Week 13th (March 21st-25th)

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“Akademik Fedorov” is returning from Antarctica. After conclusion of the 56th Russian antarctic expedition the research vessel “Akademik Fedorov” left from Antarctica to Russia.

At the polar station Novolazarevskaya delivery of fuel and aviation kerosene was finished, then the diesel-electric ship charted a course to the southern pole port of Capetown.

Among the most interesting directions of the program of the 56th Russian Antarctic expedition the representative of Research Institute marked “hydrobiological research of living organisms in the coastal areas of King George Island using lightweight diving outfit at the station Bellingshausen”. At the station Vostok, as pointed out Mr. Lukin, “drilling of last 100 meters of ice was continued in a deep well”. Penetration into the relict layer with probable penetration into the water layer of the subglacial lake“ is planned for the 57th Russian antarctic expedition”, specified he.
Repair of tanker of Aframax type was started the yard “Zaliv”. On the 16th of March, Russian tanker NS “Clipper” was laid up for repairs at yard “Zaliv”, as a result of joint operation of a PILOT, specialists of DP “Zaliv – Port” and dock service of the yard.
Production facilities of dry dock “Zaliv” allow accepting and serving vessels with large deadweight.
Tanker NS “Clipper”, of “Aframax” type, length - 243 m, beam overall- 42 m, will pass the complex of ship repair works. It is planned to conduct repair of decks, propeller-rudder complex, cleaning and painting of the vessel. All the works shall be completed by the end of March.

The Russian NAVY will deploy a fixed grouping of ships in the Indian Ocean. The head of the navy is going to create the Command of Far Zone for actions in the Indian OCEAN to protect navigation against sea pirates by 2013. The base of a new association will be a group of ships of the Black Sea Fleet.
It is assumed that operative fleet will permanently solve tasks on safeguarding of Russian civil navigation, as well as fighting with sea PIRACY in the region of Somali. Variants of temporary basing of ships are being also considered.

Management Company “Morskoy Fasad” will transfer the passenger terminal on the Vasilevsky island into the city ownership. The solemn transfer of the sea passenger terminal on the Vasilevsky island to St. Petersburg will take place on the 27th of May, 2011. Now works on building of surface infrastructure, which are assumed to be completed in April, 2011, are being conducted at the port.
It is assumed that by the time of transfer, the PORT will function entirely composed of four terminals - one ferry and three cruise, as well as seven quays - five cruise, one ferry and one universal cruise-ferry. Construction of auxiliary quays has not been yet planned, said in Management Company “Morskoy Fasad”.
The total amount of finance directed to realize the project is over18 billion RUR. In addition, the target program of state financing from St. Petersburg budget is about 10.2 billion RUR, and amount of finance allocated by the federal budget is about 8 billion RUR.

Three vessels of Arctic Sea Shipping Company were sold at an auction for debts to the creditor. Three cargo MOTOR SHIPs of “Arctic Sea Shipping Company” - “Boris Lavrov”, “Professor Voskresensky”, “Sadriddin Aini” - were sold at a public auction in Primorie. Vessels were arrested at the end of 2010 for debts of the shipping company to the business partner. The SHIPPING COMPANY contracted a debt of “Republic Investment Company” over 56 million RUR on bail of its vessels, however the shipping company could not pay off creditors in time.
Amount realized at the auction paid off a debt of “Arctic Sea Shipping Company”, as well as covered expenses on conducting enforcement procedures.

The Director of Yard Named after 61 Communards was dismissed. Today the State Agency for Management of State Corporate Rights and Property dismissed the Director General of the state enterprise “Yard Named after 61 Communards”, Igor Kozyrev.
Vladimir Mikhailyuk was appointed as the Acting Director General, who took the position of the Deputy Director General. Previously he worked as the Head of Department of Special Vessel Repair of the Black Sea Yard.
The yard entirely stopped production, and wages payable at the enterprise are about 22 million hryvnias. The yard is one of the largest in the Ukraine; over 80 % of its products go for export. The yard is included in the list of objects not to be privatized.

The tanker of yard “Krasnoe Sormovo” got into the list of “Significant Vessels of 2010”. The Royal Engineers Association included the tanker “Ceyhun” of 19 900 project, built for the State Sea and River Transport Service of Turkmenistan in the list of “Significant Vessels of 2010”.
The tender for the lead crude oil tanker of “river-sea” type with DEADWEIGHT of approx. 7 thousand tons was won in April, 2010, the contract for construction between Turkmendenizderyayellary and Krasnoe Sormovo was signed in May. The tanker was launched on the 31st of August and delivered to the customer in October, 2010.
Vessel design provides for its year-round operation within the internal water ways of RF, as well as in ice-free seas and in small open ice pieces of Arctic SEAs at ambient temperature from plus 30 ºС in summer to minus 20 ºС in winter.

The Ukraine yards are leaving Russian orders. There are currently 12 left shipbuilding orders of Russian companies at the Ukraine yards - said the President of JSC “USC”, Roman Trotsenko, speaking at the general meeting of the Association of Shipping Companies. Also, he pointed out, that this situation plays into Russian shipbuilders’ hands, who previously lost to their neighbours at the prices.
The Director considers that Russian yards in orders for river vessels are already ready to compete with Chinese enterprises, as their final cost of a vessel always increases, often because of non-fulfilment of contractual obligations in time, as well as due to long transition of a vessel to Russia. Rishat Bagautdinov, the Chairman of the Board “Volga Shipping Company”, also supported this opinion.

NAVY Command will send Big Guided-Weapon Cruiser “Marshal Ustinov” to the Pacific Fleet. The Fleet Command is considering the possibility to relocate big missile cruiser “Marshal Ustinov” from the North to the PACIFIC FLEET. Last year operative strategic command “Vostok” was formed there. Also it is assumed that the first “Mistral” will be sent to the Pacific Fleet.
As they consider in the NAVY staff, relocation of “Admiral Ustinov” from the North to the Far East will not effect battle readiness of the North Fleet. Heavy nuclear missile cruiser “Pyotr Velikiy” will stay within it. In addition, there is a decision to repair and return two more similar ships to the fleet. As for the crew of the ship to be delivered, the sailors will get the proposal either to stay at the previous duty station, or depart to the new one together with the cruiser.

The Russian Government is ready to abolish duties on imports of semisubmersible floating drilling rigs. The Russian Government is ready to abolish duties on import of semi-submersible drilling platforms, said the First Deputy Chairman of Government of the Russian Federation, Viktor Zubkov, at the meeting of the Subcommission on Customs Rate and Non-Rate Regulation and Protective Measures in Foreign Trade.
Decisions of the Subcommission are recommended to be considered at the meeting of Commission of Customs Union of Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.
Meanwhile “Vyborg Yard” recently executed an order for construction of two submersible floating drilling rigs put 85 % of employees to mandatory leaves because of lack of orders.

JSC “Arkhangelsk Repair/Operation Base of Fleet” will pass two hulls to a Norwegian customer. In 2011 JSC “Arkhangelsk Repair/Operation Base of Fleet” is going to pass a new shipbuilding order – two hulls of SEINER of 070 project to Norwegian customer, company Silden Holding.Vessels with length 34.0 m, beam overall 9.5 m, with hull height 6.6 m will be named as “Granton” and “Lyn”. Hulls are being built under the supervision of the classification society DNV. The Customer notes high quality of assembly and welding works; in spring, 2011 it is planned to deliver the hulls to the PORT of Kerkines, Norway.

Research vessel “Akademik Treshnikov” will be launched at “Admiralty Yards”. The solemn ceremony of launching of research vessel “Akademik Treshnikov” for Russian Antarctic expedition will take place on the 29th of March, 2011 at JSC “Admiralty Yards”.
Vessel of 22 280 project is being built by an order of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring to provide activity of Russian Antarctic expedition. The VESSEL PROJECT is developed by “Baltsudproekt”.
To conduct on-line result processing of oceanographic research, sounding of atmosphere and other scientific experiments, the ship will be equipped with eight modern laboratories.
Specifications of research vessel “Akademik Treshnikov”:
length – 133.59 m;
beam overall - 23 m;
hull height – 13.5 m;
draft – 8.5 m;
DEADWEIGHT - 5580 t;
speed in open water - 16 knots;
speed in ice with of 1.1 m - 2 knots;
endurance - 45 days;
CRUISING RANGE - 15000 miles;
crew - 60 persons;
number of passengers (expedition) - 80 persons;
helicopter location - two helicopters Ka-32;
three main engines Wartsila with power 2х6300 kW, 1х4200 kW;
two propulsion motors with power 2х7100 kW.

The third vessel for “V.F. Tanker” will be launched at yard “Krasnoe Sormovo”. The ceremony of launching of the third crude oil tanker of series for LLC “V.F. Tanker” will take place on the 26th of March, at JSC “Yard “Krasnoe Sormovo”. The new vessel was named as “Mechanic Erokhin”.
In total seven crude oil tankers of 19 614 project with capacity 5.5 thousand tons will be built in the series. Tankers of “river-sea” class are designed for transportation of crude oil and oil products. DEADWEIGHT - 5530 tons, length - 141 m, beam overall – 16.9 m, hull height – 6.1 m, draft – 3.73/3.6 m, volume of cargo tanks - 6720 cubic meters, speed - minimum 10 knots, crew - 14/16 persons, endurance - 15/10 days. NAVIGATION AREA - inland waterways and maritime Nearctic areas according to class of the vessel. Class: КМ * Ice1 R2-RSN AUT3 VCS Oil Tanker.

USC has chosen a foreign partner for St. Petersburg yard. USC and Korean STX will create a joint venture for construction of a yard in Kronshtadt. The Koreans will help with construction of the “civil” part of the yard.
An agreement has not been signed yet; however STX is already developing the project of the yard. The concept is to be approved by the end of 2011, whereupon shares and exact amount of investments in the project will be determined. Central Research Institute“Shipbuilding Technologies” will also take part in designing of the yard.
It is also assumed, that STX will become a co-investor of construction of the “civil” part of the yard, total cost of the yard is 35 billion RUR.

The Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service imposed a ban for Russian vessels to fill with water in Japan. Russian vessels can take water and products in Japan only having radiation safety certificate, - considers the Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service.
The Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service Service imposed a temporary ban to accept Japanese goods from six prefectures on island Honshu to RF and accept vessels from these prefectures at Russian ports, - said the chief state sanitary doctor of the Sakhalin Region, Boris Darizhapov. “This is a temporary ban, it is under our strict control”, - said B. Darizhapov.

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