GPS tracker LOOKOUT approved for canadian bison monitoring in Yakutia

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The Yakut project aimed at reestablishing the historic area of distribution of previously completely extinct wood bison is implemented in cooperation with Elk Island National Park in Canada.
The restoration of wild population of bison is one of the great aspects for international and regional importance in environmental, social-economic and scientific sphere.
"СервисСофт", ГК

Previously we wrote that GPS trackers LookOut Pro were selected by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Yakutia for Canadian bison monitoring, which are endangered.

Constant positioning monitoring is the part of good care about wild animals.
"СервисСофт", ГК

At the moment, LookOut trackers equipped with special comfort plastic case for additional protection on bison body.

LookOut Pro designed for extremal work conditions in antishock case IP 67, as totally self-powered box with Iridium SBD satellite module.
"СервисСофт", ГК

ServiceSoft team is open for non-routine tasks! Your assets is under control everythere on the Earth with our LookOut trackers together.
"СервисМарин", ООО

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