Week 14th (March 28th - April 1st)

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Nuclear-power vessel “Admiral Nakhimov” goes into remanufacturing. The Command of the Russian Navy starts remanufacturing of the heavy nuclear missile cruiser of 1144 project “Admiral Nakhimov”, which has been repaired for 12 years. When works are completed, it is planned to deliver the ship to the Pacific Fleet. Obsolete radioelectronic equipment will be replaced at heavy cruisers and new computer equipment will be installed. The ships will be equipped with first-rate armament with missile complex “Granit” to be replaced.

In total four ships of 1144 project were built. “Pyotr Velikiy” – the fourth in succession and the only nuclear cruiser in commission, today it is attaining combat tasks within the Russian North Fleet.
In the end, Russia will buy an unfinished Ukrainian cruiser. The Chairman of the Subcommittee on Military-Technical Cooperation, Mikhail Nenashev, denied the rumours that Russia refuses to buy the unfinished Ukrainian cruiser. Negotiations on purchase of the ship of 1164 project are continuing, the main issue was the ship condition.
The vessel has remained unfinished already for 21 years: it was given to the Ukraine in 1993 with 75 % readiness but due to underfinancing it remained near the mooring line of the Yard Named after 61 Communards. The project has been planned for operation for 50 years.
Most likely, April will be dedicated to expert examination and to coordination of the price.
DEADWEIGHT - 11 280 t, length – 186.5 m, beam overall – 20.8 m, draft – 7.6 m. Maximum speed: 32 knots. CRUISING RANGE - 6000 miles at 15 knots. Armament: 16 launchers of the complex “Basalt” (16 missiles P-500), 8x8 launchers B-204 of S-300F Rif anti-aircraft missile complex (ammunition complement 64 anti-aircraft missiles 5В55), 2x2 launchers ZIF-122 of Osa‑MA anti-aircraft missile complex (ammunition complement 48 anti-aircraft missiles 9M33), 1x2 130-mm artillery mount AK-130 (ammunition complement 2000 rounds), 6 6-barrelled 30-mm artillery mounts АK-630 (ammunition complement 16000 rounds), 2x5 533-mm torpedo launchers, 2x12 antisubmarine rocket launchers RBU-6000, and 1 antisubmarine helicopter Ka-27.
Crew: 510 persons.

On Saturday Yard “Krasnoe Sormovo” will launch the third of seven tankers being built at this enterprise for company “Volga-Fleet-Tanker”. The contract for seven vessels of 19 614 project was concluded in July, 2010. The new vessel was named as “Mechanic Erokhin”. The tanker of “river-sea” class is designed for transportation of crude oil and oil products. DEADWEIGHT - 5530 tons, length – 141 meters, beam overall – 16.9 meters, hull height – 6.1 meters, speed - minimum 10 knots, crew - 14/16 persons. NAVIGATION AREA - inland waterways and maritime Nearctic areas according to the vessel class. Currently the tanker of 19 614 project is the largest of Russian vessels for river navigation.

The cruise ocean LINER “Ocean Princess”, which was to come to Vladivostok on Monday, changed its route because of threat of earthquakes and consequences of the accident at NPP in Japan.
The operator specified, that cruise liners will not enter this region until May of this year.
Originally it was planned that the vessel will enter the PORT of Vladivostok on the 28th of March, as well as on its return trip from Japan – on the 5th of April, but this route was cancelled.
Thousands of foreign tourists travel on board of “Ocean Princess”.

JSC “Admiralty Shipyards” insists on an excessive amount of compensation, which Smolny shall pay to the enterprise for release of the Novo-Admiralty Island – considers the Chairman of the City Investment and Strategic Projects Committee Alexey, Chichkanov.
“How much the city is to pay is a confidential issue. “Admiralty Shipyards” want many times more than the market value. They, hiding behind the difficulties of the production process, details of which we do not know, can no way justified raise amount of compensation”, – pointed out Chichkanov.
Prior to 2015 “Admiralty Shipyards” are loaded with orders on some submarines. Therefore, now amount of compensation, which the city will pay to the enterprise for removal from the Novo-Admiralty Island to the island Kotlin, is being discussed. “As for sale of the island, we are communicating more with United Shipbuilding Company (USC) – it is easier with them. As for directly removal of the shipyard - with “Shipyards”, - said Alexey Chichkanov.

Today, on the 29th of March, a solemn ceremony of launching of a scientific-expedition vessel for the Russian Antarctic expedition took place at JSC “Admiralty Shipyards”. The Customer of the vessel of 22 280 project was the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. It is designed to provide activity of Russian Antarctic expedition. The Governor of St. Petersburg ,Valentina Matvienko, special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for international cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic, Arthur Chilingarov, the Director of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Alexander Vasilyevich Frolov, and other attended the event.
“Akademik Tryoshnikov” – the first for 30 years vessel, built for Arctic research, and the first vessel of similar class built in Russia. A new flagman of the Russian scientific-expedition fleet will deliver scientific-expedition cargoes and personnel to Antarctic stations, carry out research scientific works on study of natural processes and phenomena in the ocean.
The Designer was DB “Baltsudproekt”. In conditions of Antarctica, the scientific-expedition vessel “Akademik Tryoshnikov” will provide comfort conditions for operation of crew and expedition at ambient temperature up to -40С. To conduct operative processing of results of oceanographic research, sounding of the atmosphere and other scientific experiments, the vessel will be equipped with eight modern laboratories.
Length – 133.59 m
Beam overall - 23 m
Draft – 8.5 m
Speed in open waters - 16 knots, in ice with thickness up to 1.1 m - 2 knots
Endurance - 15 000 miles. Crew - 60 persons. It can take passengers in number of 80 persons. It is possible to base two helicopters Ka-32 on the vessel.

Representatives of Italian company Fincantieri visited shipyard JSC PO Sevmash. The delegation looked at all main production departments of the enterprise, hydro system and laboratory of the Research and Process Test Centre.
JSC PO Sevmash and Italian Fincantieri are considering the possibility of joint activities in the region of field infrastructure development on the SHELF. According to the results of negotiations, a set of joint projects, which the company will develop, has been defined.

The Federation Council of the Russia ratified a Russian-Norwegian contract on maritime delimitation and cooperation at the Barents SEA and Arctic OCEAN signed by the Heads of foreign policy departments of both countries in the presence of the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, and Prime Minister of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg, on the 15th of September, 2010.
Negotiations on this issue lasted for 40 years. The area of disputed territories is approximately 155‑175,000 square kilometres. According to the contract, Russia gave 90,000 square kilometres of water areas, rich in oil, gas and fish resources, to Norway.
At the end of April of the last year, in the course of Dmitry Medvedev’s visit to Oslo, the countries reached an agreement, that territory at the Barents sea and Arctic ocean shall be divided into two equal parts. According to the results of the visit, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of both countries signed the statement “On Maritime Delimitation and Cooperation at the Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean”.
The document establishes clear boundaries of sovereign rights and jurisdiction of Russia and Norway, provides for the continuation of bilateral cooperation in fishery, and also determines the mode of joint exploitation of transboundary hydrocarbon deposits. After a 30-year moratorium the countries can freely explore oil and gas fields of the Arctic continental SHELF on the territory of 175,000 square kilometres.
In Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RF, they call not to consider the ratification of the contract as “granting of marine spaces”. As the Deputy of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RF,Vladimir Titov, said concerning ratification of the document at the meeting of the State Duma, Russian-Norwegian contract does not inflict HARM to Russian position concerning Spitsbergen. “Fishery in the waters around Spitsbergen will be continued as earlier”, - said the diplomat.
The opponents of the agreement believe that today 60 % of Russian catch at the Barents sea is being obtained in the areas, which the new contract is giving under the responsibility of Norway. Their loss can lead to a rapid rise in unemployment and social crisis in towns and settlements of the north coast of RF.
Members of the Federation Council Committee on Northern Affairs and Indigenous Peoples declared about their concerns regarding this issue. “We think that two year transition period, during which catch will be governed by national fishing process regulations in the former disputed area within economic zones of both states, is insufficient. Taking into account significant differences between these regulations, fundamentally new equipment of Russian fishing vessels, we can suppose, that it will be one more reason to limit catching by Russian fishermen in two years”, - said the Chairman of the Committee, Alexander Matveev, at the meeting on Wednesday.
As a result, the Committee maintained main provisions of the State Duma application, adopted at the ratification of the contract. In particular, it was pointed out in the document, that the Government of the Russian Federation will take all necessary measures to ensure interests of Russian fishing industry. The Head of the Commission of the Federation Council for national marine policy, Vyacheslav Popov, in his speech also pointed out concerns presented “in the social and political circles and fishing community of north-western regions of Russia”.

Today JSC “Yard “Severnaya Verf” has launched q supply-vessel of oil production platforms of project VS-485 PSV. The Customer is Norwegian Solvik Hull Suttlies II AS.

The Director General of “Severnaya Verf”, Andrey Fomichev, delivering a speech said, that this is already the second vessel built “ready-to-operate” for the Norwegian partner. Two more objects are to be made further.
The vessel is designed to transport drill fluid, bulky cargoes, methanol and general cargoes on the open deck. Vessel length is 85 meters, beam overall - 20 meters, draft - seven meters, and DEADWEIGHT - 5 thousand tons.
It is planned that the YARD will build vessels of similar class for Russian customers too, for example, according to TENDER of “Gazflot” an application has already passed the commission, it will be declared in April, who will build two supply vessels for the company.

CJSC “Third STEVEDORing Company” was reorganized by joining JSC “Sea PORT of St. Petersburg”. “Sea Port of St. Petersburg” is a universal legal successor to all rights and obligations of TSC. All personnel of TSC were hired by the Sea Port of St. Petersburg on the same terms. The Group also is responsible for the execution of client contracts of TSC. Previously CJSC “First Stevedoring Company” and CJSC “Second Stevedoring Company” already joined the state company “Sea Port of St. Petersburg”. As it is expected, the creation of a single operator will improve the manageability of business, will help reduce management and administrative costs, as well as contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of handling services in Big Port St. Petersburg, the Group’s Press Office said.

The Military Prosecutor of the Pacific Fleet confirmed an indictment on a criminal case initiated in 2008 on the fact of the accident on a nuclear submarine, which caused the death of 20 persons of the trial crew and crew of the ship. As accused in the case, the Guard Captain of the first rank commander of NPS Dmitri Lavrentiev and bilge engineer of the same submarine, sergeant Dimitry Grobov, were brought.
The investigation revealed that actions (lack of action) exactly of these persons resulted in the break-down incident on NPS with death of people and injury to 38 members of the crew. In particular, Mr. Lavrentiev is accused in abuse of office resulted in significant violation of rights and legal interests of citizens and organisations, legally protected interests of society and the state, with serious consequences - death by negligence of two or more persons, that is an offense under subsection by Clause “C” of Part 3 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Mr. Grobov is accused of causing death of two or more persons through negligence because of improper performance of his professional duties- a crime under Part 3 of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He is also accused of causing grave bodily harm to two members of the trial crew through negligence because of improper performance of his professional duties, - a crime under Part 2 of Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The matter for consideration on the merits will be sent to the Pacific Naval Court-Martial.
The accident on “Nerpa” occurred during sea trials at the Japanese SEA. On the night of the 8th of November, 2008 fire suppression system LOKH (submarine volume chemical) was unexpectedly activated on board of NPS, as a result of which freon discharge occurred. This substance displaces oxygen and extinguishes the flame quickly. Two front sections were automatically sealed, and people being there (three members of the crew and 17 civil persons) asphyxiated. Another 21 persons were hospitalized with poisoning.

On the 31st of March, 27 Ukrainian migrant workers were detained at the Yaroslavsky Yard. Special Police Force members blocked all the exits when an message that foreigners are working illegally on the territory of the Yard entered the hot line of North Local Directorate for Internal Affairs. 27 citizens of the Ukraine, working illegally on the territory of the Yard, were caught nodding at the Yard. They were taken to the building of the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia. All the Ukrainians were qualified workers trained in “structural worker” profession. They were hired by contracting organisations, which had concluded contracts with the Yard. The Ukrainians shall leave Russia in three days, but before they shall pay a fine - 2 thousand RUR. Now the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia is checking the contractor, who violated the law.

Next week, the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) will accept the resignation of the Director General of JSC “Sevmash”, Nikolai Kalistratov. The formal cause for dismissal is a failure of terms of military contracts. The Director General of the enterprise signed the letter of resignation from his position. The Head of the Design Bureau “Rubin”, Andrei Dyachkov, can become a new Director General of “Sevmash”.
Today on “Sevmash” facilities five nuclear submarines of “Borei” and “Yasen” class are being built and in the process of commissioning at once at the Yard. In addition, “Sevmash” is the prime contractor of one of the most problem export contracts in the sphere of Military-Technical Cooperation – on building of aircraft carrier “Admiral Gorshkov” for India. Terms of the contract are being always violated, that already led to dismissal of the Director General of “Sevmash”, Vladimir Pastukhov, in 2007.
Some of the mass media say that the cause of Nikolai Kalistratov leave became “his superfluous independence”. The appointment of Andrei Dyachkovas is also met the idea of USC to joint Yards and DB – it will allow designers of the ships to control cost value of the project from its development to deliver to the customer. However the team change can cause incoming failures of order terms of orders delivery.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation prepared amendments to the Rules of Crew List Maintenance. The amendments are incorporated in the order of the Ministry of Transport dated the 3rd of April, 2000 No. 28.
The rules establish a uniform procedure of maintenance of a crew list and shall be subject to compulsory implementation by employees of the Ministry of Transport, Federal Agency for Transport Supervision, Federal Marine and River Transport Agency, administrations of sea ports, State Basin Authorities of Waterways and Navigation, captains of sea ports, Russian shipowners, captains of sea vessels and vessels of mixed “river – sea” navigation, sailing under the state flag of the Russian Federation.
You can acquaint yourself with the text of the order draft of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated the 3rd of April, 2000 No. 28” here.

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