/ shipbuilding news, sea launch

In Kerch "Mangust" S/N 02653 was launched

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On November 27 in Kerch the high-speed patrol boat "Mangust" of the project 12150 S/N 02653 was launched. It was brought from Rybinsk to the Crimea by transport.
On November 27 in Kerch the high-speed patrol boat "Mangust" of the project 12150 S/N 02653 was launched. It was brought from Rybinsk to the Crimea by road transport.

On the mooring of the Kerch port there was a dress parade of the crew of "Mangust" which was welcomed by a heads of Boundary group.

The servicewoman of boundary group of the Republic of Crimea became the vessels godmother. She broke a champagne bottle against the board and then "Mangust" was launched.

On November 28 mooring tests began which will be followed by running and state tests.

Fifth "Mangust" of the production program 2017 will be delivered to the customer till December 25.

Press service of JSC Shipbuilding Plant Vympel

В Керчи спустили на воду "Мангуст" с заводским номером 02653

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