The 9th week (February 21–25)

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Director General of JSC “Severnaya verf” Shipyard Was Re-elected

On the 18th of February Board of Directors of JSC “Severnaya verf” Shipyard re-elected Andrey Fomichev as Director General of the shipyard since the 22nd of February because of term expiration.

JSC Shipyard “Severnaya verf” was founded on the 14th of November, 1912. 72.19 percent share is controlled by United industrial corporation, the state represented by JSC “Western Center of Shipbuilding” owns 20.96 percent share. 
Nakhodka Shipyard Got an Order for Repair of Belizean Vessel

JSC “Nakhodka Shipyard” accepted a vessel under the flag of Belize with a crack in the board, deck and hold coaming to repair. Amount of the contract is not disclosed.
There is no heating of ballast tanks on the vessel; thereby ice layer was formed on the underbody. Cleaning operations took a week. To avoid further destruction of the hull 9 beams were installed as temporary reinforcements on the vessel. Damaged areas of the deck, board, hold coaming and reinforcements of the structural frame in wing-tank were re-placed. It is planned to complete repair before the end of February 2011, whereupon the vessel will load coal.

Son of Ex-Leader Headed “Admiralty Shipyards”

Board of Directors of JSC “Admiralty Shipyards” appointed Mikhail Alexandrov as Acting General Director of the enterprise. According to the Charter, General meeting of stockholders makes a decision on appointment of the Director General, and Board of Directors is entitled to appoint Acting Director General.
Extraordinary general meeting of stockholders of JSC “Admiralty Shipyards” will be held in late summer 2011. Until then the enterprise will be led by Mikhail Alexandrov.
Mikhail Alexandrov was born on March 13, 1973 in Leningrad. In 1996 he was graduated from St. Petersburg Maritime Technical University, specialty – “Production of ship equipment and automation” and at once after graduation he went to JSC “Admiralty Shipyards”. Since 1996 to 2009 M. Alexandrov worked successively as: lead engineer, head of laboratory and deputy chief specialist on installation and adjustment of automation systems Production deparment of ship trials (ПОИК); Deputy Chief Builder of Building department of surface vessels and ships, Deputy Director General for production – Chief of Production and dispatching office; Deputy Director General of the enterprise for corporate development. Since March 2009 to January 2011 – Chief Eengineer, and since January 1, 2011 – Acting Director General of JSC “Admiralty Shipyards”.

Tanker Built for LLC “VF Tanker” was Launched at “Red Sormovo” Shipyard

On the 19th of February oil tanker for the company “Volga-Flot-Tanker” named “Mekhanik Belov” was launched at “Red Sormovo” shipyard.
The contract between the companies was signed in July 2010.
Tankers of “river-sea” class are designed for transport of crude oil and oil-products.
Deadweight is 5530 tons, length – 141 m, width – 16.9 m, hull height – 6.1 m, draft – 3.73/3.6 m, cargo tank capacity – 6720 cubic meter, speed – minimum 10 knots, crew – 14/16 persons, endurance – 15/10 days. Navigation area – inland waterways and maritime Nearctic areas according to class of a vessel. Class: KM * Ice1 R2-RSN AUT3 VCS Oil tanker.

Sovcomflot Unicom Saint Petersburg Formed a Crew of the Tanker “Suvorovsky Prospect”

On the 15th of February, 2011 fleet of group of companies Sovcomflot was added by next modern high-technology large-capacity tanker of Aframax type, which was named “Suvorovsky Prospect”. The tanker crew was formed by Sovcomflot Unicom Saint Petersburg.
Michael Aivazov – Deputy Director of Infrastructure Department of State Corporation “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs”, Ewa Wasilewskaya – god mother of the tanker, leaders of group of companies Sovcomflot and UNICOM, the tanker crew under the command of Captain Yuri Lazorkin, representatives of the shipyard took part in the solemn ceremony of the vessel name, which took place at the shipyard “Hyundai Heavy Industries”.
Tanker “Suvorovsky Prospect” with deadweight of 114 thousand tons has ice class 1B (according to international classification) and is designed to transport crude oil; vessel length – 250 m, width – 44.0 m, maximum draft – 15 m.
The vessel was designed for operation in the Baltic and Far East regions of Russia, including transport of hydrocarbons from the ports of Primorsk,Ust-Luga and Kozmino, meets all national and international safety requirements of Classification Society “DNV”.

Rosprirodnadzor Imposed a Fineon “Northern Shipping Company” for Oil-Products Spill

Department of Sea Supervision of Rosprirodnadzor Department on Northwest Federal District imposed fine on JSC “Northern Shipping Company” in the amount of 35,000 rubles for oil-products spill by the vessel “Ivan Ryabov”, as well as the vessel captain in the amount of 3,500 rubles.
According to Paragraph 4 of Article 8.13 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation the captain of motor ship was brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine of 3,500 rubles.
On the 2nd of December, 2010 spill of oil-products was happened on the bulk cargo ship during bunkering operations in Kola Bay of the Barents Sea near Murmansk marine fishery seaport. Retrospective investigation established that the officer was guilty in pollution of the water area.

Center of Shipbuilding “Zvezdochka” Bought the Krasnaya Kuznitsa Shipyard

JSC “Center of Shipbuilding “Zvezdochka” acquired the assets of JSC “Krasnaya Kuznitsa Shipyard”. The property complex, being an object of sale, includes quays, floating dock with capacity 9,000 t and block of shops – 129 objects in total.
For a long time the management of United Shipbuilding Corporation was carrying out negations with the interested parties to seek compromise solutions on integration of Krasnaya Kuznitsa Shipyard to the corporation structure.
Interests of JSC “USC” to acquire the assets of Krasnaya Kuznitsa Shipyard are determined by the opportunities that are opened by the project of creation of single ship repair complex on the basis of Arkhangelsk branch of Center of Shipbuilding “Zvezdochka” “176th repair yard”.
Joint of capacities of two shipyards will allow providing year-round docking of vessels, overall cycle of repair and modernization of vessels and icebreakers of the Arctic basin, resuming operation of unused capacities of Krasnaya Kuznitsa Shipyard, creating new work positions and attracting additional tax revenues to the budgets of all levels.

Ministry of Transport Refused the Cannel “Eurasia”

Ministry of Transport refused to built the cannel “Eurasia”, said MSM of Deputy Transport Minister of Russia Viktor Olersky. The cannel with length 700 km would connect the Black and Caspian seas.
Specialists from Russia and Kazakhstan have examined the final report of “Gidroproekt” and concluded that it was necessary to re-estimate potential cargo traffic in connection with fundamental changes of cargo base in Kazakhstan happened for last three years.
Total volume of investments in infrastructure project taking into account construction cost of 1 km as about $ 10 million should exceed $ 7 billion.
“Economic calculations of construction of a new “Eurasia” cannel show, that it is easier to built a pipe line, than dig a cannel”, – said the leader of Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport Alexander Davydenko in 2010. The Ministry of Transport confirmed the last year calculations.

On the 22nd of February, 2011 JSC “ZNT-Yard (Nizhniy Novgorod Motorship Shipyard)” Signed a Contract on Construction of Icebreaking Tug

On 22nd of February, 2011 JSC “ZNT-Yard (Nizhniy Novgorod Motorship Shipyard)” signed a contract on building of icebreaking tug by order of JSC “MMC “Norilsk Nickel”.

“Nizhniy Novgorod Motorship Shipyard” will built the second icebreaking tug (“Portovy -2”) to perform harbour and manoeuvring operations in the port of Dudinka. The lead vessel of the series, “Portovy-1” – the first one from river tugs and pushboats of the new generation for operation on inland waterways of the Russian Federation, – was put into operation by Polar Transport Branch of JSC “MMC “Norilsk Nickel” in September, 2009. It successfully replaced a tug built in 1969 being a part of the auxiliary fleet of MMC Norilsk Nickel. “Portovy-2” will also replace the outdated predecessor. Its delivery into summer navigation of 2012 to the port of Dudinka will be carried out within the framework of the modernization program of port fleet of Polar Transport Branch of JSC “MMC “Norilsk Nickel”.
The tug “Portovy-2” will be built taking into account upgrades of project documentation made by the designer – CJSC “Marine Engineering Bureau”.
Type of the vessel: double-screw tug, motor ship with two diesel engines with total capacity of 600 hp.
Class РРР: О 2.0 (ice 30) А
Main dimensions:
Length on CWL maximum 19.5 m
Width on midship maximum 6.0 m
Draft with full store and ballast on an equal keel is maximum 1.8 m

Purpose. Tug is designed to perform all types of habour and manoeuvring operations in the port water area (basin of “О” class with maritime shipping regulations). The vessel is designed for operation as intended at low negative ambient temperatures (operating temperature range from plus 25 ºC to minus 30 ºC) and survival after holding anchorage with freeze-in ice.

“Pella” Shipyard Will Build a Tug for MMC “Norilsk Nickel”

JSC “Pella” Leningrad Shipyard concluded a contract on building of a tug, project 90600, for JSC “MMC “Norilsk Nickel” in 2012. The tug will be built taking into accout operating conditions of the Far North.
Length of the vessel of project 90600 is 25.5 m, width – 8.8 m, depth – 4.6 m, draft – 3.5 m, speed – 12 knots, propulsive force – 20–36 t.

General Designer of Nuclear Submarines Sergei Kovalev Died

An outstanding scientist and shipbuilder, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of State Prize of Russia, academician of RAS Sergei Kovalev died in the 24th of February being 91-year old. Sergei Kovalev died in the evening of 24th of February on the way to hospital.
Sergei Kovalev was born on August 15, 1919 in Petrograd. He was graduated from the institute during the evacuation and was directed to 18th Design Bureau (now Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering) as a designer, then as a Senior Designer. Since 1948 to 1958 as assistant, then Deputy and, at last, Chief Designer he led development and building of submarine of 617 project with combined cycle turbine.
In 1958 Sergei Kovalev headed development of 658 project nuclear submarine, and have been the Chief, and since 1983 – General Designer of all nuclear submarines and submarine cruisers of strategic purpose, equipped with ballistic missiles. In 1971 he started designing a heavy nuclear submarine cruiser of project 941 “Akula”. Totally, 92 submarines designed by S.N. Kovalev were built.

Ceremony of River Barge keel lay down Took Place at the Baltic Shipyard

Keel laying down of fuel barge of 2,734 project, the first in the series nonself-propelled barges took place in the shop of JSC “Baltic Shipyard” today at noon. This is the first order for river fleet at the enterprise. The customer was GC “Kontur”.
The head of administration of Vasileostrovsky district attended the ceremony, leader of the business customer, Director General of LLC”Kontur” Stanislav Korneev delivered a speech.
Schedule is very tight, so works were started almost immediately after the solemn ceremony. The first hull should be delivered in June, further one in a month.
The contract on building of 4 vessels of this class was signed on the 11th of November between JSC “Baltic Shipyard” and LLC “Kontur”. The project was designed by LLC “Maritime engineering bureau” (Saint Petersburg). The barges are designed for transport of oil-products with flash point 60 °С and higher, including heating required ones. The vessels will be equipped with a double bottom, double board in areas of 12 cargo tanks and engine and boiler room, where fuel should be heated.

Vessel specifications:
length is 108 m,
width – 16.6 m,
depth – 4.75 m,
deadweigh – 6,300 t,
lightweight – 1,020 t.
Design of the hull, mechanisms and equipment, their production and assembly provide reliable operation of the vessel in specified conditions.

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