/ shipbuilding news

Special offer for participants!

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Ahead of the International Exhibition and Conference NEVA 2021, the Autonomous Non-profit Organization for the Development of the shipbuilding industry "Consortium of Ship Equipment Manufacturers" (ANO Sudprom) with the participation of NEVA-International LLC and Vector Marketing company has prepared an analytical report "Analysis of the Russian shipbuilding market".
The report cites the most significant achievements in the RF shipbuilding industry in 2020, presents a comprehensive analysis of the Russian shipbuilding market, including the current status of production capacities, an overview of the feasible projects and ships planned for construction. It also compiles a forecast of demand with an indication of facility completion schedules through 2035.

The report is intended for Russian and foreign commercial shipbuilding enterprises, ship equipment and outfitting suppliers, foreign companies interested in entering the Russian shipbuilding market, cooperating and localising shipbuilding product output within the RF. The report describes in detail the new point system for evaluating localisation level criteria introduced by Government Decree No. 758 of 19 May 2021, indicates the ship and marine equipment construction requirements in Russia and analyses the future sites for ship equipment localisation.
Special offer for participants! / Фото: "НЕВА-Интернэшнл"

The study has detailed tables and graphs with data on the number of ships contracted and planned for construction as of Q1 2021 and for the future through 2035. Based on expert polling and questionnaires of about 150 shipbuilding enterprises, the most complete list of shipbuilding projects was compiled. The analytical base will be updated regularly and made current every 3 months.

The report is available in Russian and English.
"НЕВА-Интернэшнл", ООО Санкт-Петербург
+7 (812) 321-26-76, +7 (812) 321-28-17

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