ООО "СТМА" предоставляет следующие услуги

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Below you can find and pass trough to the major part of our activities and services in crewing:
  • Recruitment of Officers and ratings for different types of vessels;
  • Pre-employment selection and testing programs (Marlins; CES);
  • Cadet and new seamen generation program;
  • Training programs;
  • Pre-employment familiarization.
  • Visas support;
  • In-house booking of tickets for domestic and international lines;
  • Hotel reservation;
  • Meetings and dispatch of the Seafarers;
  • Supervision on route travelling.
"СТМА", ООО Новороссийск
+7 (8617) 30-35-36,+7 (8617) 30-35-37

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ООО "ЯМЯ-Инжиниринг" отметило 24-й день рождения
13:35 / события