By the end of 2020, the Russian Navy will receive in total seventy-eight ships and submarines. As reported by, it was Sergei Shoigu who announced this news. The supply of military equipment is provided by the Russian Arms State Programme. Under this program, the Navy should get eight strategic nuclear submarines, sixteen multi-purpose submarines and fifty-four surface ships of different classes.
On 14 March, the Trikand (Bow) frigate built by the Yantar Shipyard (member of the Unified Shipbuilding Corporation) completed sea acceptance trials (SAT). The shipyard notes that the trials were conducted in unprecedented time. SAT of the last of the three frigates built by Kaliningrad shipbuilders for the Indian Navy started on 5 February. The ship made five missions in the Baltic sea with the trial crew of the Yantar Shipyard and Baltic Fleet sailors. Under real sea conditions, within the testing areas of the Baltic Fleet, all the ship's systems, including weapons were tested. The last stage was measurement of the ship temperature pattern conducted during the fifth mission.
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