May, week 20th ( days 9 -13)

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The European Union launched the project “Blue Belt” to facilitate test procedures for ships engaged in transportation between EU ports. In the first stage, 250 ships will take part in the project on a voluntary basis. Their movement will be automatically tracked, while the data will be submitted to the customs before the arrival of ships. Therefore, the customs will have documentary evidence that the ship with cargoes of the European Union did not enter the ports of other countries.
Exercises of the Northern Fleet of Russian Navy and Norwegian Navy “Pomor” will be held from 11th till 16th of May in the water areas of the Barents and Norwegian seas. Large anti-submarine ship of the Northern Fleet, “Vice-Admiral Kulakov”, Norwegian frigate "Helge Ingstad”, coast defense ships, helicopters and antisubmarine aircrafts of naval aviation will take part in the exercises.
The Governor of St. Petersburg entrusted to the responsible persons of the Northwest Administration of Rosmorrechnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Sea and River Transport), state inspection for small boats of the Russian Federation Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Response and Rosprirodnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage) to develop an action plan to provide safety of navigation and passenger transportation by the 25th of May.
Nuclear-powered icebreaker “Taimyr” returned to the port of Murmansk for repair after detection of a micro crack in its reactor plant. Previously, the radiation control system fixed an insignificant increase of air radioactivity in ventilation of the reactor plant. The probable cause was a leak of the primary coolant circuit.
“Red Sormovo” shipyard intends to build none oil tankers in 2011 – every forty days – a tanker. Eight ships are designed for “V.F. Tanker”, and the ninth— for “SVL”. Tankers of “river-sea” class with deadweight of 5,530 ton, length – 141 m, volume of cargo tanks – 6720 m3. Class: KM * Ice1 R2-RSN AUT3 VCS Oil tanker. Currently they are the biggest Russian ships for river navigation.
UCS Line company opened a container line from the port of Ust Luga in the Leningrad Region to the port of Kiel, Germany. Ships will enter the ports along the route once a week. The agent of the line in Russia is “Jupiter” company.
Ships from the ports of the Far East that came out to Canada without Russian Phytosanitary Certificate will be apprehended. In case of detection of viable forms of plant pests being quarantined for Canada, the ships will be withdrawn from its territory.
North-Western Shipping Company intends to reduce the average age of the fleet from 18 to 12 years old in next 6-8 years. The first ships that will be put into operation by NWSC will be motor ships of DCV-36 type built by Chinese Qingdao Hyundai Shipbuilding. By the order of NWSC, LLC “Marine Engineering Bureau” designed a bulk-carrier of “river-sea” class of RSD 49 project with deadweight of 7,000 t. Ten ships of this type will be built at “Nevsky Shipbuilding- Shiprepair Plant”.

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