ROSGEO postpones the idea of new seismic survey ship construction

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ROSGEO State Corporation reports that in the near future the Corporation will be focused on purchasing specialized ships from the market, but later the orders may be
placed for new ship construction.
ROSGEO State Corporation intends to purchase the second seismic survey ship from the market, according to Kommersant. Consequently, the Corporation seems to postpone the previous idea of new ship construction. In 2017, ROSGEO purchased a ship of this type from Schlumberger.

According to the State Corporation head, Roman Panov, ROSGEO has a 'turnkey' solution of purchasing a ship for operation on the Russian shelf. This solution will depend on quantity of orders for seismic surveys from private or public companies.
Seismic survey ship // ROSGEO press-office
It may happen that, if available funds are sufficient, ROSGEO will purchase ships for 2D and 3D seismic survey from Zvezda shipbuilding facility in Primorski Krai.
"Росгеология", АО
"ТТП Маринес", ООО Санкт-Петербург
+7(812)336-65-67, +7(495)959-75-00

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