/ shipbuilding news, oil, arctic circle

Gazpromneft sent 300th tanker with Novy Port oil

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In 2017 five million tons of oil will be exported to Europe.
Anniversary, three-hundredth sea shipment of oil extracted on the Novoportovsky field in Yamal was made. Transfer of 37 thousand tons of raw materials on tanker Shturman Shcherbinin was carried out via the Arctic oil terminal "Arctic Gates".  

Since the beginning of operation of the Novoportovsky field more than 8 million tons of oil have been extracted, and about 7 million tons were shipped via terminal "Arctic Gates". For ensuring year-round transportation six tankers of the class Arc7 were constructed. Vessels can overcome ices up to 1,8 meters thick without help of ice breakers.

"There was time when transportation of hydrocarbons by sea was a serious issue for the New Port project team. Today, thanks to professionalism of specialists of the enterprise all stages of the sea scheme of shipment work smoothly and allow the company to achieve goals on development of a source of raw materials in the Arctic region", – the CEO of the Gazpromneft-Yamal Alexey Ovechkin notes.

The Novoportovsky OGCF is the largest oil field in the Russian Arctic. It is located North of the Arctic Circle. Recoverable oil reserves on categories C1+C2 – more than 250 million tons of oil and condensate, gas – 320 billion cubic meters. Novoportovsky oil is high-gravity.
"Газпромнефть-Ямал", ООО Тюмень

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