The 6th week (January 31 - February 4)

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“Rescue from Ice Captivity Cost 150 million rubles”

Cost of the finished operation to rescue vessels in the Sea of Okhotsk exceeds 150 million rubles, said the head of Russian Federal Fisheries Agency Andrey Krainy.

“Now different estimations are called - 150-300 million rubles. The variance is explained that sum of 150 million rubles, called by Fesco, does not include cost of avia operations, fuel and downtime cost of vessels themselves”.

In the near future we should define if the events were the result of influence of abnormal natural phenomena, and then the state will have to pay, or these were mistakes of navigators and fishermen, and the companies will have to pay. 
“Loading of Nuclear-Powered Icebreakers Increased in Two Times”

Michael Belkin, Assistant to General Director of FSUE “Atomflot”, said at the conference “Arctic Frontiers” taken place in Norway, that considerable increase of transit traffic on the Northern Sea Route will occur in 2011. So even now Atomflot has received 15 claims on transit escort of vessels compared to four requests in 2010.
Norwegian shipowners point out, that use of the Northern Sea Route allows not only reduce time of cargo delivery and fuel costs, but also eliminate risks associated with piracy being widespread in the Suez Canal.
40 years ago keel of nuclear-powered icebreaker “Arktika” was laid down at the Baltiysky Zavod, all following nuclear-powered vessels providing vessel escort along the Northern Sea Route were built upon its project. Currently the Baltiysky Zavod is the only shipbuilder capable to built nuclear-powered surface vessels. Due to construction of the floating power unit “Akademik Lomonosov” the whole unique processing chain of construction of vessels with atomic power plant has been built at the factory after years of stagnation again, partnerships with contracting organizations and suppliers of reqired equipment have been established, team of specialists has been prepared.
Taking into account the tendency to increase the use of the sea route and removal of all nuclear-powered icebreakers, except for “50 let Pobedy” from operation to 2015-2016, the issue of construction of new units becomes more relevant.

“The European Parliament Proposes to Forbid the Use of residual fuel oil in the Arctic”

The European Parliament approached to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) with a proposal to forbid the use of oil-fuel on vessels entering the Arctic waters to prevent serious environmental disasters. It is also proposed to refuse vessels transporting oil-fuel in the quay to European harbors, if UNO does not support the proposal of the European Parliament.
Within the frames of resolution adopted on the 20th of January three proposals concerning use of residual fuel oil in the Arctic were presented in the European Parliament. The first remark of EU concerns the problem of ice melting in the Arctic, that is partly the result of large amount of soot emissions by ship builging facilities. In order to fight with this phenomena the European Union should develop strict rules to limit emissions of vessels entering the Arctic.
The second point offers to prohibit use of residual fuel oil for vessels entering the Arctic waters on the same principles that the prohibition of residual fuel oil in the Antarctic which will come into force on the 1st of August, 2011.
The third point contains the proposal: EU should refuse to accept in its ports vessels with residual fuel oil on board or residual fuel oil powered and which can cause high soot emissions. These rules should apply to all vessels entering the ports of Europe before or after their voyage to the Arctic.
Serious reduction of soot and sulfur dioxide emissions is possible, if vessels start to use more eco-frienfly fuel types, for example, diesel fuel or natural gas. Use of natural gas will help to reduce NOx emissions by 80 %, and CO2 emissions approximately by 20 % compared to usual types of fuel.

“Indian Aircraft Carrier is Being Prepared to Mooring Trials”

The aircraft carrier “Vikramaditya” being modernized by JSC “PO “Sevmash” is being prepared to mooring trials. Work in main rooms of the aircraft carrier is almost finished. More than 2 000 km of cables have been laid on the ship vessel, the problems regarding inner electrical wiring carried out by SPO “Arktika” is being solved.
Negotiations about transfer of the cruiser to India have been carried out since 1994. The contract for delivery of aircraft-carrying heavy cruiser “Admiral Gorshkov” was signed by Rosoboronexport and Indian Navy on the 20th of January, 2004 in Delhi. The contract cost is more than $1.5 billion, from which a sum from $600 to $700 million was planned to spend directly on ship repair and modernization.

“The Staff of the Plant “Zvezda” Is Going to Be Reduced”

It is planned to reduce significantly the staff of “Zvezda” plant, it is the first staff reduction in the history of the plant. At the present time total number of the plant employees is about 3 500 people. First of all, the reason is discrepancy of the staff to the volumes of current defense order.
At the same time there is a lack of high qualified representatives of working professions at the enterprise.
It is planned to dismiss 200 employees already in the spring, further several stages of reduction will occur.

DB “Vympel” Will Develop Project Documentation for Salvage Vessel for Navy

JSC Vessel Design Bureau “Vympel” will develop project documentation for rescue and salvage ship for Navy. Development of project documentation is carried out within the contract with a branch JSC “Center of Shipbuilding “Zvezdochka” - SE “Astrakhan shipyard Navy”.
The ship is designed for towing and floating off vessels ships and vessels, fire extinguishing of damaged vessels and coastal structures; evacuation of people and rendering medical assistance to rescued people.
It is also possible to provide power supply of damaged ship and keep it afloat for carrying out diving operations at depths down to 60 meters, as well collection of oil products with flash point over 60°C from sea surface and for surveys.

Ministry of Transport of Russia is Ready to Adopt Requirements to Ensure Safety of Crafts

Ministry of Transport has published on the website of the Ministry a draft order “For adoption of Requirements to ensure transport security, taking into account security levels for different categories of transport infrastructure objects and crafts”.
The requirements determine the system of measures for protection of infrastructure objects and crafts form potential, immediate and direct threats of commitment of acts of unlawful interference.
Measures contained in the plans of crafts protection sailing under the state flag of the Russian Federation and port facilities, developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of Chapter ХI-2 of International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea of 1974 and International Ship and Port Facility Security Code, are a part of the system of measures for protection transport infrastructure objects and crafts from acts of unlawful interference, referred to in the text.

Requirements shall be subject to compulsory implementation by all transport infrastructure subjects and extend to all juridical and/or physical persons being on transport infrastructure objects and/or crafts, used for merchant shipping or navigating.

“NOVATEK” and “Atomflot” Signed the Agreement for Icebreaker Assistance of Crafts along the Northern Sea Route

On the 2nd of February JSC “NOVATEK” and FSUE “Atomflot” signed the agreement for ensuring safe transportation of hydrocarbons for the Yamal peninusla on the lines of the Northern Sea Route. The document was signed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “NOVATEK” Mikhail Popov and Director General of FSUE “Atomflot” Vyacheslav Ruksha.
The document provides joint development of schemes and organization of cargo transportation for field construction of “NOVATEK” in the Yamal peninsula; participation in the pilot project of “NOVATEK” – “Yamal LNG”- regarding organization of liquefied natural gas transportation with the assistance of nuclear-powered icebreakers; organization of icebreaker assistance of crafts when gas condensate transported along the Northern Sea Route from Port of Vitino to the ports of the Asia-Pacific region in 2011.

Baltiysky Zavod Will Participate in the Tender for Construction of Nuclear-Powered Icebreaker

JSC “Baltiysky Zavod” will participate in the tender for construction of double draft nuclear-powered icebreakers of the new generation. As a representative of the company stated, the building of the icebreakers may take 3-4 years.
As was mentioned by the Assistant of Director General of FSUE “Atomflot” Michael Belkin, whose speech are quoted by the press office of Baltiysky Zavod, currently the company is the only one in Russia capable to built nuclear-powered surface ships.
Now “Atomflot” already received 15 requests for transit escort of crafts compared to 4 requests in 2010.
The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has previously instructed the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Finance Ministry and Rosatom to consider building of three icebreakers of the new generation until 2020 and the first keel laying shall be in 2011.

FSUE “Rosmorport”, Sakhalin Shipping Company and Gazprom Neft Shipping LLC Have Jointed ASC

Session of the Council of the Self-regulated organization “Association of Shipping Companies” (ASC) took place in Moscow on the 1st of February, 2011. FSUE “Rosmorport”, JSC “Sakhalin Shipping Company” and Gazprom Neft Shipping LLC have jointed the Association. Thus, the number of members of the ASC has grown up to 51 (including 5 associate members).
The Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Viktor Olersky, the Head of the Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport, Alexander Davydenko, the Head of Federal Agency for Transport Supervision Vladimir Popov, the Acting Director of State Policy Department in the field of maritime and river transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Anna Isaeva took part in the session of the Counsel.
On the 1st of February, 2011balance of the Association work in 2010 was summarized and priority areas of activity in 2011 were specified during the session:
1. Protection of interests and information support of shipping companies. Creation of positive image of shipping;
2. Improvement of branch legislation and normative legal base;
3. Development and implementation of self-regulation principles;
4. Improvement of interaction between legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation;
5. Improvement of interaction between industry associations and unions;
6. International activity;
7. Analytical work and preparation of legislative initiatives;
8. Innovations.
“Today ASC is the only association in Russia combining shipping companies, activity of which is connected with shipping operations by both marine and inland water transport. Therefore serious challenges face ASC regarding development of domestic shipping and enhance prestige of the Russian fleet”, said the President of ASC Alex Klyavin speaking in the session of the Council.
General meeting of ASC members will be held on the 3rd of March, 2011in the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Port of Ust-Luga Will Take upon Itself Export of Oil-Products

The first tanker with oil-products has left the quay of the oil cargo complex in the Port of Ust-Luga. The trip was made in the test regime. The next vessel from a new terminal will leave in March-April.
Oil cargo complex for oil-product export shipment with annular capacity 30 million tons is being constructed in the port. Total project cost is 26 billion rubles, committed capacity is about 30 million tons of oil-products per year.
After the complex starting, deliveries of oil-products to the Tallinn terminal can be reduced approximately by 10 million tons per year. Today about 14 million tons are transferred there, and Ust Luga can take upon itself 18 million tons.
Today “Rosmorport” is completing the dredging program in Ust Luga, assuming circular movement of crafts. It is expected that to the end of 2011 the port will be able to process vessels with deadweight up to 150 thousand tons.

“Admiralty Shipyards” Began to Built the Submarine “Novorossiysk”

Cutting of the metal for assembly of diesel-electric submarine “Novorossiysk” sections (Project 636) on “Admiralty Shipyards”. Submarine is designed for RF Black Sea Fleet. Term of the ship delivery to Navy of Russia is 2013.
It is planned to build additionally 2 non-nuclear-power submarines for Black Sea Fleet, term of delivery of which is up to 2014.
The submarine “Novorossiysk” was designed by JSC “Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering “Rubin”. The project 636 is referred to the third generation of diesel-electric submarines and is modification of submarines of 877 and 877 EKM projects. Maximum depth is 300 m, cruising capacity is 45 days, crew is 52 persons.

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