with the agreement of these authorities.

Amount of charge for services on using the infrastructure of internal waterways and services in river ports, not concerning the sphere of natural monopolies, is set on the basis of contracts.

Dues /rates/ for vessel services in a river port rendered by the subjects of natural monopolies, a list of such dues /rates/ and rules of their using are set according to the legislation on natural monopolies.

Dues /rates/ for vessel services on using the infrastructure of internal waterways, a list of such dues /rates/and rules of their using are set according to the legislation on natural monopolies.

The law establishes equal requirements to activity both state pilot services and private organisations on pilot escort of vessels. For that end, it is proposed to exclude the norm, according to which private organisations on pilot escort of vessels are created taking into account the features, established by the authorized government of the Russian Federation by the federal executive authorities.

In addition, it is proposed to recognize Article 58 of the Port Dues Code to become inoperative.

An agreement on the purchase of two amphibious assault helicopter ships of Mistral type by Russia at France is under the threat, as unprofitable configuration of ships for Russian side was fixed at the beginning of negotiations. The proposed configuration does not provide the delivery of modern command, control and communications system, for which it was generally planned to buy Mistral, as it turned out, it had been assumed to deliver only the base variant of the ship.
In addition, the preliminary agreement did not actually include the construction of two more ships in Russia, as well as training of the crew and transfer of shipbuilding processes. Now they are seeking the solution of the problem on the political level.
In May, the trip of the President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, will take place to France to the Summit of “ Twenty”. After the summit, negotiations of the Presidents of countries on the issue can take place.

The supervisory authorities discovered that Yard Named after 61 Communards had no bill debts to Prominvestbank at the beginning of 2007. But afterwards based exactly on these documents the enterprise bankruptcy procedure was started.
In the process of inspection, the employees of the Auditing Department established that the enterprise did not have real debts to Prominvestbank. Nevertheless, in December the parties concluded settlement agreements to pay a debt in the amount of 9.8 million hryvnias on 28 promissory bills and 4.4 million hryvnias charged as inflation index and fine sanctions because of violation of bill calculations terms - in total in the amount of 14.2 million hryvnias.
By Auditing Department data, the Yard according to credit contracts dated 1994-1995, had obligations in the amount of 9.8 million hryvnias on payment of charged percents for using the loan by passing 28 promissory bills, with the term before presentation in 2002. In 1998 the Yard transerred 28 promissory bills to Prominvestbank. It is impossible to learn calculations of the Yard and BANK because of absence of corresponding documents at the Yard. Prominvestbank does not give documents referring to the bank secrecy. It is stated, that according to the Yard accountancy, there was already no debt on these bills to Prominvestbank at the beginning of December, 2007. Nevertheless, the bank concluded settlement agreements to pay a debt in the amount of 9.8 million hryvnias on 28 promissory bills and 4.4 million hryvnias charged as an inflation index and fine sanctions. Thus, the Yard obliged to pay 14.2 million hryvnias.
Further signing the settlement agreements caused initiation of proceedings about bankruptcy of the Yard and entering the procedure of property disposition. By the way, the settlement agreement, which in fact became the cause for beginning the bankruptcy process, was not approved by the court.
At the end of March, Igor Kozyrev, was dismissed from the post of the Director General of the Yard. Local authorities directly accused him to bankrupt the enterprise intentionally. Now a crimiral case has opened for Mr. Kozyrev. Currently the enterprise is included in the list of strategic objects not to be sold. At the same time, due to absence of orders the big Yard has to stand increasing the debts.

The Accounts Chamber Board made public disclosure of improper use by JSC Dalzavod of budget resources in amounts of 442.3 million RUR obtained from the Russian Federal Fisheries Agency.
In 2009 four open tenders for the right to conclude a contract for construction of research and fish reproduction vessels were held. The Russian Federal Fisheries Agency concluded four government orders amounting over 1.7 billion RUR.
The Russian Federal Fisheries Agency as a state customer neglected the procedures specified in the Federal Law No. 94-FZ of July 21st, 2005, concerning analysis of all the factors that determine the participants’ qualification. As a result, the contracts were concluded with intermediate organizations lacking engineering capabilities and appropriate knowledge in ship design and construction.
JSC Dalzavod stated false information in work completion certificates concerning the development of project design documentation it had never developed and purchasing of associated hardware it had not actually purchased. The budget resources of 442.3 million RUR obtained from the Federal State Fisheries Agency were used by the enterprise for current needs of the enterprise as well as deposited into a deposit accounts and money loans to business entities in order to profit material benefits.
It should be mentioned that there are Holding Company JSC Dalzavod (being a part of USC) and JSC Dalzavod governed by a well-known businessman, Dmitry Dremlyuga, who distinguish itself in improper use of funds.

Narimanovsky District Court of Astrakhan Region granted a claim of Krymov A.G., Director General of JSC Lotos, to abolish the proceeding in administrative offence according to Section 2 Article 5.27 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation. Earlier the Government Attorney of Narimanovsky District initiated a administrative offence against Krymov A.G., Director General of JSC Lotos, according to Section 2 Article 5.27 of Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation (violation of labour legislation by an administration officer committed to administrative penalty for similar administrative offence). A reason for prosecutor’s response measures was month-long wages payable with total over 7 million rubbles to 441 employees.

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