В марте 2014 Группа компаний "Морская Техника" поставила автономный дизельный генератор LIAG/MAN мощностью 375 кВт, производства компании Lindenberg-Anlagen.
Оборудование было поставлено для фрегата "Адмирал Горшков" проекта 22350, который строится на Северной верфи для ВМФ России.
Supply of equipment for the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov"
In March 2014 "Marine Technics" Group has supplied autonomous diesel generating set LIAG/MAN with the output power 375 kW, manufactured by Lindenberg-Anlagen.
The equipment was supplied to the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" of the project 22350, which is being constructed on Severnaya Verf for the Russian Navy.
Supply of equipment for the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov"
In March 2014 "Marine Technics" Group has supplied autonomous diesel generating set LIAG/MAN with the output power 375 kW, manufactured by Lindenberg-Anlagen.
The equipment was supplied to the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" of the project 22350, which is being constructed on Severnaya Verf for the Russian Navy.