Week 10th (March 5th–11th)

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A new estuary tug “RB-42”, project 90600, has arrived at the naval base of the Baltic Fleet. It is designed for towing and turning over at the port, at anchorage and in coastal areas for fire fighting and oil spill response. The vessel is built by Leningrad Shipyard “Pella”.
International Labor Organization’s Summary Convention “On Maritime Navigation Labour” 2006 is ratified by Tuvalu, Saint Kirts and Nevis. Thus, the list of countries that signed the so-called “Bill of Sailors’ Rights” has increased to 24, and the coverage of the gross tonnage of the world’s trade fleet exceeded 56 %.

Kerch Shipyard is planned to be sold to a Russian company. Since 2010, the shipyard is being privatized. In addition, the management of the shipyard is currently holding negotiations with several Russian companies to form a set of orders for 2012.

Vyborg Shipyard has made the third and fourth contracting supply to Arctech Helsinki Shipyard.

“Krasnoye Sormovo” Shipyard and the State Service of Maritime and River Transport of Turkmenistan have signed a new contract to build an oil tanker, project 19900 of mixed “river-sea” type, class – KM*Icel [1] R2 AUT1- ICS OMBO LI VCS Oil Tanker (ESP) of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. The designer is Volga-Caspian Design Bureau.

Over 170 strategic enterprises and organizations of the military-industrial complex, according to the Federal Tax Service have signs of bankruptcy. Now bankruptcy proceedings started against 44 companies. Many companies have debts arose because of delays of the RF Ministry of Defence when transferring funds under the state defence order.

Baltic Shipyard “Yantar” and Finnish company Arctech Helsinki Shipyard will start the construction of a unique ice-breaker “running at an angle” in the summer. An ice-breaker “running at an angle” breaks the ice leaving a width, which is several times greater than the width of its hull. The left side of the icebreaker will be substantially greater than the right one. The Customer is the Federal Maritime and River Transport Agency.

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21:30 , 04 Марта 2025 / судостроение