/ shipbuilding news, shiprepair

On "Shipyard of Nobel brothers" motor ship River Palace was launched

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As the press service of "Shipyard of Nobel brothers" reports, on November 7 the passenger motor ship "River Palace" of the project 9.2760/6784 was launched after repair of pod propulsion system and ice strengthening was carried out.
Work was performed in time and shown to the Russian River Register in full accordance with the specifications of repair work agreed with the Customer.

Main information on the vessel:
The vessel is intended for the organization of water walks, banquets and festive events.
Motor ship River Palace was constructed in 1967, in 2008 was converted into floating restaurant.

Vessel length: 68,2 m.
Vessel width: 10,6 m.
Board height: 1,007 m.
Deadweight: 534 t.
Passenger capacity: 350 passengers.
"Верфь братьев Нобель", ООО Рыбинск
+7(4855)297-010, +7(4855)297-013

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