/ shipbuilding news

Krylov State Research Centre held the seminar for RMRS surveyors

0 744 1 мин
The seminar “Maritime operations for structures and facilities of oil and gas offshore fields” for RMRS surveyors was held by Krylov State Research Centre jointly with Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
The papers were delivered by experts of department for technical survey management of offshore oil and gas facilities (RMRS Head Office) and RMRS Astrakhan Branch, as well as by representatives of KSRC, "GNINGI" OJSC, Saipem S.p.A., CDB “Corall”. The seminar was also attended by the experts of “LUKOIL – Nizhnevolzhskneft” LLC.
The event covered a wide range of problems related to maritime operations for oil and gas field facilities, i.e.:

- planning of maritime operation projects;

- construction/installation operations;

- ballasting, stability, subdivision;

- navigational and hydrographic /hydrometeorological support;

- sea transportation analysis etc.

The speakers shared their experience in design, technical survey and maritime operations. During the seminar the participants were brought to a site tour at KSRC experimental facilities and visited test tanks and training & simulation complex.


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