January, week 5 (days 24-28)

0 410 9 мин
1. Draft law on support of navigation and shipbuilding reviewed by the Government Comission

Today, a draft law on support of national navigation and shipbuilding was reviewed by the Government Commission for Law Project Activities. This news was reported by Victor Olersky, Russian Deputy Minister of Transport during his interview to journalists in St. Petersburg, Portnews informs. Now, the document will be considered at a Session of the Russian Government and then introduced to the State Duma.

According to Victor Olersky, the draft law has been almost completely agreed with all ministries concerned. The only differences are those with the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economic Development and Trade as regards to determination of premium rates paid by shipbuilding yards for their employees.

“I believe that we have to find a compromise between the minimum zero premium rate and the maximum rate, which is 34 percent. Most likely, about 14-20 percent would satisfy everybody. In any case, a decision on this draft law issue will be made by the Prime Minister,” Olersky explained.
2 . Shipyard No. 35 included in the Murmansk Seaport
The Administration of the Murmansk Seaport held a meeting on inclusion of the territory of Shipyard No. 35 owned by Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center JSC in the seaport area.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Regional Ministries of Transport, Communications and Property Relations, Shipyard No. 35 of Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center JSC, Management of the Murmansk Seaport, and Northern Fleet HQ. As a result, the terms and procedures for further interaction were determined. The inclusion in the seaport area will enable business entities to render appropriate harbor services.

3. Agreement for two Misctral class ships
An agreement for construction of two Mistral class amphibious assault ships by French yards for the Russian Navy was signed on Tuesday. This transaction is represented as avantageous for both parties: France will get a job for their yards whereas Russia will obtain technologies.
According to Igor Sechin, the basic contract specifying the delivery terms and the contract value for joint Russian-French construction of Mistral class ships will be entered into in a few months. Also, he said that the final contract value is still negotiatied.
The reason why France had been selected as the partner was partly explained by A. Juppe, who said that advantages of strategic cooperation with Russia in the defense area are much more important than potential negative factors involved with such cooperation. “This is a position of France and its allies – Germany and, with certain reservations, Grean Britain”, he added.

4. Pregol Shiprepair Yard completes uipgrading of a dry-cargo vessel in Kaliningrad
On January 22, 2011, the Project 16290 Vasily Shukshin dry-cargo vessel began its maiden voyage after upgrading under the DCV10 project. The works were carried out by Pregol Shiprepair Yard Ltd. in Kaliningrad. The DCV10 vessel upgrading project was developed by Marine Engineering Bureau.
The refitting goal was to increase its freight-carrying capacity, cargo volume and hull strength. The upgraded vessel was assigned КМ L2 Aut1 Class of the Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping. The basis of the DCV10 refitting project is formed by application of high (2.6 m taking into account existing coamings) continuous hatch-side coamings, which, due to a considerable increase in the cross-sectional height, provide a concurrent increase in the standard overall hull strength (by 52%), hold capacity (by 21.05%) and deadweight (by 21.9%) in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines.
The deadweight in sea water is increased from 2750 tons to 3352 tons (i.e. by 602 tons or 21.9%); hold capacity - from 3330 m3 to 4031 m3 (i.e. by 701 m3 or 21.05%). Side and transverse coamings of the cargo holds are extended by 1.3 m upwards from the existing coamings.
In the fore (fr.112-116), walls of the side coamings pass into longitudinal bulkheads connected with the forecastle structures. In the aft (fr.27-29), the side coaming is connected with the aftercastle structures. A new deck is installed in the area of frames 108-116 at the level of the existing the forecastle deck and newly installed side coamings. Deck plating with framing is installed between the side and the end of the side coaming on each side in the area of frames 114-116 and connected with the existing the forecastle deck.
Recesses are made on the newly installed deck in the area of frames 108-114. These recesses are designed for foundations of lifting mechanisms for hatch covers. To service the hatch covers, a platform is mounted in the area of frames 38-103 at the level of about 2200 mm from the existing upper deck.
A new deck is installed in the area of frames 27-33 at the level of the existing aftercastle deck and newly mounted side coamings.
Recesses are made on newly installed deck in the area of frames 28-33. These recesses are designed for foundations of lifting mechanisms for the hatch covers. The hatch cover system for the cargo holds has no major modifications. The entire hatch cover system is transferred to the level of the newly made deck.
The Shiprepair Yard carried out the following main works:
- installation of new side coamings for the hatch covers (heightening of the existing coamings by 1.3 m);
- transfer of the hatch cover system to a new level;
- installation of new inclined and vertical ladders in the fore and aft to access newly made decks;
- arrangement of a new deck in the area of frames 108-116 and 27-33;
- arrangement of exits from the engine room and holds to the open deck;
- cargo hold ventilation led to the level of new decks;
- installation of a platform to service the hatch covers;
- installation of new life rails.
The upgraded Vasily Shukshin vessel is a single-deck dry-cargo vessel with the forecastle and aftercastle, two cargo holds, double bottom and double sides, transom counter, ER and living quarters located in the aft, and single-shaft propullsion system.
It is designed to transport general and bulk cargoes, including grain, shipping containers in holds, as well as timber.
Basic specifications after upgrading under the DCV10 project:
Overall length, m                               89.5
Molded length, m                              84.9
Overall breadth, m                             13.4
Molded breadth, m                            13.2
Hull height, m                                    5.5
Draft by summer waterline, m           4.878
DW at summer waterline draft          3352
Cargo hold capacity, m3
Hold No. N1, m3                               2019
Hold No. N2, m3                               2012
The upgraded Vasily Shukshin dry-cargo vessel has technical and economic parametersthat considerably exceed the vessel capacities prior to the upgrading, thus enabling it to effectively operate in the combined river-sea conditions. This is the third vessel in the series, where such operations were carried out.
5. A new yacht purchased for President
Turkish mass media inform that the Russian Presidential Property Management Department has bought a 53-meter Sirius yacht. It is expected that Dmitry Medvedev will take in guests onboard the Sirius yacht diring Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic games.
The yacht was built by Proteksan-Turquoise on Tuzla Yard and launched in January 2009. This vessel earlier named Leo Fun and owned by Italians was bought by Russia in December last year. The yacht has six VIP-cabins; its maximum speed is 18 miles (33.3 km) per hour. The yacht crew is 12 members. The yacht has its own laundry and refrigerating chambers. The yacht price is EUR 30 mln.

6. Repairs of the oldest paddle-wheel steamer will cost RUR 40 mln
Repairs of the well-known N.V. Gogol paddle-wheel steamer can cost as much as RUR 40 mln. Funding prospects for Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center were discussed with Ernest Belokorovin, Minister of Industry, Transport and Communications of the Arkhangelsk Region, who held a visiting meeting on the premises of Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center JSC.
The N.V. Gogol excursion vessel is the oldest operating paddle-wheel steamer in Russia. In 2011, it will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Last year, the steamer owner Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center JSC was awarded as the best regional museum.
For reference:
Basic specifications of the N.V. Gogol steamer in 1911/1992
Number and type of steam boilers:               Two fire-tube single-pass boilers
Steam boiler heating surface, m2:                 83,4/83,4
Fuel type, consumption:         firewood 40 cub.m/day / black fuel oil, 62 tons for 6 navigation days
Steam engine type, output:                            single inclined, triple expansion, 360/380
Length, m:                                                     66,5/70,7
Paddle width, m:                                           16/14
Loaded draft, m:                                           -/1,
Speed, km/h:                                                  -/18
Wind strength limitations:                             -/ 10-12 m/sec (strong breeze)
Number of passengers:                                  695/140

7. UCL Holding lays down 2 dry-cargo vessels for the Western Shipping Company
On January 27, Lotos Shipyard laid down keels of two self-propelled vessels, Project RSD-49, in Astrakhan for the Western Shipping Company. This project is implemented under a leasing scheme with the governmental support.
The prok=ject is financed by United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC (85 %) and the Western Shipping Company (15 %).
All-purpose river-sea dry-cargo vessels, 7000 DWT, are designed for export-import transportation of a wide range of cargoes. Compared to other vessels of the Western Shipping Company, its high cargo hold capacity, max 10.9 ths cub. m, will ensure their maximum utilization when transporting grain, paper, cellulose and sawn goods. The vessels will operate under the flag of the Russian Federaion in basins of the Baltic, North, Mediterranian, White, Caspian, Black or Irish Sea in areas located 100 miles away from the coast. The project was developed by Marine Engineering Bureau in cooperation with professionals of the Western Shipping Company and the shipbuilder.

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