TANK FARMS AND OIL TERMINALS: operation, modernisation development

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Оver 160 C-level executives from the flagship oil terminals, tank farms and refineries of Russia and the CIS will take part in the 16th Technical Conference and Onsite Visit TANK FARMS AND OIL TERMINALS: operation, modernisation development (24-26 November, St. Petersburg).
The Conference programme includes the Onsite Visit to Gladkoe Fuel Terminal, Gazpromneft-Terminal. 

Among the panellists and speakers 2021:
  • Olesya Khruleva, First Deputy General Director for Operations, Gazpromneft-Terminal
  • Vitaliy Ponomarenko, Technical Director, Shchekinoazot
  • Rafael Aybedullov, Acting Chief Engineer, Tatnefteprodukt
  • Berik Sayakhov, Director of the Department of Pipeline Transport, KazTransOil
  • Andrei Zaikov, First Deputy General Manager, Novorossiysk Fuel Oil Terminal
  • Anatoly Tsybenko, Head of Kogalym Tank Farm, LUKOIL-Uralnefteprodukt
  • Aleksandr Poskrebyshev, Deputy Head, Petersburg Oil Terminal
  • Igor Fedotov, Project Manager "External Transport Gas Pipeline", Gazpromneft-Razvitie
  • Kseniya Semenova, Head of the Center for Design Services of the Capital Construction Department, Gazprom Neft
  • Denis Burunkov, Director of Operations, Novatek-Ust-Luga
  • Evgeniy Rybnikov, Head of Commodities and Feedstocks, NAFTAN
  • Viktor Usovik, Deputy Head of the Shop (Repair and Reconstruction), NAFTAN and many others.

General Sponsor: Gazprombank.
Silver Sponsor: KOZ Loading Solutions.
Bronze Sponsors: ROSEN Group, BORSIG GmbH.

To register, please click the link.

TANK FARMS AND OIL TERMINALS: operation, modernisation development / Фото: Vostockcapital
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"Новатэк-Усть-Луга", ООО Вистино
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