The 8th week (February 14-18)

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Arkhangelsk Fleet Repair and Operation Base is Ready to Restore River Transport in the Region

JSC Arkhangelsk Fleet Repair and Operation Base is ready to satisfy the needs of municipal formations of the region in vessels for use as passages at comparatively low price. Construction of one new vessel costs about 40-50 million rubles at the enterprise. At the same time the reconstruction of an old ship will cost 10-15 million rubles.

Many vessels have been operated for several decades and have high degree of wear. Therefore, we will try to put certain sum for construction of vessels and passages in the program “Development of public passenger transport of the Arkhangelsk region in 2012-2016”, which is being developed by the ministry now,” noted in the regional government.

Shipbuilders are also ready to repair quays, many of which are in unsatisfactory condition. Financing of these measures can be also included in future program. To determine the required financing, specialists of Ministry of Industry, Transport and Communication of the Arkhangelsk region will explore the need of municipal formations in new vessels and quays in the near future.
JSC “Sovcomflot” Sold Three Dry Cargo Ships to Euroafrica Shipping

JSC “Sovcomflot” sold three dry cargo ships “Sokol-1”, “Sokol-4” and “Sokol-5” to Polish shipowner Euroafrica Shipping Lines. All the vessels were built 19-20 years ago at Japanese Miho Shipyard.
Length -113 m, width - 18 m, deadweight – 9.59 thousand tons.
Today Sovcomflot operates a fleet of 148 ships, aggregated deadweight of which is more than 11 million tons, average age is about 6.9 years.

The Norwegians Were Allowed into the Russian Exclusive Economic Zone

Research vessel Jan Mayen will be able to start joint Russian-Norwegian research in the Barents Sea. In the framework of joint Russian-Norwegian research of marine living resources in 2011 the Norwegian vessels shall conduct a joint trawl-acoustic survey of state of demersal fish stocks of the Barents Sea. Also, on the 31st of January, 2011 research vessel “Fridtjof Nansen” owned by PINRO went put out to sea from Murmansk.
To get working permission of foreign vessels it is necessary to observe certain formalities: send an application in the prescribed form before a half year. According to the survey plan the Russian vessel examines only about 20 % of targeted water area in Russian economic zone of the Barents Sea. If the vessel does not go for investigation, be harmed, first of all, Russian and Norwegian fishermen, as there are no grounds to raise approximate permissible level of these field facilities in the absence of sufficient information.

In the evening of 11th of February it became known that director of Barents Sea and White Sea territorial administration of Rosrybolovsto Valentine Balashov had sighed a permission for entering research vessel Jan Mayen day before. The permission will be transferred to the Norwegian side on the 14th of February, when the ship will enter the port of Kirkenes.

Russian Government Will Allocate 17 Billion Rubles
for the Project of Reconstruction of BALTIC SHIPYARD ”Yantar”

The Federal Budget will allocate 17 billion 160 million rubles for the project of reconstruction and re-equipment of JSC Baltic Shipyard Yantar. Project of modernization of powers in 2011-2018 is included into Federal Target Program “Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation for 2011-2020”.
The first stage of re-equipment assuming purchase of new equipment will begin in this year and costs about 3 billion rubles.
The general scheme of development of Yantar Shipyard was developed by Center of technology of shipbuilding and repair (St. Petersburg) jointly with IMG-Group (Germany). The project is aimed at creation of modern compact shipyard and technical re-equipment of all types of shipbuilding process. As a result of reconstruction enterprise's annual output should be increased by 5.4 times.
The income of JSC Baltic Shipyard Yantar according to Russian Accounting Standards in January-September 2010 was increased by 27.6 % compared to similar period of 2009 and reached 6 billion 695 million 382 thousand rubles. Dead loss of the enterprise for 9 months of the last year was reduced by 26.2 % and was 105 million 866 thousand rubles.

Tanker “Mubariz Ibragimov” of RST22M Project Was Put into Operation

Palmali group accepted lead vessel “Mubariz Ibragimov” of RST22M project - tanker deadweight of which is 7080 tons for operation.
Vessel was built at Beshiktash Shipyard. The project RST22M is designed by the Marine Engineering Bureau. The vessels satisfy dimensions of the Volga-Don Canal and Volga-Baltic Way.
Vessel length – 139.95 m, width – 16.6 m, depth - 6 m, capacity of six cargo tanks and two slop ones - 8089 cub. m, deadweight when sea draught is 4.6 m - 7080 tons, speed – 10.5 knots.
The vessel of RST22M project satisfies the requirements of РМРС KM Ice 2 R1 AUT1 COMBO oil tanker/chemical tanker type 2 (vegetable oil) (ESP) ECO-S class.

Ministry of Transport Prepared List of Foreign Vessels Entering the Internal Waters

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation prepared the government draft regulation on permission of entering foreign vessel with tourists the internal sea waters and territorial sea of the Russian Federation.
Season of 2011, supposedly, will be opened on the 1st June and closed on the 1st of October. List of foreign vessels with tourists, which can enter the internal sea waters and territorial sea of the Russian Federation, includes 5 motor ships: “Orion II”, “National geografiс explorer”, “Bremen”, “Octopus”, “Big Fish”.

Alexandrov Was Not Released From the Post of the President of the Shipbuilders Association

On the18th of February General Director of “Admiralty Shipyards” is leaving the post of the lead of “Admiralty Shipyards” to head “Institute of Marine Engineering and Technology”, which enteres State Marine Technical University. Vladimir Alexandrov was also re-elected as the president of the Association of Shipbuilders of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.
As the Association of Shipbuilders can be headed only by the the director of the enterprise entering it, Rector of the University Constantine Borysenko wrote an application for entering of the University to the Association.

Also the Association members unanimously elected vice-presidents of the Association. They are General Director of Vyborg Shipyard Vladimir Levchenko and General Director of “Armalit-1” Aleksandra Kuznetsova. Vladimir Gorbach saved his post of General Director of “Shipbuilding and Shiprepair Technology Center”.

12 Icebreakers Are Operating in Severe Conditions in the Big Port of St Petersburg

An extremely hard ice situation happened in the Gulf of Finland: ices, thickness of which is up to 1 m in some places and compression force of 3 points, appeared as a result of passed thaw and strong north-west wind. So it was necessary to tow each vessel separately by the icebreaker. According to the Headquaters of ice operations of the port administration, 80 vessels are waiting to be escorted at the present time.
Today liner icebreakers “Moskva” and “Ermak” assists tankers to go in the direction of the port of Primorsk. Icebreaker “Sankt-Peterburg” escort tankers to Vysotsk. Icebreaker “Kapitan Sorokin” operates on the route from entrance buoy to ice edge in the western direction.
Icebreakers “Mudyug”, “Tor” and “Karu” operate on the routes to the port of Saint Petersburg, port of Ust-Luga, and also to north-east to the ports of Vysotsk and Primorsk. “Kapitan Izmailov” operates to the port of Vyborg and on the Saimaa channel. Icebreakers “Yuri Lisnyansky", “Dezhnev”, “Ivan Krusenstern” and “Kapitan Zarubin” keep the ice watch inside of water area of the port Saint Petersburg and near Kronstadt.
In addition, because of main engine breakdown of icebreaker JSC North Western Shipping Company, Kapitan Plakhin, icebreakers of FSUE Rosmorport will take upon themselves to escort small vessels of river-sea type deadweight of which is up to 5 thousand tons since early February and to the middle of March.
Improvement of situation is not expected by the end of February – it is expected that the whole water area of Gulf of Finland will be covered with ice. The order of vessels navigation is set by the Staff of ice operations under the leadership of Administration of the sea port of the Big port of Saint Petersburg.
According to order of “Rosmorrechflot”, FSUE “Rosmorport” sent icebreaker Kapitan Dranitsyn, which is returning from Antarctic voyage to its home port of Murmansk, to help other 12 icebreakers of the enterprise, providing escort of vessels in the Big port of Saint Petersburg and on approach cannel to it.

Federal Property Management Agency Will Sell 25.5 % Shares of “Volga-fleet” at Auction

Today Federal Property Management Agency will hold open auction to sell 25.5 % shares of JSC “Volga-fleet” with trigger price 1.043 billion rubles. The auction step is set at 10 million rubles.
The main activities of JSC “Volga Shipping Company” are freight traffic on waterways of Russia, international freight, tourist traffic, and also traffic of oil-products and liquid chemical cargoes. The company fleet includes more than 300 vessels, 50 – vessels of “river-sea” type, 63 self-propelled cargo vessels, 50 tugs, 70 barges, 50 three- and four-decked motor ships and hydrofoils.
In navigation of 2010 “Volga-fleet” increased traffic by 21 % compared to the last navigation – up to 5.5 million tons.

JSC Zelenodolsk Plant Named After Gorky Delivered Frigate "Gepard" to Vietnam

The frigate of “Gepard 3.9” project, built at JSC Zelenodolsk plant named after Gorky will arrive in Vietnam on 19th ofFebruary, 2011. During the tests, “Gepard” showed high tactical and technical characteristics.
The ship is designed by JSC Zelenodolskoye design bureau. The contract for building of two ships at the cost of $350 million was signed between FSUE Rosoboronexport and the Vietnam Navy in December 2006. The second “Gepard” is now undergoing sea trials in the Baltic Sea.

On the 15th of February, 2011 Shipbuilders of ZNT-yard Solemnly Laid the Keels of Two Inshore Diving Boats of А160 Project.

This is the fifth and sixth vessels of this project, being built for needs of FSI “Gosmorspassluzhba of Russia”.
Altogether within the frame of implementation of the subprogram “Marine transport” of Federal Target Program “Development of transport infrastructure of Russia (2010-2015 years)” 10 vessels of А160 project will be built for operation in rescue services of all basin authorities of the country. Home stations of four diving boats which have been already built at ZNT yard - ports of Saint Petersburg, Murmansk, Astrakhan, Novorossiysk. Other six boats, which have to be delivered to the state customer by 2012, will operate in ports of Korsakov, Vladivostok, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Saint Petersburg.
The boat purpose:
Diving support of underwater engineering operations at depths down to 60 meters at sea disturbance up to four points.
Participation in search-and-rescue and ship-raising operations.
Inspection of bottom of water areas, drowned objects, underwater part of ship hulls and hydraulic engineering structures.

Main characteristics:
Full speed – 15 knots.
Economical speed range – 10 knots.
Main engine – Scania
Engine capacity – 2х441 kW.
Diving equipment:
Ventilated equipment - 2 sets.
Equipment with open breathing – 4 sets.
Low pressure chamber of HYTEHC with diameter 1.4 meters to provide decompression of divers.
System of communication and TV monitoring, provisions for diving operations, launch-and-recovery system and diving stage.

The project of inshore diving boat А160 was made in 2008 by JSC “ZNT yard” jointly with LLC “Agat Design Bureau” also within the framework of State contract.

Supply Vessel Was Laid Down at Amur Shipyard
Supply vessel for support of semi-submersible drilling rigs was laid down at Amur shipbuilding plant in Komsomolsk. Project customer - LLC Gazflot.
Vessel deadweight is 4 415 tons, length - 90 meters, full speed - 17 knots. Crew - 20 persons. The vessel can be also involved in assistance to damaged fleet, fire fighting on offshore and onshore facilities. In case of rescue operation up to 100 people can be placed on the vessel board for a time.
The supply vessel has unlimited navigation area with sea endurance of 30 days, area of operation - seas of the Arctic shelf.
Building is carried out by LLC “ASZ-civil projects”, which is separate legal subdivision of the shipyard.

A New Shipyard Will Be Built in the Kaliningrad Region

The regional government, Rosrybolovstvo and Vnesheconombank signed an agreement for construction of a new shipyard in the Kaliningrad Region. In the next two years more than 200 million Euros will be invested to the new project. Location of the shipyard – coast of the Vzmorsk bay on the territory of Svetlovsky urban district.
Rated capacity is designed for annual output of up to eight catching and research vessels of different tonnage. The first vessel is suggested to be laid down already in two years.
The shipyard will be built on money of private investors, but state finances up to 100 % of lease payments. The enterprise will give 700 new jobsites to the region. And Fishery Agency will be established in the regional government itself.

United Shipbuilding Corporation Wants to Divide “Red Sormovo”

“United Shipbuilding Corporation” is preparing reform of Nizhny Novgorod JSC “Red Sormovo” Shipyard. The enterprise is planned to be divided into civil and military subdivisions. The corporation itself expects to receive 100 % of the military production as an additional platform for non-nuclear submarine building.
Private owners of “Red Sormovo” call the plan to be exigeant because of its high cost.
Division of “Red Sormovo” will lead to “rise of return of financial placements” in shares of JSC “Red Sormovo”, as it is considered in USC.

Sovcomflot Got “Suvorovsky Prospect”

On the 15th of February “Sovcomflot” put into operation a tanker “Suvorovsky Prospect”of aframax class, built at the shipyard Hyundai Heavy Industries.
The vessel with deadweight of 114 thousand tons is designed for traffic of crude oil.
Vessel length is 250 m, width – 44.0 m, maximum draft - 15 m, it has ice class 1B. The project is designed for operation in the Baltic and Far East regions of Russia.

Shipyard named after the October Revolution Is Building the First Seiner for Kamchatka

Working session with fishing enterprises of the Kamchatka territory has taken place in the Big hall of the Kamchatka Territory Government Administrative Building. Presentation materials of JSC “Shipyard named after the October Revolution” were considered at the session on renewal of production of small seiners, Project 1338, and beginning of construction of РС-600 seiners building, instead of obsolete РС-300 of 388М project.

At the present time building of the first РС-600 seiner for the Kamchatka territory has begun at Shipyard named after the October Revolution. The Customer is “Kolkhoz named after Lenin”. Fishing all-season seiner with twice capacity compared to РС-300 seiner operating near the Kamchatka coast, will go to Kamchatkaу already in 2012. In addition to “Kolkhoz named after Lenin”, “Koryakmoreprodukt” is ready to place an order for building of a new seiner in Blagoveshchensk.

“Oka Shipyard” Has Started Building of Two Dry Cargo Ships

“Oka Shipyard” has started building of two dry cargo ships (project RSD44) for JSC “Volga Shipping Company”. According to designer Marine Engineering Bureau, keels of the seventh and eighth vessels of the series have been laid down.
The project is aimed for change of the base of today river dry cargo ship fleet – “Volga-Dons” and “Volzhskys” vessels. It is assumed to build 10 vessels for the first stage.
The first vessel of RSD44 project, which river deadweight is about 5440 tons, “Volga max” of “Kapitan Ruzmankin” class was laid down on the 24th of February and 2010 launched on the 23rd of November, 2010.

CJSC “Baltdraga” Bought 2 Dredging Vessels

CJSC “Baltdraga” bought 2 dredging vessels. The deal amounted to 122.74 million rubles.
As a result of auction the company bought dredging vessel “Professor Goryunov” for 78.68 million rubles, the initial price was 77.88 million rubles. Price of dredging vessel “Irbensky” was increased from 43.66 million rubles to 44.06 million rubles during the bidding.

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