Later this year, Zvyozdochka Shiprepair Centre, Severodvinsk, is going to launch the production of modern Russian steering thrusters for sea-going vessels earlier manufactured and purchased only abroad. A specialized production workshop for steering thrusters has already been arranged on the premises of the enterprise.
New vessel (Type 20183) that will soon be laid by the shipyard is said to be equipped with Russian-made steering and propulsion system under Zvyozdochka brand.
For the other news of the week, see our final review.
Shipbuilding and Shiprepair
Repair works on Kruzenshtern sailer completed
On 6 February 2015, Kruzenshtern sailer, a ship of the Russian Federal Fisheries Agency (owned by Kaliningrad State Technical University) underwent an annual survey by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Earlier the ship was repaired at the Svetlovsk Shiprepair Yard. The units of the power plant as well as the auxiliary diesel generators were repaired on board Kruzenshtern sailer.
A South Korean company building an ice-breaking gas carrier for Russia
South Korean companies will build an ice-breaking liquefied gas tanker for Russia and a new passenger terminal in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Among the most promising projects of cooperation between Russia and Korea is a long-term agreement between RusHydro and Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-Water).
Belogorodskaya Shipyard restoring 13 commercial vessels
During winter inter-navigational period, Belogorodskaya Shipyard accepted 13 ships for dock repairs, including Borodino motorship, ShS-14, ShS-15, Puteysky-404 motorship, Puteysky-41 motorship, Moskovsky-501 dredger, PK-1, PK-67, PK-508, Potok motorship, Shtorm motorship, MZ-18 anchor boat and Breeze boat. So, the shipyard has the full stock of orders for winter repairs.
Four modern icebreakers to join the FSUE Rosmorport North-West Basin Branch fleet by 2018
In early February, the FSUE Rosmorport representatives visited the Baltic Shipyard and the Vyborg Shipyard, where modern diesel-powered icebreakers for liner services are built under state contracts. Subsequent to the meetings happened earlier, the Vyborg Shipyard confirmed its obligation to supply four line diesel-powered icebreakers for the FSUE Rosmorport by 2018.
Assembly of the reactor vessel for the new Russian icebreaker Arktika started
ZIO-Podolsk machine building plant started to assemble the reactor vessel parts for the new generation Russian-made lead universal nuclear-powered icebreaker LK-60Ya Arktika. LK-60Ya Arktika will be the world's largest and most powerful icebreaker. The icebreaker will have a RITM-200 reactor plant containing two reactors of 175 MW heat power each installed on board.
Marine Engineering Bureau submitting new designs of shallow-draft pushed convoys
In the course of researches, Marine Engineering Bureau created the designs of shallow-draft pushed convoys consisting of limited draft dry cargo vessels and oil tankers in various combinations. The draft of shallow-draft pushed convoy designed for Siberian rivers was set in the range of 1.40 to 2.35 m. Extended spring flood season of the Lena river was taken into consideration.
Repair of the Aurora cruiser to be completed in summer 2016
The Aurora cruiser will resume its operation after the repair in the summer of the year 2016. This statement was made by admiral Viktor Chirkov, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, just before opening the "Aurora in the history of the country" exhibition in the Central Naval Museum, St. Petersburg. Upon completion of the repair, larger exhibitions of the Central Naval Museum Branch will be resumed on board the cruiser. Aurora will be moored at its old familiar berth by the Russian Navy Day.
Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport building a rescue vessel for Sevastopol at the cost of 2.8 billion rubles
FGI Directorate of State Contracting Authority for Marine Transport Development Programmes announced an open tender for building a multi-purpose rescue vessel of 4 MW capacity. The vessel costs 2.8 billion rubles. The bidding deadline is the 6th of March. The applications will be processed on the 20th of March.
Retivy and Strogy corvettes to be laid on the 20th of February
The latest Retivy and Strogy corvettes (Type 20380) will be laid on Severnaya Verf (Northern Shipyard) on the 20th of February. The ships of this type have revolutionary performance and combat characteristics. Their main advantages are versatility, solidity, stealth, high level of automation and integrity of control systems.
St. Petersburg's scientists testing a unique aircraft carrier
Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg, designed the concept of the most advanced Russian aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier model is currently being tested in the research centre. Upon tests completion, she will be built in full size. The ship will be able to carry 100 aircrafts on board. Her hull was optimized to decrease total resistance by 20%. The aircraft carrier will feature the most advanced propulsion and power systems, radar equipment and missiles.
The Baltic Fleet Receiving a New Tanker
The Baltic Fleet received a new multipurpose port service vessel built by Pella Leningrad Shipyard. The BTH-74 has already joined the Russian Navy by order of the Commander-in-Chief. The ship (Type 03180) built for the Baltic Fleet has arrived at the main naval base of the Baltic Fleet in Baltiysk.
Mechanical Coal Ripper System Commissioned in the Posyet Seaport
A mechanical coal ripper system was commissioned in the Posyet commercial seaport owned by Mechel Group. The project was financed under enterprise conversion project. The use of a new mechanical coal ripper system rated for temperatures below 40°C allows to cut coal into vertical seams in open wagons and then deliver these wagons to electrical IR heaters and discharge on a wagon dumper.
The Russian Navy to Receive Two Survey Boats
Two large survey boats will join the Baltic and Pacific Fleets this year. Two large survey boats (Type 19920) with displacement of 320 tons and cruising range of 1500 miles intended for the Baltic and Pacific Fleets will be delivered to the Russian Navy Hydrographic Service this year.
New Ferry Line to be Launched Between Russia and Turkey
Transcamion agency launches a new ferry line (Novorossiysk - Yevpatoria - Zonguldak) starting its operation this month. The carriage of a truck (up to 19 m long) along the whole route will cost 1095 US dollars. The total capacity of the Rainbow ferry is 56 standard Euro trailers. The route from Novorossiysk to Zonguldak takes approx. 36 hours.
Sevmash to Hold Welcome Days in Regional Schools
Sevmash Welcome Days will take place in large settlements of Arkhangelsk Region. One of the schools in Shenkursk is ready to accommodate a kind of a shipyard's representative office. The decision to hold Welcome Days was agreed between Sevmash and the management of the Shenkursk school during Career Guidance Day organized by representatives of our enterprise, Zvyozdochka Shiprepair Centre and Northern Arctic Federal University.
France Deciding on Delivery of Mistral to Russia in the Next Few Days
Delivery of the Mistral-class amphibious assault ship Vladivostok built by the shipyards of STX France company may start next week. The Elysee Palace can issue a command on the Mistral’s delivery as early as the beginning of the next week so that the ship be fully ready for the delivery to the Russian side.

The Kerch Strait Bridge to be Built by July 2019
The construction of a transport connection through the Kerch Strait will be completed by 30 June, 2019. The project cost will make 228 billion 300 million rubles. The Customer is Taman Federal Highways Directorate FGI, Rosavtodor. The general contractor is the Russian company Stroygazmontazh Ltd.
Shipyard of Lena River Shipping Company Upgraded in Yakutia
The Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, Denis Manturov, held a working meeting with the Head of the Sakha Republic Yegor Borisov. The participants discussed import substitution and development of the regional industrial enterprises. One of the agenda issues was renovation of the Zhatay Shipyard of Lena River Shipping Company.
Incidents and Accidents
A Ship Missing in Indonesia
Indonesian Security Forces are checking information on possible wreckage of the ship. It is assumed to be Taruna Makmur ship. She was heading from Pare-Pare to the Tanjung Seaport. According to the information available, 197 passengers were on board the missing motor ship. The ship departed from Pare-Pare without registration in the port since no ship on route Pare-Pare – Tanjung bears such a name.
Ship Wreckage off the Italian Coast
A ship with migrants sank off the coast of an Italian island Lampedusa. 106 men were on board the ship, 29 died. The ship crashed on the 8th of February. Upon receipt of the distress signal a few boats of the Italian Coast Guard headed towards the scene of the disaster but the rescue operation was delayed due to unfavorable weather conditions.
A Cargo Ship Taking the Bottom in the Aegean Sea
A cargo ship from Cyprus took the bottom in the Aegean Sea. Rescue operations involving three tugboats take place at the moment. The ship was damaged as a result of the impact and water started penetrating the bilges. The rescuers were able to evacuate 11 crew members out of 22 using the helicopters. Other sailors remain on board the ship.
A Ship Wreckage in the Mediterranean Sea
A ship with 212 migrants on board crashed in the Mediterranean Sea. Nine men who survived after four days of staying at sea were rescued. Other 203 migrants died. Supposedly they were heading to Italy.
A River Ferry with 200 Passengers Sinking in Bangladesh
The wreckage of the passenger ferry took place in southern Bangladesh. According to the police about 200 men could be on board the ferry. Bodies of two dead men were found during the search-and-rescue operation, the fate of the others is still unknown. The ship wreckage could be caused by her overload.
Foreign Colleagues
The Port of Odessa Accepting a Heavy-Weight Dry-Cargo Vessel for Repair After Long Downtime
In early February, Melvill dry-cargo vessel was accepted in dock No. 4 of the Ukraine Shipyard that is an independent structural subdivision of the Port of Odessa. The ship will undergo all types of dock operations including a large volume of hull operations. It is the first large ship accepted by the dock after long downtime.
The Finns not Able to Order Ships from ARCTECH Shipyard due to its Belonging to the USC
The assets of Arctech Shipyard completely belong to the Russian United Shipbuilding Corporation that is black-booked for any future orders from the Finnish Navy. The Russian State United Shipbuilding Corporation bought a share of STX Finland in Arctech in December and became its sole owner.
China Shipping Launching Direct Container Service Between China and Myanmar
The Asiatic Wave container carrier owned by China Shipping Company arrived from China at the Port of Yangon, Myanmar, on the 8th of February having completed a voyage without intermediate transshipment. This is the first direct service from China to Myanmar. The route of 6.3 thousand nautical miles from the Port of Ningbo to the Port of Yangon through Ho Chi Minh City and Singapore was covered within 13 days.
Copenship Shipping Company Declaring Bankruptcy
A private Danish shipping company Copenship, fleet operator of more than 50 small-sized bulk carriers used for transportation of grains, iron ore and lumber cargo declared bankruptcy. The Baltic Dry Index approached the record low for the last thirty years due to ongoing decrease of freight rates this week.
Review prepared by Ekaterina Leonova