Russian LNG First Transported by Northern Sea Route Without Icebreakers

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NOVATEK reported that tankers Vladimir Rusanov and Eduard Toll have traveled through the Northern Sea Route.

The Arc7 ice class LNG tankers Vladimir Rusanov and Eduard Toll are successfully finishing the eastward travel through the Northern Sea Route, according to the press-office of NOVATEK.

In particular, Vladimir Rusanov has already completely traveled through the Northern Sea Route and approached the Bering Strait, while Eduard Toll has put out to the Chukchi Sea and sails through open water.

The tankers are transporting LNG cargo from the Sabetta port to the Rudong Jiangsu port. It should be noted that the tankers had no need in icebreaker assistance and the travel took as few as nine days, "which testify the outstanding icebreaking capabilities of the vessels."

"We are glad that, this summer navigation season of the Northern Sea Route was opened by the LNG carriers with cargoes belonging to our project. These are the first Russian LNG voyages through the Northern Sea Route without icebreaker assistance. Moreover, they are to start the regular LNG transportation through the Northern Sea Route enabled by unique capabilities of the Arc7 ice class LNG tankers designed for NOVATEK for our Arctic projects," said Leonid Mikhelson, the Board Chairman of NOVATEK.


Впервые в истории российский СПГ по Северному морскому пути провезли без ледокольной проводки
Перевод предоставлен ТТП Маринес


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