Final News Review. Published: 5 December 2014

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Leningrad Shipyard never ceases to please with orders abundance. On December 4 the enterprise laid the second type 11982 trial hydrographic vessel Ilmen for Russian Navy.
Ilmen hydrographic vessel is designated for testing specific technical means, participating in search and rescue operations, conducting research and oceanographic studies.
What else interesting has happened this week - find it out in our final review.

Shipbuilding and Shiprepair

The icebreaker for Kerch ferry repaired by 8 December
Zaliv Shipyard in Kerch proceeded to the final stage of repairs on board the ice-breaking ferry Kerchenskiy-2. The ferry was removed from the route in mid November and is scheduled to return for sailing since 8 December. Under the contract, the Shipyard was supposed to perform the following works: hull cleaning, painting, repairing some internal mechanisms.

Combined passenger transportation route to Crimea stops operating
Combined passenger transportation route to Crimea, which united three types of transportation, stops operating until May 2015. Transportation with "single ticket" that included travel by train, ferry and bus is terminated due to seasonal reduction of passenger traffic.

The unique ship of Russian Navy Marshal Krylov under repair in Vladivostok
Vladivostok Shiprepair Centre Dal'zavod started refitting Missile Range Instrumentation Ship Marshal Krylov. Currently the shipyard specialists carry out works with its main and auxiliary engines.

The Pacific Fleet ships return to Vladivostok
The Pacific Fleet formation returned to Vladivostok after fulfilling combat missions in the South-East Pacific on Wednesday. The main objectives of this long-term sailing were the presence of the Russian Navy and demonstration of the flag in the south-east Pacific.

Russian shipbuilders to get a long-term order for commercial ships
The Marine Industry Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation will form a consolidated long-term order for Russian shipbuilders to construct vessels and marine technology for offshore development, passenger traffic organization, researches, development of Northern Sea Route development and fisheries.

Type WB22MT-1 boat laid under Rosmorport order
Ice-class WB22MT-1 utility boat functioning as a pilot boat was laid at Yaroslavl Shipyard under the order of the state corporation Rosmorport on 28 November 2014. Among the others, the ship performs the following tasks: inspecting conditions of the shipping routes; transporting committee & crew members, and their families.

New Landing Ship Petr Morgunov to be laid early 2015 by Yantar Shipyard
The second type 1171 big landing ship Petr Morgunov will be laid by Yantar Shipyard early next year. Currently, the hull components assembling is underway. Petr Morgunov is to be laid in the first quarter of the year 2015.


The Black Sea Fleet intends to focus on development of bases and depots in Crimea
Next year, the particular attention will be paid to the organization of combat training for the newly-formed units, reconstruction of firing ranges, building of cantonments infrastructure on the peninsula. The main focus will be on preparation for the new ships, submarines and support vessels joining the Fleet.

Law on free economic zone in Crimea signed
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Law on the creation of a free economic zone in Crimea. This law will provide exemption from some taxes within the period up to 10 years and diminishing of administrative obstacles.

Russian Federation prepares all the documents for taking the matter to court in case of Mistrals non-delivery
Russia prepared all the documents for beginning legal action against France if Mistral-class amphibious assault ships are not supplied as per contract. The date when the documents will be submitted to the court is not known.

Joint Strategic Command begins to fulfill missions in Arctic
Joint Strategic Command (JSC) in Arctic started fulfilling its combat missions. Besides the Northern Fleet, the JSC will include: Arctic brigades, Air Force and Anti-Aircraft Defence units whose mission is protecting Russian interests in Arctic. Particular attention will be paid to strengthening the border security in this region.

Russian Navy expects to get 80 new support vessels
By 2020, the Russian Navy intends to take 80 auxiliary fleet vessels into the service. Currently there are more than 450 vessels in auxiliary Naval Fleet including 16 vessels received this year.

Lenin nuclear ice-breaker celebrates 55 years
The first nuclear ice-breaker Lenin joined the Fleet on 3 December 1959. It is the first surface ship with a nuclear power plant in the world. Now there is a museum on board the ice-breaker.

France threatens to leave Russia without Mistrals
Paris may not deliver amphibious assault ships to Russia due to political tensions. The Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has noted that right now France does not make any steps to deliver Mistrals. The ships are not to be delivered to Russia if the required conditions are not achieved.

Black Sea Fleet takes electronic warfare Murmansk in service
Electronic Warfare Centre of the Black Sea Fleet started mastering one more electronic warfare Murmansk that is new for the Fleet. The automatic system of electronic short-wave radio link suppression Murmansk-BN is designed for jamming short-wave radio links in enemy's operative command level.

Dal'zavod forming personnel reserve
The leading Far East region Shiprepair company Dal'zavod Shiprepair Centre, which is a part of the Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Shiprepair Centre, finished training and internship of the first group of experts as per the re-training program for engineers.

Incidents and Accidents

Korean trawler sinks near Chukotka coast
Korean trawler Orion-501 sank near the Chukotka coast, 55 people are missing. Russian fishing vessel Karolina-77 managed to save eight people including Russian ship surveyor. One of the seamen died.

Four people missing as result of self-propelled barge wreck in the East China
Four people were declared missing as a result of self-propelled barge with sand wreck last night near the Shandong province coast in East China. The incident took place in the waters near Yantai port. The ship was sailing from Liaoning province to Shandong province with eight crew members on board.

A number of accident victims on board Orion-501 trawler increase up to 26 people
Bodies of seven fishermen from the South Korean trawler Orion-501 that sunk in the Bering Sea were found on Friday; thus, a number of crash victims increased up to 26 people. The searches were suspended on Friday due to the darkness in the area and the storm.

Foreign Colleagues

SKIL Ports to build multifunctional terminal in Carangi
The SKIL Ports and Logistics company invests 162 million dollars in building a multifunctional terminal in Carangi. The new terminal is supposed to unload the near located largest Indian container terminal Jawaharlal Nehru in Nava Sheva Port that cannot cope with the increasing freight traffic.

USA to set up special protective zone for seals in Arctic
The USA Government is planning to set up a protective zone in frontier Arctic which will cover a total area of 900 thousand sq. kilometers. The environmental protective zone will extend along the Alaska coast in Chukchi Sea, Bering Sea and Beaufort Sea.

Member of the City Council Vadim Barannik becomes Board Member of Riga's port
On Wednesday members of the Riga City Council decided at the meeting to assign a member of the City Council and Chairman of Committee for Traffic and Transport Vadim Barannik as the Board Member of Riga's port instead of municipal R?gas Centr?ltirgus Marketing Manager and member of Jelgava City Council Ivars Yakovels.

Review prepared by Ekaterina Leonova

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