Week 12th (March 14th-18th)

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Representatives of Iran company “Kave” are ready to invest funds in the development of infrastructure of Astrakhan ports. In the course of the visit to Astrakhan, the MEMORANDUM of understanding was signed between administration of the Astrakhan region, SUE “North-Caspian Marine Management” and Group of Companies “Vagna”.

The signed document provides for the development of auto ferry connection between the ports of Astrakhan and Iran port Enzeli, as wel as participation of the company in the TENDER for construction of a container terminal in the port of Olya.

The day before the visit to Astrakhan the company “Kave” won the tender to privatize 50 % of facilities in the Iran port Enzeli, where it intends to invest about four million dollars to.

The company “Kave” is also ready to invest funds in re-equipment of the auto ferry “Compozitor Novikov” being under operative management of SUE “North-Caspian Marine Shipping Company", with prospective acquisition of the right for agency services and joint handling of the vessel.
On the 11th of March, 2011 the keel of the fourth supply vessel for Kamchatka of DCV47 project was laid down at the Sosnovsky Yard. The Customer is the Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
The vessel is being built according to the Federal Target Program “Economic and Social Development of Far East and Trans-Baikal for the Period until 2013”. The Designer is Marine Engineering Bureau.
Sea trailer self-propelled BARGE with freight-carrying capacity 250 tons of DCV47 project is designed for traffic of general, bulk, container cargoes on the cargo deck, wheeled and tracked equipment by the rolling on method, off-shore unloading and loading of vessels, delivery of these cargoes to unimproved port facilities with possibility of drying on sand-and gravel ground and provision of horizontal unloading of delivered cargoes using a bow ramp or shipboard cargo crane.
It has the following characteristics:
Overall length – 42.60 m.
Overall beam – approx. 8.82 m.
Full speed - 9 knots.
Power of main engines - 2 x 256 kW.
Class РС: KМ (*) Ice 2 [1] R1 AUT3 OMBO.
Container capacity, ТEUs - 12 units.
Cargo crane – 7.3 tons (reach 20 m).

In the near future “Shipbuilding Firm “Almaz” will lay down a big PATROL VESSEL of ice class, according to the project of DB “Petrobalt”. The Customer is the Border Service of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. The exact date to start works is not still determined.
Until the end of the year shipbuilders are going to deliver the gunnery ship of Zelenodolsk DB project to the Russian NAVY, as well as two guard BOATS for Russia and two - for Vietnam. Boats are being built according to the project of CMDB “Almaz”. In 2012 shipbuilders of “Almaz” will deliver two escort ships of 22 460 project to the border troops of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

The Ukraine is holding negotiations on provision of a new discount for Russian gas, if Kiev permits to renew ships of the Black Sea fleet based in Crimea. There are suggestions to make arrangements in June, when the meeting between Dmitry Medvedev and Viktor Yanukovych shall take place.
“If we proceed from friendly and partnership relations, we are ready to allow Russia to renew the fleet. But also we can hope for a concession in the form of reducing the base price at 450 dollars per 1000 cubic meters – it is the highest price in Europe. It turns out that we buy gas allegedly at a discounted price, with discount at 100 dollars. And Moldavia, for example, pays the same price without any discount – it is just a market price for them”, – explained an official in Kiev.

Valeriy Spiridonov was appointed as the Deputy Chief Engineer - Chief Designer of JSC PO Sevmash. The corresponding order was signed by the Director General Nikolai Kalistratov. Before taking up a new appointment V.Spiridonov held a position of the Deputy Chief Engineer in Machinebuilding. Boris Suetin who previously headed the Design Bureau of “Sevmash” became the Deputy Chief Designer.

The story with bankruptcy of “Krasnaya Kuznitsa” yard was at last finished in Arkhangelsk. It was bought by Center of Shipbuilding “Zvezdochka”. In 1997 bankruptcy proceedings were started for the first time, it was resumed after 10 years. Four years before “Zvezdochka” had already bought the yard No. 176 located next to “Kuznitsa”. Thus, now facilities of these one-field enterprises will be joined. They will be modernized, as employees of the yard hope, works at the Shtokman gas field will also give an impulse to the development of the enterprise.

JSC Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant put 85 % of employees to mandatory leaves because of lack of orders.
The YARD practically finished carrying out the order on construction of two semi-submersible drilling platforms for “Gasprom”. Today capacity utilisation is only 1.3 %.
Over 2500 persons are working at the yard. 85 % of employees were put to mandatory leaves with maintenance of 2/3 wages. It is not excluded that the current situation at the plant can result in suspension of production and unavoidable mass dismissals.

The ferry line between St. Petersburg and Stockholm at the MOTOR SHIP Princess Anastasia will be opened on the 31st of March. The FERRY will depart twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays form St. Petersburg and on Wednesdays and Saturdays - from Stockholm. The period of cruise will be three days. The ferry leaving on Thursday will enter Tallin on its return trip, making a six hour stop. The vessel capacity is 2353 passengers. They are waiting in the operator company that loading of the first VOYAGE will be 95 %.

JSC “Severnaya Verf” will build 17 combat surface ships for the Russian Navy. Based on the adopted state defense order for 2011 according o the range of combat surface ships “Severnaya Verf” is recognized to be the only supplier of DESTROYER LEADERs of 22 350 project and corvettes of 20385 project.
Destroyer leaders of 22 350 project are multipurpose combat ships of the long-distance marine zone. According to the contract, it is planned to build six of them. In addition, “Severnaya Verf” will deliver 11 corvettes of 20 385 project. It is planned, that corvettes of this project will become the base of the Russian NAVY in the short-distance marine zone.
Currently three corvettes of 20 380 project and two destroyer leaders of 22 350 project are being built at the yard, as well as a special communication ship for the Russian NAVY.

In connection with the earthquake, the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation recommended the shipowners not to direct their vessels through the areas of possible radiation contamination. When the vessels go to the area of Japan, it is recommended to equip MOTOR SHIPs with radiation detection facilities and control devices, and crews of vessels – with personnel radiation dosimeters and personal protective equipment, as well as provide the necessary briefing of vessel captains and crew members for actions in the case of getting into the area of radiation contamination.

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